Tag: Approximation

Approximation, Optimization and Mathematical Economics

Free Download Marc Lassonde, "Approximation, Optimization and Mathematical Economics"
English | 2001 | pages: 405 | ISBN: 379081363X | DJVU | 4,1 mb
The articles in this proceedings volume reflect the current trends in the theory of approximation, optimization and mathematical economics, and include numerous applications. The book will be of interest to researchers and graduate students involved in functional analysis, approximation theory, mathematical programming and optimization, game theory, mathematical finance and economics.


A Tutorial on the WKB Approximation for Innovative Dirac Materials

Free Download A Tutorial on the WKB Approximation for Innovative Dirac Materials: Graphene and Beyond
English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031600649 | 397 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 66 MB
This textbook serves to supplement existing quantum mechanics courses with the WKB (Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin) theory for recently discovered Dirac materials, such as graphene, a dice lattice, and alpha-T3 materials. This includes finding the semiclassical wave function, coordinate-dependent momentum, semiclassical action, the complete set of transport equations, and applicability conditions for the approximation. The discovery of graphene and its unique electronic behavior has transformed research in condensed matter physics over the last 10-15 years, but core curriculum in standard graduate-level physics courses still does not reflect these new developments and this book intends to close this gap. With a clear focus on various types of Dirac Hamiltonians, the multidimensional theory is only a small part of the book. The derivation of the WKB equations for novel Dirac materials and their applications to electron tunneling, turning points and classically forbidden regions, resonances and localized states, and many other crucial physical problems are methodically presented.


Stochastic Approximation and Optimization of Random Systems

Free Download Stochastic Approximation and Optimization of Random Systems by Lennart Ljung , Georg Pflug , Harro Walk
English | PDF | 1992 | 119 Pages | ISBN : 3764327332 | 8.4 MB
The DMV seminar "Stochastische Approximation und Optimierung zufalliger Systeme" was held at Blaubeuren, 28. 5. -4. 6. 1989. The goal was to give an approach to theory and application of stochas tic approximation in view of optimization problems, especially in engineering systems. These notes are based on the seminar lectures. They consist of three parts: I. Foundations of stochastic approximation (H. Walk); n. Applicational aspects of stochastic approximation (G. PHug); In. Applications to adaptation :ugorithms (L. Ljung). The prerequisites for reading this book are basic knowledge in probability, mathematical statistics, optimization. We would like to thank Prof. M. Barner and Prof. G. Fischer for the or ganization of the seminar. We also thank the participants for their cooperation and our assistants and secretaries for typing the manuscript. November 1991 L. Ljung, G. PHug, H. Walk Table of contents I Foundations of stochastic approximation (H. Walk) §1 Almost sure convergence of stochastic approximation procedures 2 §2 Recursive methods for linear problems 17 §3 Stochastic optimization under stochastic constraints 22 §4 A learning model; recursive density estimation 27 §5 Invariance principles in stochastic approximation 30 §6 On the theory of large deviations 43 References for Part I 45 11 Applicational aspects of stochastic approximation (G. PHug) §7 Markovian stochastic optimization and stochastic approximation procedures 53 §8 Asymptotic distributions 71 §9 Stopping times 79 §1O Applications of stochastic approximation methods 80 References for Part II 90 III Applications to adaptation algorithms (L.


Quantal Density Functional Theory II Approximation Methods and Applications

Free Download Quantal Density Functional Theory II: Approximation Methods and Applications by Viraht Sahni
English | PDF | 2009 | 432 Pages | ISBN : 3540922288 | 5.8 MB
In my original proposal to Springer for a book on Quantal Density Functional Theory, I had envisaged one that was as complete in its presentation as possible, describing the basic theory as well as the approximation methods and a host of applications. However,after workingon the bookforabout ?ve years, I realizedthat the goal was too ambitious, and that I would be writing for another ?ve years for it to be achieved. Fortunately,there was a natural breakin the material, and I proposed to my editor, Dr. Claus Ascheron, that we split the book into two components: the ?rst on the basic theoretical framework, and the second on approximation methods and applications. Dr. Ascheron consented, and I am thankful to him for agreeing to do so. Hence, we published Quantal Density Functional Theory in 2004, and are now publishing Quantal Density Functional Theory II: Approximation Methods and Applications. One signi?cant advantage of this, as it turns out, is that I have been able to incorporate in each volume the most recent understandings available. This volume, like the earlier one, is aimed at advanced undergraduates in physics and chemistry, graduate students and researchers in the ?eld. It is written in the same pedagogical style with details of all proofs and numerous ?gures provided to explain the physics. The book is independent of the ?rst volume and stands on its own. However, proofs given in the ?rst volume are not repeated here.


Stochastic Approximation A Dynamical Systems Viewpoint

Free Download Stochastic Approximation: A Dynamical Systems Viewpoint by Vivek S. Borkar
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 280 Pages | ISBN : 9819982766 | 28.7 MB
This book serves as an advanced text for a graduate course on stochastic algorithms for the students of probability and statistics, engineering, economics and machine learning. This second edition gives a comprehensive treatment of stochastic approximation algorithms based on the ordinary differential equation (ODE) approach which analyses the algorithm in terms of a limiting ODE. It has a streamlined treatment of the classical convergence analysis and includes several recent developments such as concentration bounds, avoidance of traps, stability tests, distributed and asynchronous schemes, multiple time scales, general noise models, etc., and a category-wise exposition of many important applications. It is also a useful reference for researchers and practitioners in the field.


