Tag: 1888

Vorlesungen Uber Friedrich Nietzsche 1888 Aristokratischer Radikalismus 188990

Free Download Georg Brandes, Per Dahl, Gert Posselt, "Vorlesungen Uber Friedrich Nietzsche 1888 Aristokratischer Radikalismus 1889/90"
Danish, German | 2021 | ISBN: 3796522297 | PDF | pages: 574 | 3.1 mb
Georg Brandes, einflussreicher danischer Literaturhistoriker, Kritiker und Biograf, halt als erster akademischer Lehrer Vorlesungen uber Nietzsche, wahrend dieser noch lebt und wirkt. Nach jahrelangem Totgeschwiegen-Werden teilt Nietzsche dies begeistert seinen Freunden mit. Brandes hat seine Vorlesungen spater um- und ausgearbeitet und zusammen mit zwolf Briefen Nietzsches an ihn publiziert (1889 auf Danisch und 1890 auf Deutsch). Schon in seinem Briefwechsel mit Nietzsche 1887 verwendet Brandes den Begriff Aristokratischer Radikalismus, der auch Titel der deutschen Ausgabe ist. Die Forschung hat bisher nur die Fassung der Aufsatze gekannt. Die funf Vorlesungen – bisher nie gedruckt – werden hier zum ersten Mal nach den Originalmanuskripten ediert und kommentiert. Die Gliederung ist vollig anders und der Tenor viel unmittelbarer als in den Aufsatzen. Die Ausgabe ist durchgehend zweisprachig (danisch – deutsch) und wird in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft fur danische Sprache und Literatur veroffentlicht.


Psychoanalysis The First Ten Years 1888-1898

Free Download Psychoanalysis: The First Ten Years 1888-1898 By Walter A. Stewart
2013 | 240 Pages | ISBN: 0415725755 | PDF | 10 MB
First published in 1969, this was a new assessment of Freud’s most creative years and the formative period in psychoanalysis and was the first book to attempt a systematic presentation of Freud’s early ideas, relating them to his later work and to contemporary psychoanalysis. During the years 1888-1898 Freud published 15 papers and one book. In addition many of his ideas were formulated in a series of letters and drafts that he wrote to Dr Wilhelm Fliess. This material provided new insights into the nature of Freud’s creative genius and gave new meaning to his published works. Psychoanalysis: The First Ten Years reviews these early papers, drafts and letters, and describes tentative formulations that, in spite of their value, were not developed further because of lack of time or a shift in interest. As Dr Stewart observes, ‘the study of this aspect of Freud’s work is perhaps the most exciting. Freud’s creativity in these years was remarkable. The ideas he discarded in this short period of time would, for a less gifted person, have been a full life’s work of which he could have been proud.’ There is a good deal of historical and literary interest in his account of Freud’s relationships with Fliess, Breuer and others, but the core of the book is the critical assessment and systematic presentation of Freud’s early major insights, which dramatically reveal a creative genius in the process of discovery.


Whitechapel, 1888

Free Download T L B Wood, "Whitechapel, 1888"
English | 2016 | ISBN: 1614178380 | EPUB | pages: 334 | 0.8 mb
This book is an example on how to create a story and characters that will have readers so enthralled and mesmerized that you can lose track of time." – Laura, verified reviewer


ImageRanger Pro Edition macOS

Free Download ImageRanger Pro Edition | macOS | 103 mb
We live in the day in which pictures are a common thing, especially with all phones being equipped with pretty powerful cameras. As such, your computer can end up the storage place of your picture collections, but it can be a hassle to manually handle it. In this regard, ImageRanger comes as an advanced picture finding and organizing tool.


ImageRanger Pro Edition (x64)

Free Download ImageRanger Pro Edition (x64) | 118 Mb
Easily manage your 100K photos. We live in the day in which pictures are a common thing, especially with all phones being equipped with pretty powerful cameras. As such, your computer can end up the storage place of your picture collections, but it can be a hassle to manually handle it. In this regard, ImageRanger comes as an advanced picture finding and organizing tool.
