Tag: Ceramic

Advances in Ceramic Coatings and Ceramic-Metal Systems Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 26, Number 3

Free Download Advances in Ceramic Coatings and Ceramic-Metal Systems: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 26, Number 3 By
2006 | 403 Pages | ISBN: 1574982338 | PDF | 39 MB
This volume includes 46 contributed articles from the Advanced Ceramic Coatings for Structural, Environmental and Functional Applications and the International Symposium on Advances in Ceramic-Metal Systems symposia. Topics include processing and microstructure design, mechanical and thermal properties, advanced testing and non-destructive evaluation, wear, erosion and corrosion behavior, functional properties and modeling. A significant portion of the contributed articles focus on current state-of-the-art industrial applications of ceramic coatings and ceramic-metal composites.Content: Chapter 1 New Thermal Barrier Coatings Based on Pyrochlore/YSZ Double Layer Systems (pages 2-10): Robert Va?en and Detlev StoverChapter 2 Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Advanced Oxide Materials for Higher?Temperature Coatings Applications (pages 11-19): Sung R. Choi, Narottam P. Bansal and Dongming ZhuChapter 3 Sintering, Phase Stability, and Thermal Conductivity of Plasma?Sprayed Gd2O3?Stabilized ZrO2 (pages 21-28): Mohamed N. Rahaman, Jacob R. Gross, Rollie E. Dutton and Hsin WangChapter 4 Curvature Studies of Unconstrained Thermal Barrier Composites (pages 29-36): O. Zubacheva, J. Malzbender, R. W. Steinbrech, L. Singheiser and U. SchulzChapter 5 Manufacture and Properties of Segmented Thermal Barrier Coatings (pages 37-45): Robert Va?en, Hongbo Guo and Detlev StoverChapter 6 Effect of Scattering on the Heat Transfer Behavior of a Typical Semitransparent TBC Material on a Substrate (pages 47-54): Charles M. SpucklerChapter 7 Determination of the Fracture Toughness of Thermally Grown Oxide (TGO) in a Thermal Barrier System (pages 55-62): Jurgen Malzbender, Isabel Escobar, Roland Herzog, Rolf W. Steinbrech and Heinrich OttelChapter 8 On the Thermal Cycling and Evolution of Surface Morphology for Thermally Cycled NiCoCrAlY Bondcoats (pages 64-72): Jun Shi, Anette M. Karlsson, Bernd Baufeld and Marion BartschChapter 9 Stress Distribution in APS?TBCs Under Thermal Cycling Loading Conditions (pages 73-80): P. Bednarz, R. Herzog, E. Trunova, R. W. Steinbrech, H. Echsler, W. J. Quadakkers, F. Schubert and L. SingheiserChapter 10 Damage Process of Thermal Barrier Coating Subjected to Thermal Cycling Under High Heat Flux (pages 81-88): Mitsutoshi Okada, Tohru Hisamatsu, Ryuichi Ohtani, Hideyuki Arikawa and Yoshitaka KojimaChapter 11 Investigation of Thermal Fatigue Life Prediction of Thermal Barrier Coating (pages 89-93): Y. Ohtake, T. Natsumura and K. MiyazawaChapter 12 Microstructure and Phase Constituents of the Thermally Grown Oxide in Thermal Barrier Coatings (pages 95-102): S. Laxman, H. Heinrich and Y. H. SohnChapter 13 The Role of Cyclic Mechanical Loading and Thermal Gradients in Damage Behavior of Thermal Barrier Coating Systems (pages 103-110): Marion Bartsch, Bemd Baufeld, Serdar Dalkrilic and Michael HeinzelmannChapter 14 Thermal Wave Imaging Application in Thermal Barrier Coatings (pages 112-119): B. Franke, Y. H. Sohn, X. Chen, J. R. Price and Z. MutasimChapter 15 Nondestructive Evaluation of Thermal Barrier Coatings by Mid?Infrared Reflectance Imaging (pages 121-128): Jeffrey I. Eldridge, Charles M. Spuckler, James A. Nesbitt and Richard E. MartinChapter 16 Damage Detection of Thermal Barrier Coatings by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (pages 129-136): B. Jayaraj, S. Vishweswaraiah, V. H. Desai and Y. H. SohnChapter 17 Thermal Behaviour of Thermal Barrier Coatings and Steel/Thermal Barrier Coatings Structures (pages 137-144): Eugenio Garcia, Reza Soltani, Thomas W. Coyle, Javad Mostaghimi, Angel De Pablos, Maria Isabel Osendi and Pilar MiranzoChapter 18 Development and Evaluation of Ceramic Components and EBCS For Gas Turbine (pages 146-157): Takero Fukudome, Sazo Tsuruzono, Tetsuo Tatsumi, Yoshihiro Ichikawa, Tohru Hisamatsu and Isao YuriChapter 19 Crack Driving Forces in a Multilayered Coating System for Ceramic Matrix Composite Substrates (pages 159-166): Louis J. Ghosn, Dong Ming Zhu and Robert A. MillerChapter 20 Producing Surface Coatings on Silicon Nitride by Pack Cementation (pages 167-172): S. D. Nunn, R. A. Lowden and F. C. MontgomeryChapter 21 Metal?Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition of Environmental Barrier Coatings for All?Oxide Ceramic Matrix Composites (pages 173-179): I. Troster, S. V. Samoilenkov, G. Wahl, W. Braue, P. Mechnich and H. SchneiderChapter 22 The Oxidation of Aluminum Silicon Carbide (pages 181-188): Roger Wills and Steve GoodrichChapter 23 Solid?Particle Erosion of Thin Films Deposited on Ceramics (pages 190-198): S. Singh, D. Singh, J. P. Singh, R. N. Singh and J. L. RoutbortChapter 24 Ceramic and Cermet Coatings for Cylinder Liners in Ultra?Light Weight Engines (pages 199-209): Antonio Candel, Rainer Gadow and Daniel LopezChapter 25 Al2O3 and SiO2 Coatings for Improving the Wear Resistance of Glass Panes (pages 211-218): G. Fehringer and R. ClasenChapter 26 Characterization of Spin?Coated Terbium?Doped Strontium Cerate Thin Film Membranes (pages 219-227): Mohamed M. Elbaccouch, Satyajit Shukla, Nahid Mohajeri, Sudipta Seal and Ali T?RaissiChapter 27 Cermet and Hard Metal Coatings for Advanced Large Diesel Engines with Reduced Pollutant Emissions (pages 229-237): Antonio Candel, Rainer Gadow and Daniel LopezChapter 28 Stabilization of Ethanol Based Ceramic Suspensions for Electrophoretic Deposition (pages 239-246): Mohan Menon, Sophie Decouroelle, Nizar Attia, Severine Ramousse and Peter Halvor LarsenChapter 29 The Role of Wetting and Reactivity in Infiltration of Ceramic?Metal Composites (pages 248-261): Rajiv Asthana, Mrityunjay Singh and Natalia SobczakChapter 30 Enhanced Wettability by Copper Electroless Coating of Carbon Nanotubes (pages 263-270): Camille Probst, Celine Goujon, Raynald Gauvin and Robin A. L. DrewChapter 31 Fabrication of Strengthened and Toughened Intra?Type Ceramic Matrix Nanocomposites using a Soaking Method (pages 271-279): Seong?Min Choi, Takuya Matsunaga, Sawao Honda, Shinobu Hashimoto, Yoshitomo Kobayashi and Hideo AwajiChapter 32 Fabrication and Damping Behavior of Barium Titanate Reinforced Copper Matrix Composites (pages 281-288): T. A. Asare, J. P. Schultz, B. D. Poquette, A. O. Aning and S. L. KampeChapter 33 Shape?Preserving Chemical Conversion of Self?Assembled 3?D Bioclastic Micro/Nanostructures Via Low?Temperature Displacement Reactions (pages 289-296): Shawn M. Allan, Michael R. Weatherspoon, Phillip D. Graham, Ye Cai, Michael S. Haluska, Robert L. Snyder and Kenneth H. SandhageChapter 34 Thermally Sprayed Prepregs for Advanced Metal Matrix Composites (pages 298-307): R. Gadow and K. V. NiessenChapter 35 THKO?Formed Light Metal Composites with Light?Weight Ceramic Fibers (pages 309-317): R. Gadow, K. V. Niessen and P. UnseldChapter 36 Development of Glass/Nano?Ceramic Composites for Sealing Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (pages 320-330): M. Brochu, B. D. Gauntt, D. Zschiesche, R. Shah and R. E. LoehmanChapter 37 Co?Sintering Behaviour of Porous Ni?YSZ Composite SOFC Anodes (pages 331-340): R. M. C. Clemmer and S. F. CorbinChapter 38 Reactive Air Brazing of LSCoF and Alumina with Ag?V2O5 Alloys for SOFC Applications (pages 341-348): N. M. Zink, A. M. Meier, K. S. Weil and J. S. HardyChapter 39 Photonic Fractals of Dielectric and Metal Media for Electromagnetic Wave Localization (pages 349-360): Y. Miyamoto, S. Kirihara, M. W. Takeda, K. Honda and K. SakodaChapter 40 Integration of Ceramic/Epoxy Photonic Fractals with Localization of Electromagnetic Waves (pages 361-366): A. Mori, S. Kirihara, Y. Miyamoto, M. W. Takeda, K. Honda and K. SakodaChapter 41 Strong Localization of Electromagnetic Wave in Ceramic/Epoxy Photonic Fractals with Menger?Sponge Structure (pages 367-372): Soshu Kirihara, Yoshinari Miyamoto, Mitsuo Wada Takeda, Katsuya Honda and Kazuaki SakodaChapter 42 Aluminum Air Brazing for Joining Ceramics (pages 374-382): Jin Yong Kim, John S. Hardy and K. Scott WeilChapter 43 Brazing of Stainless Steel to YSZ Using Silver?Base Brazes (pages 383-390): Mrityunjay Singh, Tarah P. Shpargel and Rajiv AsthanaChapter 44 Brazing of Porous Alumina to Monolithic Alumina with Ag?CuO and Ag?V2O5 Alloys (pages 391-398): M. C. Lamb, S. J. Camardello, A. M. Meier, K. S. Weil and J. S. HardyChapter 45 Strategies for Bonding W and Al2O3 at Low Temperatures (pages 399-406): Yuttanant Boonyongmaneerat, Christopher A. Schuh and Thomas W. EagarChapter 46 Use of Geopolymeric Cements as a Refractory Adhesive for Metal and Ceramic Joins (pages 407-413): Jonathan Bell, Matthew Gordon and Waltraud Kriven


