Tag: Algebras


English | ISBN: 981020941X | | 756 pages | PDF | 10 MB
This book is an introductory text on one of the most important fields of Mathematics, the theory of operator algebras. It offers a readable exposition of the basic concepts, techniques, structures and important results of operator algebras. Written in a self-contained manner, with an emphasis on understanding, it serves as an ideal text for graduate students.


Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics Equilibrium States. Models in Quantum Statistical Mechanics

Free Download Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics: Equilibrium States. Models in Quantum Statistical Mechanics By Professor Ola Bratteli, Professor Derek W. Robinson (auth.)
1997 | 517 Pages | ISBN: 3642082572 | PDF | 19 MB
For almost two decades this has been the classical textbook on applications of operator algebra theory to quantum statistical physics. It describes the general structure of equilibrium states, the KMS-condition and stability, quantum spin systems and continuous systems.Major changes in the new edition relate to Bose–Einstein condensation, the dynamics of the X-Y model and questions on phase transitions. Notes and remarks have been considerably augmented.


Clifford (Geometric) Algebras With Applications to Physics, Mathematics, and Engineering

Free Download Clifford (Geometric) Algebras: With Applications to Physics, Mathematics, and Engineering By William E. Baylis (auth.), William E. Baylis (eds.)
1996 | 517 Pages | ISBN: 1461286549 | PDF | 42 MB
This volume is an outgrowth of the 1995 Summer School on Theoretical Physics of the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP), held in Banff, Alberta, in the Canadian Rockies, from July 30 to August 12,1995. The chapters, based on lectures given at the School, are designed to be tutorial in nature, and many include exercises to assist the learning process. Most lecturers gave three or four fifty-minute lectures aimed at relative novices in the field. More emphasis is therefore placed on pedagogy and establishing comprehension than on erudition and superior scholarship. Of course, new and exciting results are presented in applications of Clifford algebras, but in a coherent and user-friendly way to the nonspecialist. The subject area of the volume is Clifford algebra and its applications. Through the geometric language of the Clifford-algebra approach, many concepts in physics are clarified, united, and extended in new and sometimes surprising directions. In particular, the approach eliminates the formal gaps that traditionally separate clas sical, quantum, and relativistic physics. It thereby makes the study of physics more efficient and the research more penetrating, and it suggests resolutions to a major physics problem of the twentieth century, namely how to unite quantum theory and gravity. The term "geometric algebra" was used by Clifford himself, and David Hestenes has suggested its use in order to emphasize its wide applicability, and b& cause the developments by Clifford were themselves based heavily on previous work by Grassmann, Hamilton, Rodrigues, Gauss, and others.


Semigroup Algebras

Free Download Jan Okninski, "Semigroup Algebras"
English | 1991 | pages: 376 | ISBN: 0824783565, ASIN: B08FVGC3RV, B08KHP2B9N | PDF | 14,9 mb
Gathers and unifies the results of the theory of noncommutative semigroup rings, primarily drawing on the literature of the last 10 years, and including several new results. Okninski (Warsaw U., Poland) restricts coverage to the ring theoretical properties for which a systematic treatment is current


Unbounded Operator Algebras and Representation Theory

Free Download Unbounded Operator Algebras and Representation Theory by Konrad Schmüdgen
English | PDF | 1990 | 381 Pages | ISBN : 3764323213 | 40.6 MB
*-algebras of unbounded operators in Hilbert space, or more generally algebraic systems of unbounded operators, occur in a natural way in unitary representation theory of Lie groups and in the Wightman formulation of quantum field theory. In representation theory they appear as the images of the associated representations of the Lie algebras or of the enveloping algebras on the Garding domain and in quantum field theory they occur as the vector space of field operators or the *-algebra generated by them. Some of the basic tools for the general theory were first introduced and used in these fields. For instance, the notion of the weak (bounded) commutant which plays a fundamental role in thegeneraltheory had already appeared in quantum field theory early in the six ties. Nevertheless, a systematic study of unbounded operator algebras began only at the beginning of the seventies. It was initiated by (in alphabetic order) BORCHERS, LASSNER, POWERS, UHLMANN and VASILIEV. J1’rom the very beginning, and still today, represen tation theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras and quantum field theory have been primary sources of motivation and also of examples. However, the general theory of unbounded operator algebras has also had points of contact with several other disciplines. In particu lar, the theory of locally convex spaces, the theory of von Neumann algebras, distri bution theory, single operator theory, the momcnt problem and its non-commutative generalizations and noncommutative probability theory, all have interacted with our subject.