Approximation and Online Algorithms

Free Download Approximation and Online Algorithms: 21st International Workshop, WAOA 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 7-8, 2023, Proceedings by Jarosław Byrka, Andreas Wiese
English | PDF (True) | 2023 | 246 Pages | ISBN : 3031498143 | 5.4 MB
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms, WAOA 2023, held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, during September 7-8, 2023 The 16 full papers included in this book are carefully reviewed and selected from 43 submissions. The topics of WAOA 2023 were algorithmic game theory, algorithmic trading, coloring and partitioning, competitive analysis, computational advertising, computational finance, cuts and connectivity, FPT-approximation algorithms, geometric problems, graph algorithms, inapproximability results, mechanism design, network design, packing and covering, paradigms for the design and analysis of approximation and online algorithms, resource augmentation, and scheduling problems.


Sampling, Approximation, and Signal Analysis Harmonic Analysis in the Spirit of J. Rowland Higgins

Free Download Sampling, Approximation, and Signal Analysis Harmonic Analysis: in the Spirit of J. Rowland Higgins by Stephen D. Casey, M. Maurice Dodson, Paulo J. S. G. Ferreira, Ahmed Zayed
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2023 | 580 Pages | ISBN : 3031411293 | 67.7 MB
During his long and distinguished career, J. Rowland Higgins (1935-2020) made a substantial impact on many mathematical fields through his work on sampling theory, his deep knowledge of its history, and his service to the community. This volume is a tribute to his work and legacy, featuring chapters written by distinguished mathematicians that explore cutting-edge research in sampling, approximation, signal analysis, and other related areas. An introductory chapter provides a biography of Higgins that explores his rich and unique life, along with a bibliography of his papers; a brief history of the SampTA meetings – of which he was a Founding Member – is also included. The remaining articles are grouped into four sections – classical sampling, theoretical extensions, frame theory, and applications of sampling theory – and explore Higgins’ contributions to these areas, as well as some of the latest developments.


Exploring Mathematical Analysis, Approximation Theory, and Optimization 270 Years Since A.-M. Legendre’s Birth

Free Download Exploring Mathematical Analysis, Approximation Theory, and Optimization: 270 Years Since A.-M. Legendre’s Birth by Nicholas J. Daras, Michael Th. Rassias, Nikolaos B. Zographopoulos
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2023 | 474 Pages | ISBN : 3031464869 | 53.9 MB
This book compiles research and surveys devoted to the areas of mathematical analysis, approximation theory, and optimization. Being dedicated to A.-M. Legendre’s work, contributions to this volume are devoted to those branches of mathematics and its applications that have been influenced, directly or indirectly, by the mathematician. Additional contributions provide a historical background as it relates to Legendre’s work and its association to the foundation of Greece’s higher education.


Numerical Approximation of Ordinary Differential Problems From Deterministic to Stochastic Numerical Methods

Free Download Numerical Approximation of Ordinary Differential Problems: From Deterministic to Stochastic Numerical Methods by Raffaele D’Ambrosio
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2023 | 391 Pages | ISBN : 3031313429 | 32.8 MB
This book is focused on the numerical discretization of ordinary differential equations (ODEs), under several perspectives. The attention is first conveyed to providing accurate numerical solutions of deterministic problems. Then, the presentation moves to a more modern vision of numerical approximation, oriented to reproducing qualitative properties of the continuous problem along the discretized dynamics over long times. The book finally performs some steps in the direction of stochastic differential equations (SDEs), with the intention of offering useful tools to generalize the techniques introduced for the numerical approximation of ODEs to the stochastic case, as well as of presenting numerical issues natively introduced for SDEs.


A³N²M Approximation, Applications, and Analysis of Nonlocal, Nonlinear Models

Free Download A³N²M: Approximation, Applications, and Analysis of Nonlocal, Nonlinear Models: Proceedings of the 50th John H. Barrett Memorial Lectures by Tadele Mengesha, Abner J. Salgado
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2023 | 325 Pages | ISBN : 3031340884 | 48 MB
This volume collects papers based on plenary and invited talks given at the 50th Barrett Memorial Lectures on Approximation, Applications, and Analysis of Nonlocal, Nonlinear Models that was organized by the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and held virtually in May 2021. The three-day meeting brought together experts from the computational, scientific, engineering, and mathematical communities who work with nonlocal models. These proceedings collect contributions and give a survey of the state of the art in computational practices, mathematical analysis, applications of nonlocal models, and explorations of new application domains. The volume benefits from the mixture of contributions by computational scientists, mathematicians, and application specialists. The content is suitable for graduate students as well as specialists working with nonlocal models and covers topics on fractional PDEs, regularity theory for kinetic equations, approximation theory for fractional diffusion, analysis of nonlocal diffusion model as a bridge between local and fractional PDEs, and more.