Advances in Ceramic Armor IV Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 29, Issue 6

Free Download Advances in Ceramic Armor IV: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 29, Issue 6 By Tatsuki Ohji, Andrew Wereszczak(eds.)
2009 | 225 Pages | ISBN: 0470344970 | PDF | 9 MB
This volume provides a one-stop resource, compiling current research on ceramic armor and addressing the challenges facing armor manufacturers. It is a collection of papers from The American Ceramic Society s 32nd International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 27-February 1, 2008. Topics include novel materials concepts for both vehicle and body armors, transparent ceramics for impact resistance, and more. This is a valuable, up-to-date resource for researchers in industry, government, or academia who are working with ceramic armor.Content: Chapter 1 Mesomechanical Constitutive Relations for Glass and Ceramic Armor (pages 1-13): D. R. Curran, D. A. Shockey and J. W. SimonsChapter 2 Optimizing Transparent Armor Design Subject to Projectile Impact Conditions (pages 15-22): Xin Sun, Kevin C. Lai, Tara Gorsich and Douglas W. TempletonChapter 3 Physics of Glass Failure During Rod Penetration (pages 23-32): D. A. Shockey, D. Bergmannshoff, D. R. Curran and J. W. SimonsChapter 4 Adhesive Bond Evaluation in Laminated Safety Glass Using Guided Wave Attenuation Measurements (pages 33-44): S. Hou and H. ReisChapter 5 Applying Modeling Tools to Predict Performance of Transparent Ceramic Laminate Armors (pages 45-53): C.G. Fountzoulas, J.M. Sands, G.A. Gilde and P.J. PatelChapter 6 An Economic Comparison of Hot Pressing vs. Pressureless Sintering for Transparent Spinel Armor (pages 55-62): A. LaRoche, K. Rozenburg, J. Voyles, L. Fehrenbacher and Gary GildeChapter 7 Advances in Ballistic Performance of Commercially Available Saint?Gobain Sapphire Transparent Armor Composites (pages 63-74): Christopher D. Jones, Jeffrey B. Rioux, John W. Locher, Vincent Pluen and Matthias MandelartzChapter 8 Defect Free Spinel Ceramics of High Strength and High Transparency (pages 75-85): Juan L. Sepulveda, Raouf O. Loutfy and Sekyung ChangChapter 9 Recent Results on the Fundamental Performance of a Hot?Pressed Silicon Carbide Impacted by Sub?Scale Long?Rod Penetrators (pages 87-97): Jerry C. LaSalvia, Brian Leavy, Herbert T. Miller, Joshua R. Houskamp and Ryan C. McCuistonChapter 10 Instrumented Hertzian Indentation Study of Two Commerical Silicon Carbides (pages 99-105): H.T. Miller, R.C. McCuiston and J.C. LaSalviaChapter 11 Apparent Yield Strength of Hot?Pressed SiCs (pages 107-118): W. L. Daloz, A. A. Wereszczak and O. M. JadaanChapter 12 Microstructural Examination and Quasi?Static Property Determination of Sintered Armor Grade SiC (pages 119-127): Memduh V. Demirbas, Richard A. Haber and Raymond E. BrennanChapter 13 Quantitative Characterization of Localized Amplitude Variations in Silicon Carbide Ceramics Using Ultrasound C?Scan Imaging (pages 129-139): Raymond Brennan, James McCauley, Richard Haber and Dale NieszChapter 14 Grain Boundary Engineering of Silicon Carbide by Means of Coprecipitation (pages 141-152): Steven Mercurio, Mihaela Jitianu and Richard A. HaberChapter 15 The Possible Roles of Stoichiometry, Microstructure, and Defects on the Mechanical Behavior of Boron Carbide (pages 153-162): Ryan McCuiston, Jerry LaSalvia, James McCauley and William MayoChapter 16 A Review of Ceramics for Armor Applications (pages 163-175): P. G. Karandikar, G. Evans, S. Wong, M. K. Aghajanian and M. SennettChapter 17 A Portable Microwave Scanning Technique for Nondestructive Testing of Multilayered Dielectric Materials (pages 177-189): Karl Schmidt, Jack Little and William A. EllingsonChapter 18 Ballistic Damage Assessment of a Thin Compound Curved B4C Ceramic Plate Using XCT (pages 191-197): J.M. Wells and N.L. RupertChapter 19 Evaluation of Ballistically?Induced Damage in Ceramic Targets by X?ray Computed Tomography (pages 199-210): William H. Green, Herbert T. Miller, Jerry C. LaSalvia, Datta P. Dandekar and Daniel CasemChapter 20 Automated Non?Destructive Evaluation System for Hard Armor Protective Inserts of Body Armor (pages 211-218): Nicholas Haynes, Karl Masters, Chris Perritt, David Simmons, Dr. James Zheng and Dr. James E. YoungbergChapter 21 Analysis of Hardness Indentation Size Effect (ISE) Curves in Ceramics: A New Approach to Determine Plasticity (pages 219-227): Trevor E. Wilantewicz and James W. McCauley


