Tag: Berkeley

BOINC Hochleistungsrechnen mit Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing

Free Download BOINC: Hochleistungsrechnen mit Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing By Christian Benjamin Ries (auth.)
2012 | 370 Pages | ISBN: 3642233821 | PDF | 6 MB
Mit BOINC können hochskalierbare, komplexe und rechenintensive Probleme im Sinne des Public Resource Computing (PRC) Prinzips gelöst werden. Freiwillige melden sich bei einem BOINC-Projekt an und stellen ihre Rechnerressourcen zur Verfügung. BOINC unterstützt alle gängigen Betriebssysteme und auch alle "Exoten". Dies hat seinen Preis. Die Installation, Konfiguration und Wartung eines BOINC-Projekts ist aufwändig, kompliziert und sehr fehleranfällig. In vier Teilen (Grundlagen, Technik, BOINC, Praxis) stellt der Autor die einzelnen Entwicklungsschritte dar, so dass erfolgreich ein voll funktionsfähiges BOINC-Projekt erstellt und effizient gewartet werden kann. Es wird besonders auf die verschiedenen Implementierungsmöglichkeiten Wert gelegt, um eine heterogene Umgebung – auf Anwenderseite – für die Lösung der Probleme nutzen zu können. Reale Praxisbeispiele runden das Buch ab.


Berkeley’s Puzzle What Does Experience Teach Us

Free Download John Campbell, "Berkeley’s Puzzle: What Does Experience Teach Us?"
English | ISBN: 0198777566 | 2016 | 224 pages | PDF | 19 MB
Sensory experience seems to be the basis of our knowledge and conception of mind-independent things. The puzzle is to understand how that can be: even if the things we experience (apples, tables, trees, etc), are mind-independent how does our sensory experience of them enable us to conceive of them as mind-independent? George Berkeley thought that sensory experience can only provide us with the conception of mind-dependent things, things which cannot exist when they aren’t being perceived.


The Next Run A UC Berkeley Student’s Rise to Major 60s Pot Smuggler

Free Download The Next Run: A UC Berkeley Student’s Rise to Major 60s Pot Smuggler by Tom Jenkins
English | April 27th, 2024 | ISBN: 9798986026329 | 402 pages | True EPUB | 1.08 MB
The true story of a 60s Berkeley student who starts smuggling pot hidden in cars, graduates to planes, resorts to wading sacks through the Rio Grande, and ultimately finds himself heading the Colombian end of an operation using a twin-engine cargo plane to drop bales to waiting speedboats off the coast of Florida. At the same time, his Mexican contacts are sending him six-ton loads transported in semis past a bribed customs officer. His next move stuns the smuggling world.


Berkeley Castle Tales

Free Download Stuart J. Prior, "Berkeley Castle Tales"
English | ISBN: 1803275685 | 2023 | 188 pages | PDF | 24 MB
Berkeley Castle Tales presents the outcomes of the 15-year-long University of Bristol excavations and landscape research at the Berkeley Castle estate in South Gloucestershire. The project, which in 2016 won the prestigious Current Archaeology award for the Archaeology Project of the Year, aimed at writing, through material culture and extensive archival and geophysical research, the narrative behind the construction of Berkeley Castle, the corresponding town, and the area of the Severn valley that overlooks the borders with Wales. By combining the results of archaeological fieldwork with information contained in the castle’s impressive collection of 20,000 historical documents, the project adds greatly to our knowledge and understanding of the early medieval period and the subsequent changes in landscape and society that occurred with the coming of the Normans, with the erection of a castle on the former minster site. Throughout the publication the advances that the Berkeley Castle project offered to archaeological practice, to excavation and geophysics methodology, and to the community and public archaeology are evident, since the editors intend the volume to be a milestone not only for the study of a castle landscape but also for archaeological method and practice.