Theory of Operator Algebras I

Free Download Theory of Operator Algebras I by Masamichi Takesaki
English | PDF | 1979 | 424 Pages | ISBN : 1461261902 | 39.4 MB
Mathematics for infinite dimensional objects is becoming more and more important today both in theory and application. Rings of operators, renamed von Neumann algebras by J. Dixmier, were first introduced by J. von Neumann fifty years ago, 1929, in [254] with his grand aim of giving a sound founda tion to mathematical sciences of infinite nature. J. von Neumann and his collaborator F. J. Murray laid down the foundation for this new field of mathematics, operator algebras, in a series of papers, [240], [241], [242], [257] and [259], during the period of the 1930s and early in the 1940s. In the introduction to this series of investigations, they stated Their solution 1 {to the problems of understanding rings of operators) seems to be essential for the further advance of abstract operator theory in Hilbert space under several aspects. First, the formal calculus with operator-rings leads to them. Second, our attempts to generalize the theory of unitary group-representations essentially beyond their classical frame have always been blocked by the unsolved questions connected with these problems. Third, various aspects of the quantum mechanical formalism suggest strongly the elucidation of this subject. Fourth, the knowledge obtained in these investigations gives an approach to a class of abstract algebras without a finite basis, which seems to differ essentially from all types hitherto investigated. Since then there has appeared a large volume of literature, and a great deal of progress has been achieved by many mathematicians.


Positive Linear Maps of Operator Algebras

Free Download Positive Linear Maps of Operator Algebras by Erling Størmer
English | PDF (True) | 2013 | 135 Pages | ISBN : 3642343686 | 1.4 MB
This volume, setting out the theory of positive maps as it stands today, reflects the rapid growth in this area of mathematics since it was recognized in the 1990s that these applications of C*-algebras are crucial to the study of entanglement in quantum theory. The author, a leading authority on the subject, sets out numerous results previously unpublished in book form. In addition to outlining the properties and structures of positive linear maps of operator algebras into the bounded operators on a Hilbert space, he guides readers through proofs of the Stinespring theorem and its applications to inequalities for positive maps.


Operator Algebras, Operator Theory and Applications

Free Download Operator Algebras, Operator Theory and Applications by Maria Amélia Bastos, Amarino Brites Lebre, Frank-Olme Speck, Israel Gohberg
English | PDF (True) | 2008 | 443 Pages | ISBN : 3764386835 | 3.7 MB
This book is composed of three survey lecture courses and nineteen invited research papers presented to WOAT 2006 – the International Summer School and Workshop on Operator Algebras, Operator Theory and Applications, which was held at Lisbon in September 2006. The volume reflects recent developments in the area of operator algebras and their interaction with research fields in complex analysis and operator theory.


Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics

Free Download Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics: Volume 1: C*- and W*- Algebras. Symmetry Groups. Decomposition of States by Ola Bratteli , Derek W. Robinson
English | PDF | 1979 | 503 Pages | ISBN : N/A | 36 MB
In this book we describe the elementary theory of operator algebras and parts of the advanced theory which are of relevance, or potentially of relevance, to mathematical physics. Subsequently we describe various applications to quantum statistical mechanics. At the outset of this project we intended to cover this material in one volume but in the course of develop ment it was realized that this would entail the omission of various interesting topics or details. Consequently the book was split into two volumes, the first devoted to the general theory of operator algebras and the second to the applications. This splitting into theory and applications is conventional but somewhat arbitrary. In the last 15-20 years mathematical physicists have realized the importance of operator algebras and their states and automorphisms for problems offield theory and statistical mechanics. But the theory of 20 years ago was largely developed for the analysis of group representations and it was inadequate for many physical applications. Thus after a short honey moon period in which the new found tools of the extant theory were applied to the most amenable problems a longer and more interesting period ensued in which mathematical physicists were forced to redevelop the theory in relevant directions. New concepts were introduced, e. g. asymptotic abelian ness and KMS states, new techniques applied, e. g. the Choquet theory of barycentric decomposition for states, and new structural results obtained, e. g. the existence of a continuum of nonisomorphic type-three factors.


Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics Equilibrium States. Models in Quantum Statistical Mechanics

Free Download Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics: Equilibrium States. Models in Quantum Statistical Mechanics by Ola Bratteli , Derek W. Robinson
English | PDF | 1997 | 525 Pages | ISBN : 3540614435 | 40.1 MB
For almost two decades this has been the classical textbook on applications of operator algebra theory to quantum statistical physics. It describes the general structure of equilibrium states, the KMS-condition and stability, quantum spin systems and continuous systems.