Advances in Ceramic Armor III Ceramic and Engineering Science Proceedings, Volume 28, Issue 5

Free Download Advances in Ceramic Armor III: Ceramic and Engineering Science Proceedings, Volume 28, Issue 5 By
2007 | 219 Pages | ISBN: 047019636X | PDF | 14 MB
Papers from The American Ceramic Society’s 31st International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, held in Daytona Beach, Florida, January 21-26, 2007. Topics include transparent ceramics for impact resistance, protection against mine blast and fragments, challenges facing ceramic armor manufacturers, novel material concepts and development of valid armor design and characterization tools to predict performance for air and ground vehicles as well as the individual soldier.Content:


Advances in Ceramic Armor II Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 27, Issue 7

Free Download Advances in Ceramic Armor II: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 27, Issue 7 By
2006 | 258 Pages | ISBN: 0470080574 | PDF | 24 MB
These proceedings contain current research from industry, academia and government organizations, working on opaque and transparent ceramic armor. Papers on novel materials concepts for both vehicle and body armors are included, as well as papers that explore the relationship between computational modeling and property testing. These papers were presented at the Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 22-27, 2006, Cocoa Beach, Florida. Organized and sponsored by The American Ceramic Society and The American Ceramic Society’s Engineering Ceramics Division in conjunction with the Nuclear and Environmental Technology Division.Content: Chapter 1 A Review of Computational Ceramic Armor Modeling (pages 1-18): Charles E. AndersonChapter 2 Biomorphic Sisic?Materials for Lightweight Armour (pages 20-31): Bernhard Heidenreich, Michaela Gahr, Dr. Ing. Ekkehard Lutz and Elmar Stra?urgerChapter 3 Evaluation of SiC Armor Tile Using Ultrasonic Techniques (pages 33-41): J. Scott Steckenrider, William A. Ellingson, Rachel Lipanovich, Jeffrey Wheeler and Chris DeemerChapter 4 Spherical Indentation of SiC (pages 43-57): A. A. Wereszczak and K. E. JohannsChapter 5 Damage Modes Correlated to the Dynamic Response of SiC?N (pages 59-68): H. Luo and W. ChenChapter 6 Grain Boundary Chemistry of SiC?Based Armor (pages 69-84): Edgardo Pabit, Kerry Siebein, Darryl P. Butt, Helge Heinrich, Darin Ray, Sarbjit Kaur, R. Marc Flinders and Raymond A. CutlerChapter 7 Effect of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties on the Ballistic Performance of SiC?Based Ceramics (pages 85-96): Darin Ray, R. Marc Flinders, Angela Anderson, Raymond A. Cutler, James Campbell and Jane W. AdamsChapter 7 Addition of Excess Carbon to SiC to Study its Effect on Silicon Carbide (SiC) Armor (pages 97-103): Chris Ziccardi and Richard HaberChapter 9 Analysis of Time?Resolved Penetration of Long Rods into Glass Targets-II (pages 106-118): Charles E. Anderson, I. Sidney Chocron and Carl E. WeissChapter 10 Response and Characterization of Confined Borosilicate Glass: Intact and Damaged (pages 119-130): Kathryn A. Dannemann, Arthur E. Nicholls, Charles E. Anderson, Sidney Chocron and James D. WalkerChapter 12 Constitutive Model for Damaged Borosilicate Glass (pages 131-142): Sidney Chocron, James D. Walker, Arthur E. Nichoils, Charles E. Anderson and Kathryn A. DannemannChapter 12 Reaction Sintered LiAlON (pages 143-154): Raymond A. Cutler and R. Marc FlindersChapter 13 Large Area EFG™ Sapphire for Transparent Armor (pages 155-163): Christopher D. Jones, Jeffrey B. Rioux, John W. Locher, Herbert E. Bates, Steven A. Zanella, Vincent Pluen and Mattias MandelartzChapter 14 Relationship of Microstructure and Hardness for A12O3 Armor Materials (pages 166-178): Memduh Volkan Demirbas and Richard A. HaberChapter 15 Root Causes of the Performance of Boron Carbide Under Stress (pages 179-188): Giovanni Fanchini, Dale E. Niesz, Richard A. Haber, James W. McCauley and Manish ChhowallaChapter 16 Analysis of Texture in Controlled Shear Processed Boron Carbide (pages 189-195): D. Maiorano, R. Haber and G. FanchiniChapter 17 Progress in the Nondestructive Analysis of Impact Damage in TiB2 Armor Ceramics (pages 198-209): Joseph M. WellsChapter 18 Elastic Property Determination of WC Spheres and Estimation of Compressive Loads and Impact Velocities that Initiate their Yielding and Cracking (pages 211-223): A. A. WereszczakChapter 19 On the Role of Impact Damage in Armor Ceramic Performance (pages 225-236): Joseph M. WellsChapter 20 The Indentation Size Effect (ISE) for Knoop Hardness in Five Ceramic Materials (pages 237-249): Trevor Wilantewicz, W. Roger Cannon and George QuinnChapter 21 Influence of Microstructure on the Indentation?Induced Damage in Silicon Carbide (pages 251-259): Jeffrey J. Swab, Andrew A. Wereszczak, Justin Pritchett and Kurt Johanns


