Tag: Algebra

Lineare Algebra für die Informatik Vektorräume, Gleichungssysteme, Codierung, Quantenalgorithmen

Free Download Lineare Algebra für die Informatik: Vektorräume, Gleichungssysteme, Codierung, Quantenalgorithmen By Kurt-Ulrich Witt (auth.)
2013 | 186 Pages | ISBN: 3658001887 | PDF | 2 MB
Internet, Soziale Netzwerke, Spiele, Smartphones, DVDs, digitaler Rundfunk und digitales Fernsehen funktionieren nur deshalb, weil zu ihrer Entwicklung und Anwendung mathematisch abgesicherte Verfahren zur Verfügung stehen. Dieses Buch vermittelt Einsichten in grundlegende Konzepte und Methoden der Linearen Algebra, auf denen diese Verfahren beruhen. Am Beispiel fehlertoleranter Codierung wird einführend gezeigt, wie diese Konzepte und Methoden in der Praxis eingesetzt werden, und am Beispiel von Quantenalgorithmen, die möglicherweise in Zukunft eine Rolle spielen, wird deutlich, dass die Lineare Algebra zeitinvariante Konzepte, Methoden und Verfahren bereitstellt, mit denen IT-Technologien konzipiert, implementiert, angewendet und weiterentwickelt werden können. Wegen seiner didaktischen Elemente wie Vorgabe von Lernzielen, Zusammenfassungen, Marginalien und einer Vielzahl von Übungen mit Musterlösungen eignet sich das Buch nicht nur als Begleitlektüre zu entsprechenden Informatik- und Mathematik-Lehrveranstaltungen, sondern insbesondere auch zum Selbststudium.


Matrix Algebra Theory, Computations and Applications in Statistics (Springer Texts in Statistics)

Free Download Matrix Algebra: Theory, Computations and Applications in Statistics (Springer Texts in Statistics) by James E. Gentle
English | March 7, 2024 | ISBN: 3031421434 | 725 pages | MOBI | 38 Mb
This book presents the theory of matrix algebra for statistical applications, explores various types of matrices encountered in statistics, and covers numerical linear algebra. Matrix algebra is one of the most important areas of mathematics in data science and in statistical theory, and previous editions had essential updates and comprehensive coverage on critical topics in mathematics.


Group Theory and Hopf Algebra Lectures for Physicists

Free Download A P Balachandran, "Group Theory and Hopf Algebra: Lectures for Physicists"
English | ISBN: 9814322202 | 2010 | 268 pages | PDF | 6 MB
This book is addressed to graduate students and research workers in theoretical physics who want a thorough introduction to group theory and Hopf algebras. It is suitable for a one-semester course in group theory or a two-semester course which also treats advanced topics. Starting from basic definitions, it goes on to treat both finite and Lie groups as well as Hopf algebras. Because of the diversity in the choice of topics, which does not place undue emphasis on finite or Lie groups, it should be useful to physicists working in many branches.


Relativity and Scientific Computing Computer Algebra, Numerics, Visualization

Free Download Relativity and Scientific Computing: Computer Algebra, Numerics, Visualization By Werner Benger (auth.), Professor Dr. Friedrich W. Hehl, Dipl.-Phys. Roland A. Puntigam, Professor Dr. Hanns Ruder (eds.)
1996 | 389 Pages | ISBN: 364295734X | PDF | 11 MB
This book contains lectures given by leading scientists from internationally reputed centers of research and teaching who provide insight into the state of the art of scientific computing in relativity. It is split into four parts covering numerics, computer algebra, visualization, and exotic smoothness on spacetime. As well as introducing the techniques the authors stress the importance of combining complementary methods to attack complex problems in general relativity and gravitation. Care has been taken to select lecturers who teach in a comprehensible way, so this work provides an excellent introduction to scientific computing for students who wish to specialize in relativity, gravitation, and/or astrophysics.


Matrizen, Geometrie, Lineare Algebra

Free Download Matrizen, Geometrie, Lineare Algebra By Peter Gabriel (auth.)
1996 | 634 Pages | ISBN: 3034898738 | PDF | 18 MB
Der heutige Hochschulunterricht für Mathematiker gründet meist auf Abstraktion und führt vom Allgemeinen zum Speziellen. Die Methode hat Vorteile, sie stärkt das Denkvermögen und meidet lästige Wiederholungen. Doch sie "stellt den Pflug vor die Ochsen", weil Abstraktion auf Spezialfälle baut, die dem Lernenden oft fremd sind. So bleibt der Erfolg den Glücklichen vorbehalten, die den Weg von der Abstraktion zu den Beispielen finden. Dieses Lehrbuch führt von zwei Spezialfällen zur Allgemeinheit und gründet nicht auf Abstraktion. Die Beweise der abstrakten Algebra werden zuerst am konkreten Beispiel der Matrizen vorgeführt. Zur Schärfung der Anschauung wird dann die Begriffswelt der Elementargeometrie durchleuchtet. Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Lehrstoff der Schule dient der Vorbereitung auf die geometrisch gefärbte Sprache der linearen Algebra, die am Ende des Buches erläutert wird. Dem Text sind Anwendungsbeispiele und zahlreiche historische Kommentare beigefügt.


