Tag: Auto

VovSoft Auto Change Screensavers 1.7

Free Download VovSoft Auto Change Screensavers 1.7 | 4.1 Mb
Vovsoft Auto Change Screensavers is a desktop tool that will change your screensavers. Forget about setting different screensavers manually and use this compact app that will automatically run screensavers for you in whichever order you prefer.


Unlocking the Power of Auto-GPT and Its Plugins Implement, customize, and optimize Auto-GPT

Free Download Unlocking the Power of Auto-GPT and Its Plugins: Implement, customize, and optimize Auto-GPT for building robust AI applications by Wladislav Cugunov
English | September 13, 2024 | ISBN: 1805128280 | 142 pages | EPUB | 2.10 Mb
Harness the revolutionary power of Auto-GPT and its plugins to transform your projects with advanced AI capabilities


ALPHA BIM Auto Join 1.0.5

Free Download ALPHA BIM Auto Join 1.0.5 | 11 Mb
The Auto Join add-in simplifies the Join/Unjoin process for multiple elements by enabling users to set rules and perform the action with just one click. It is a straightforward and efficient add-in.


The Road Forward Navigating the Labyrinth of Auto Insurance

Free Download The Road Forward: Navigating the Labyrinth of Auto Insurance by Yunus Baaqi
English | January 28, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CTH76X7X | 76 pages | EPUB | 0.22 Mb
"The Road Forward: Navigating the Labyrinth of Auto Insurance" is an essential guide that takes you on an enlightening journey through the multifaceted world of auto insurance. This comprehensive book unfolds the intricate layers of the industry, from its historical roots to the innovative trends shaping its future. With chapters like "The Historical Highway" and "Digital Highways," it delves into the evolution of auto insurance and the profound impact of technology and big data.


Big Citi Loops Auto 808 Tunez WAV MiDi

Free Download Big Citi Loops Auto 808 Tunez WAV MiDi | 25 September 2024 | 95 MB
‘Auto 808 TuneZ’ by Big Citi Loops is a work of art. If you like Auto Tunes and Sub 808s, this product is just for you. The 808 sound & Royalty-Free autotune vocals are custom made from scratch by an in-House / EDM / Electro production team.


Master Auto Layouts in Figma for Web & UI Design

Free Download Master Auto Layouts in Figma for Web & UI Design
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/master-auto-layouts-in-figma-for-web-and-ui-design/2042735417✅Genre / Category: Drawing & Painting , Art
File Size :476 MB
Product Details
Unlock the full potential of your web and UI designs by mastering Auto Layouts in Figma. This course is designed for beginner to intermediate designers who often feel overwhelmed by the complexities of Auto Layouts. We break it down into easy-to-understand steps, showing you how to create responsive designs that adapt seamlessly across different screen sizes. Whether you’re building websites, mobile apps, or wire frames, this course will teach you how to use Auto Layouts efficiently to save time and boost your productivity. You’ll dive deep into the core features and advanced techniques of Auto Layouts, enabling you to create dynamic, responsive components. With hands-on lessons, you’ll learn how to build scalable design systems that are clean, flexible, and easy to maintain. From creating buttons and forms to complex layouts, this course equips you with practical skills that will elevate your design workflow. What’s more, we’ve included exercise Figma files so you can practice along with each lesson! By the end of this course, Auto Layouts will no longer feel like a challenge, but rather an essential tool in your design toolkit. Get ready to transform the way you approach UI and web design in Figma!


Vom Urknall bis zum E-Auto, 2. Auflage

Free Download Vom Urknall bis zum E-Auto: Ein Museumsführer durch (fast) 14 Milliarden Jahre Geschichte
Deutsch | 2024 | ISBN: 365844407X | 235 Pages | PDF (True) | 3 MB
Nur im Museum ist es möglich, in wenigen Schritten Milliarden Jahre Evolution, Menschheits- oder Technikgeschichte hinter sich zu bringen. Auf dem Weg durch fast 14 Milliarden Jahre stellt dieses Buch auf kurzweilige Art Museen und das in ihnen präsentierte Wissen vor. In zwanzig Stationen geht es vom Urknall über die Entstehung der Erde und des Lebens, zur Gründung erster Königreiche, zu Kleopatra, Luther und den Menschenrechten, zu Napoleon, Computern und dem Klimawandel. Man erfährt, warum Kuh und Wal so nahe Verwandte sind, warum die Preußen schon lange vor dem Berliner Hauptstadt-Flughafen ruinöse Bauprojekte realisierten und ob wir Menschen die Chance haben, jemals eine Supernova mit bloßen Augen zu sehen. Auf dieser unterhaltsamen Reise durch Raum und Zeit geht es aber auch um die Museen selbst, ihre Entstehungsgeschichten und ihre oft exzentrischen Gründer – unter denen einer die Wildtiere kurzerhand selbst erschoss, die er ausstellen wollte, während ein andererkistenweise Landkarten und Bücher aus Japan stahl, bevor Stürme ihn zurück an die Küste warfen, oder jener dritte, der sich inmitten seiner Ausstellungsfläche begraben ließ und dort noch immer liegt. In diesem Buch vergehen (fast) 14 Milliarden Jahre wie im Flug.