Advances in Ceramic Armor A Collection of Papers Presented at the 29th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Compo

Free Download Advances in Ceramic Armor: A Collection of Papers Presented at the 29th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 23-28, 2005, Cocoa Beach, Florida, Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 26, Number 7 By
2006 | 298 Pages | ISBN: 1574982370 | PDF | 10 MB
Contains over 30 papers on the development and incorporation of ceramic materials for armor applications. Topics include impact and penetration modeling, dynamic and static testing to predict performance, damage characterization, non-destructive evaluation and novel material concepts.Content: Chapter 1 Some Observations on the Strength of Failed Ceramic (pages 3-10): Gordon R. Johnson and Timothy J. HolmquistChapter 2 Modeling Dynamically Impacted Ceramic Material Experiments (pages 11-18): B. Leavy, B. Rickter and Dr. M. J. NormandiaChapter 3 Modeling Spherical Indentation Experiments onto Silicon Carbide (pages 19-26): Timothy HolmquistChapter 4 Analysis of Time?Resolved Penetration of Long Rods into Glass Targets (pages 27-34): Charles E. Anderson, I. Sidney Chocron and James D. WalkerChapter 5 A Constitutive Model for Damaged and Powder Silicon Carbide (pages 35-42): Sidney Chocron, Kathryn A. Dannemann, Arthur E. Nicholls, James D. Walker and Charles E. AndersonChapter 6 Designs and Simulations of Ballistic?Resistant Metal/Ceramic Sandwich Structures (pages 43-50): Yueming Liang, R. M. Mcmeeking and A. G. EvansChapter 7 Considerations on Incorporating XCT into Predictive Modeling of Impact Damage in Armor Ceramics (pages 51-58): Joseph M. WellsChapter 8 Failure wave Propagation in Brittle Substances (pages 59-66): M. A. Grinfeld, S. E. Schoenfeld and T. W. WrightChapter 9 Fabrication and Simulation of Random and Periodic Macrostructures (pages 67-74): R. McCuiston, E. Azriel, R. Sadangi, S. Danforth, R. Haber, D. Niesz and J. MolinariChapter 10 The Correlation of Microstructural and Mechanical Characteristics of Silicon Carbide with Ballistic Performance (pages 76-88): Ian PickupChapter 11 High Strain Rate Compression Testing of Ceramics and Ceramic Composites (pages 89-96): William R. BlumenthalChapter 12 Recent Advancements in Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) Technique for Small Strain Measurements (pages 97-107): Bazle A. Gama, Sergey L. Lopatnikov and John W. GillespieChapter 13 Compression Testing and Response of SiC?N Ceramics: Intact, Damaged and Powder (pages 109-116): Kathryn A. Dannemann, Arthur E. Nicholls, Sidney Chocron, James D. Walker and Charles E. AndersonChapter 14 Damage Effects on the Dynamic Response of Hot?Pressed SiC?N (pages 117-122): H. Luo and W. ChenChapter 15 Effects of Porosity Distribution on the Dynamic Behavior of SiC (pages 123-130): Samuel R. Martin and Min ZhouChapter 16 Effect of Room?Temperature Hardness and Toughness on the Ballistic Performance of SiC?Based Ceramics (pages 131-142): Darin Ray, R. Marc Flinders, Angela Anderson, Raymond A. Cutler and William RafanielloChapter 17 The Penetration of Armour Piercing Projectiles Through Reaction Bonded Ceramics (pages 143-150): P J Hazell, S E Donoghue, C J Roberson and P L GottsChapter 18 The Effective Hardness of Hot Pressed Boron Carbide with Increasing Shock Stress (pages 151-159): C J Roberson, P J Hazell, P L Gotts, Im Pickup and R MorrellChapter 19 Hardness and Hardness Determination in Silicon Carbide Materials (pages 161-168): Andreas Rendtel, Brigitte Moessner and Karl A. SchwetzChapter 20 Sphere Impact Induced Damage in Ceramics: I. Armor?Grade SiC and TiB2 (pages 170-181): J. C. LaSalvia, M. J. Normandia, H. T. Miller and D. E. MackenzieChapter 21 Sphere Impact Induced Damage in Ceramics: II. Armor?Grade B4C and WC (pages 183-192): J. C. LaSalvia, M. J. Normandia, H. T. Miller and D. E. MacKenzieChapter 22 Sphere Impact Induced Damage in Ceramics: III. Analysis (pages 193-202): J. C. LaSalvia, M. J. Normandia, D. E. MacKenzie and H. T. MillerChapter 23 A Comparison of Ceramic Materials Dynamically Impacted by Tungsten Carbide Spheres (pages 203-212): M. J. Normandia, S. R. Martin, D. E. Mackenzie and B. A. RickterChapter 24 Ultrasonic Techniques for Evaluation of SiC Armor Tile (pages 214-222): J. Scott and William A. EllingsonChapter 25 Non?Destructive Evaluation (NDE) of Ceramic Armor: Fundamentals (pages 223-230): Raymond Brennan, Richard Haber, Dale Niesz, James McCauley and Mahesh BhardwajChapter 26 Non?Destructive Evaluation (NDE) of Ceramic Armor: Testing (pages 231-238): Raymond Brennan, Richard Haber, Dale Niesz and James McCauleyChapter 27 On Non?Destructive Evaluation Techniques for Ballistic Impact Damage in Armor Ceramics (pages 239-248): Joseph M. WellsChapter 28 Static and Dynamic Fracture Behavior of Layered Alumina Ceramics (pages 250-255): Zeming He, J. Ma, Hongzhi Wang, G. E. B. Tan, Dongwei Shu and Jian ZhengChapter 29 Processing and Ballistic Performance of Al2O3TiB2 Composites (pages 257-262): G. A. Gilde and J. W. AdamsChapter 30 Tactical Vehicle Armor Systems that Utilize Large, Complex?Shaped Reaction Bonded Ceramic Tiles (pages 263-270): M. K. Aghajanian, B. E. Schultz, K. Kremer, T. R. Holmes, F. S. Lyons and J. MearsChapter 31 Means of Using Advance Processing to Eliminate Anomalous Defects on SiC Armor (pages 271-277): Chris Ziccardi, Volkan Demirbas, Richard Haber, Dale Niesz and J. McCauleyChapter 32 Ballistic Properties of Pressureless Sintered SiC/TiB2 Composites (pages 279-286): Henry Chu, T. M. Lillo, B. Merkle, D. W. Bailey and M. HarrisonChapter 33 Improved Ballistic Performance by Using a Polymer Matrix Composite Facing on Boron Carbide Armor Tiles (pages 287-292): S. D. Nunn, J. G. R. Hansen, B. J. Frame and R. A. LowdenChapter 34 Analysis of Scattering Sites in Transparent Magnesium Aluminate Spinel (pages 293-298): Guillermo Villalobos, Jasbinder S. Sanghera, Ishwar D. Aggarwal and Robert Miklos