Linear Algebra for Signal Processing

Free Download Linear Algebra for Signal Processing By P. Comon (auth.), Adam Bojanczyk, George Cybenko (eds.)
1995 | 184 Pages | ISBN: 1461287030 | PDF | 5 MB
Signal processing applications have burgeoned in the past decade. During the same time, signal processing techniques have matured rapidly and now include tools from many areas of mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. This trend will continue as many new signal processing applications are opening up in consumer products and communications systems. In particular, signal processing has been making increasingly sophisticated use of linear algebra on both theoretical and algorithmic fronts. This volume gives particular emphasis to exposing broader contexts of the signal processing problems so that the impact of algorithms and hardware can be better understood; it brings together the writings of signal processing engineers, computer engineers, and applied linear algebraists in an exchange of problems, theories, and techniques. This volume will be of interest to both applied mathematicians and engineers.


Approaches to Algebra Perspectives for Research and Teaching

Free Download Approaches to Algebra: Perspectives for Research and Teaching By Nadine Bednarz, Carolyn Kieran, Lesley Lee (auth.), Nadine Bernarz, Carolyn Kieran, Lesley Lee (eds.)
1996 | 348 Pages | ISBN: 0792341686 | PDF | 18 MB
In Greek geometry, there is an arithmetic of magnitudes in which, in terms of numbers, only integers are involved. This theory of measure is limited to exact measure. Operations on magnitudes cannot be actually numerically calculated, except if those magnitudes are exactly measured by a certain unit. The theory of proportions does not have access to such operations. It cannot be seen as an "arithmetic" of ratios. Even if Euclidean geometry is done in a highly theoretical context, its axioms are essentially semantic. This is contrary to Mahoney’s second characteristic. This cannot be said of the theory of proportions, which is less semantic. Only synthetic proofs are considered rigorous in Greek geometry. Arithmetic reasoning is also synthetic, going from the known to the unknown. Finally, analysis is an approach to geometrical problems that has some algebraic characteristics and involves a method for solving problems that is different from the arithmetical approach. 3. GEOMETRIC PROOFS OF ALGEBRAIC RULES Until the second half of the 19th century, Euclid’s Elements was considered a model of a mathematical theory. This may be one reason why geometry was used by algebraists as a tool to demonstrate the accuracy of rules otherwise given as numerical algorithms. It may also be that geometry was one way to represent general reasoning without involving specific magnitudes. To go a bit deeper into this, here are three geometric proofs of algebraic rules, the frrst by Al-Khwarizmi, the other two by Cardano.


Topics in Noncommutative Algebra The Theorem of Campbell, Baker, Hausdorff and Dynkin

Free Download Topics in Noncommutative Algebra: The Theorem of Campbell, Baker, Hausdorff and Dynkin By Andrea Bonfiglioli, Roberta Fulci (auth.)
2012 | 539 Pages | ISBN: 3642225969 | PDF | 5 MB
Motivated by the importance of the Campbell, Baker, Hausdorff, Dynkin Theorem in many different branches of Mathematics and Physics (Lie group-Lie algebra theory, linear PDEs, Quantum and Statistical Mechanics, Numerical Analysis, Theoretical Physics, Control Theory, sub-Riemannian Geometry), this monograph is intended to: fully enable readers (graduates or specialists, mathematicians, physicists or applied scientists, acquainted with Algebra or not) to understand and apply the statements and numerous corollaries of the main result, provide a wide spectrum of proofs from the modern literature, comparing different techniques and furnishing a unifying point of view and notation, provide a thorough historical background of the results, together with unknown facts about the effective early contributions by Schur, Poincaré, Pascal, Campbell, Baker, Hausdorff and Dynkin, give an outlook on the applications, especially in Differential Geometry (Lie group theory) and Analysis (PDEs of subelliptic type) and quickly enable the reader, through a description of the state-of-art and open problems, to understand the modern literature concerning a theorem which, though having its roots in the beginning of the 20th century, has not ceased to provide new problems and applications.The book assumes some undergraduate-level knowledge of algebra and analysis, but apart from that is self-contained. Part II of the monograph is devoted to the proofs of the algebraic background. The monograph may therefore provide a tool for beginners in Algebra.