Advances in Bioceramics and Porous Ceramics IV Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 32

Free Download Advances in Bioceramics and Porous Ceramics IV: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 32 By
2011 | 211 Pages | ISBN: 1118059913 | PDF | 11 MB
This book is a collection of papers from The American Ceramic Society’s 35th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, held in Daytona Beach, Florida, January 23-28, 2011. This issue includes papers presented in the Next Generation Bioceramics and Porous Ceramics Symposia on topics such as Advanced Processing of Bioceramics; In Vitro and In Vivo Characterization of Bioceramics; Medical and Dental Applications of Bioceramics; Porous Bioceramics; Structure and Properties of Porous Ceramics; and Processing Methods of Porous Ceramics.Content:


Advances in Bioceramics and Porous Ceramics Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 29, Issue 7

Free Download Advances in Bioceramics and Porous Ceramics: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 29, Issue 7 By Tatsuki Ohji, Andrew Wereszczak(eds.)
2009 | 358 Pages | ISBN: 0470344946 | PDF | 12 MB
This volume provides a one-stop resource, compiling current research on bioceramics and porous ceramics. It is a collection of papers from The American Ceramic Society s 32nd International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 27-February 1, 2008. It includes papers from two symposia: "Porous Ceramics: Novel Developments and Applications" and "Next Generation Bioceramics." Articles are logically organized to provide insight into various aspects of bioceramics and porous ceramics. This is a valuable, up-to-date resource for researchers working in ceramics engineering.Content: Chapter 1 Thermal Interface Stresses Including 3D Microstructures in Layered Free?Form Ceramics (pages 1-17): Hrishikesh Bale, Jay C. Hanan and James E. SamyChapter 2 Preparation and Biomineralization of Silica?Based Organic?Inorganic Hybrid Hollow Nanoparticles for Bone Tissue Generation (pages 19-26): Song Chen, Akiyoshi Osaka, Kanji Tsuru and Satoshi HayakawaChapter 3 Effect of Wollastonite on the in Vitro Bioactivity and Mechanical Properties of PMMA Bone Cements (pages 27-36): Dora A. Cortes, David Renteria, M. Isabel Villarreal, Sergio Escobedo, J. M. Almanza and Jose C. EscobedoChapter 4 Titanium Surface Modification to Titania Nanotube for Next Generation Orthopedic Applications (pages 37-41): Kakoli Das, Susmita Bose and Amit BandyopadhyayChapter 5 Calcium Phosphate Nanocarrier in BSA Delivery (pages 43-52): Sudip Dasgupta, Amit Bandyopadhyay and Susmita BoseChapter 6 Machinable Tricalcium Phosphate/Lanthanum Phosphate Composites (pages 53-62): Celaletdin ErgunChapter 7 Location of Carbonate IONS in Structure of Biological Apatite (pages 63-76): Michael E. Fleet and Xi LiuChapter 8 Nanoindentation of Yttria Doped Zirconia Under Hydrothermal Degradation (pages 77-91): y. Gaillard, E. Jimenez?Pique, J. A. Munoz, J. Valle and M. AngladaChapter 9 Influence of Sintering Conditions on the Microstructure of Chemically Precipitated Hydroxyapatite Nanopowder (pages 93-102): Hoda Amani Hamedani, Hiva Baradari, Sara Karimi, Hamidreza Rezaie and Jafar JavadpourChapter 10 Hydrothermal Treatment of Alpha Tricalcium Phosphate Porous Ceramics in Various Aqueous Solutions (pages 103-112): Masanobu Kamitakahara, Koji Ioku, Giichiro Kawachi and Chikara OhtsukiChapter 11 Electrochemical Deposition of Hydroxyapatite on Titanium Substrates in Metastable Calcium Phosphate Solution Under Pulse Current (pages 113-122): M. Kawashita, T. Hayakawa and G. H. TakaokaChapter 12 Hydroxyapatite/Gemosil Nanocomposite (pages 123-134): Ching?Chang Ko, TZY?Jiun Mark Luo, Lu Chi and Alice MaChapter 13 Challenge Toward Microstructure Optimization of Irregular Porous Materials by Three?Dimentional Porous Structure Simulator (pages 135-150): Michihisa Koyama, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Kei Ogiya, Tatsuya Hattori, Ai Suzuki, Riadh Sahnoun, Hideyuki Tsuboi, Nozomu Hatakeyama, Akira Endou, Hiromitsu Takaba, Carlos A. Del Carpio, Ramesh C. Deka, Momoji Kubo and Akira MiyamotoChapter 14 Synthesis of Rhenanite (??NaCaPO4)?Apatitic Calcium Phosphate Biphasics for Skeletal Repair (pages 151-164): R. M. Knotts, S. Jalota, S. B. Bhaduri and A. C. TasChapter 15 Nanomaterials as Improved Implants: a of Review Recent Studies (pages 165-180): Huinan Liu and Thomas J. WebsterChapter 16 Apatite?Polyglutamic Acid Composites Prepared Through Biomimetic Process (pages 181-187): Toshiki Miyazaki, Atsushi Sugino and Chikara OhtsukiChapter 17 Formation of Bone?Like Apatite on Tricalcium Phosphate Ceramics in a Solution Mimicking Body Fluid (pages 189-198): Chikara Ohtsuki, Kohei Yamaguchi, Tomohiro Uchino, Giichiro Kawachi, Koichi Kikuta and Masanobu KamitakaharaChapter 18 Ultraviolet Irradiation had Limited Effects on Enhancing in Vitro Apatite Formation on Sol?Gel Derived Titania Films (pages 199-210): Akiyoshi Osaka, Tetsuya Shozui, Kanji Tsuru and Satoshi HayakawaChapter 19 Nanostructured Bioactive Glass Scaffolds for Bone Repair (pages 211-225): Mohamed N. Rahaman, Delbert E. Day, Roger F. Brown, Qiang Fu and Steven B. JungChapter 20 Development of Novel Biocompatible Hydroxyapatite Coated Nanotubular Titania for Implant Application (pages 227-237): K. S. Raja, G. L. Craviso, M. Misra, A. M. Raichur and A. KarChapter 21 Low Temperature Degradation and Biomedical Properties Y?TZP Ceramics (pages 239-248): Yumi Tanaka, Nami Ukai, Keishi Nishio and Kimihiro YamashitaChapter 22 Nanoscale Hydroxyapatite for Bioceramic Applications (pages 249-258): Tien B. Tran, Joanna R. Groza and James F. ShackelfordChapter 23 Rheology and Properties of Bioactive Orthopedic Cement (pages 259-268): Noah Wiese, Stanley D. Wagner and Thomas D. McGeeChapter 24 Cellular Ceramics Made of Silicon Carbide Ceramics for Burner Technology (pages 270-286): J. Adler, G. Standke, M. Jahn and F. MarschallekChapter 25 A Modified Gelcasting Procedure to Prepare Alumina Porous Components: Process Optimization and Preliminary Mechanicals Tests (pages 287-297): Mariangela Lombardi, Laura Montanaro, Laurent Gremillard and Jerome ChevalierChapter 26 Experimental Investigation of the Oxidation Behaviour of SiSiC Foams (pages 299-311): F. R. A. Mach, F. V. Issendorff, A. Delgado and A. OrtonaChapter 27 New Technology with Porous Materials: Progress in the Development of the Diesel Vehicle Business (pages 313-325): Kazushige OhnoChapter 28 Porous Alumina and Zirconia Bodies Obtained by a Novel Gel Casting Process (pages 327-338): Jean?Marc Tulliani, Valentina Naglieri, Mariangela Lombardi and Laura MontanaroChapter 29 R?Curve Behavior in Porous Cordierite Honeycombs (pages 339-347): James E. Webb and Sujanto WidjajaChapter 30 Fabrication of Porous Silicon Nitride Ceramics with Gradient Microstructure (pages 349-357): Xiaowei Yin, Xiangming Li, Litong Zhang, Laifei Cheng, Yongsheng Liu and Tianhao Pan


Advances in Bioceramics and Biocomposites II, Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 27, Issue 6

Free Download Advances in Bioceramics and Biocomposites II, Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 27, Issue 6 By
2007 | 155 Pages | ISBN: 0470080566 | PDF | 13 MB
The use of ceramics in biological environments and biomedical applications is of increasing importance, as is the understanding of how biology works with minerals to develop strong materials. These proceedings contain papers that discuss the interface between biology and materials, presented at the Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 22-27, 2006, Cocoa Beach, Florida. Organized and sponsored by The American Ceramic Society and The American Ceramic Society’s Engineering Ceramics Division in conjunction with the Nuclear and Environmental Technology Division.Content: Chapter 1 Initial in Vitro Interaction of Human Osteoblasts with Nanostructured Hydroxyapatite (NHA) (pages 3-14): Xuvgyuan Guo, Julie Gough, Ping Xiao, Jtng Ltu and Zhijian ShenChapter 2 Osteoblast Response to Zinc?Doped Sintered P?Tricalcium Phosphate (pages 15-27): Sahil Jalota, Sarit B. Bhaduri and A. Cuneyt TasChapter 3 Determination of the Spatial Resolution of Micro?Focus X?Ray Ct System with a Standard Specimen (pages 29-36): Mineo Mizuno, Yasutoshi Mizuta, Takeharu Kato and Yasushi IkedaChapter 4 Hydroxyapatite Hybridized with Metal Oxides for Biomedical Applications (pages 39-47): Akiyoshi Osaka, Eiji Fujii, Koji Kawabata, Hideyuki Yoshimatsu, Satoshi Hayakawa, Kanji Tsuru, Christian Bonhomme and Florence BabonneauChapter 5 Preparation of Self?Setting Cement?Based Micro? and Macroporous Granules of Carbonated Apatitic Calcium Phosphate (pages 49-60): A. Cuneyt TasChapter 6 A Self?Setting, Monetite (CaHPO4) Cement for Skeletal Repair (pages 61-69): Tarang R. Desai, Sarit B. Bhaduri and A. Cuneyt TasChapter 7 Chemically Bonded Ceramics Based on Ca?Aluminates as Biomaterials (pages 71-86): L. Hermansson and H. EngqvistChapter 8 A Theoritical and Mathematical Basis Towards Dispersing Nanoparticles and Biological Agents in a Non Polar Solvent for Fabricating Porous Materials (pages 87-94): Navin J. Manjooran and Gary R. PickrellChapter 9 Preparation of Hydroxyapatite and Calcium Phosphate Bioceramic Materials from the Aqueous Solution at Room Temperature (pages 95-101): Jia?Hui Liao, Yu?Chen Chang and Tzer?Shin SheuChapter 10 Hydroxyapatite Coatings Produced by Plasma Spraying of Organic Based Solution Precursor (pages 103-110): E. Garcia, Z. B. Zhang, T. W. Coyle, L. Gan and R. PilliarChapter 11 Visible?Light Photocatalytic Fibers for Inactivation of Pseuwmonas Aeruginosa (pages 111-119): P. G. Wu, R. C. Xie, J. Imlay and J. K. ShangChapter 12 Precipitation Mechanisms of Hydroxyapatite Powder in the Different Aqueous Solutions (pages 121-130): Yu?Chen Chang and Tzer?Shin SheuChapter 13 Conversion of Bioactive Silicate (45S5), Borate, and Borosilicate Glasses to Hydroxyapatite in Dilute Phosphate Solution (pages 131-140): Wenhai Huang, Mohamed N. Rahaman and Delbert E. DayChapter 14 Variable Frequency Microwave (VFM) Processing: A New Tool to Crystallize Lithium Disilicate Glass (pages 143-153): Morsi Mahmoud, Diane Folz, Carlos Suchicital, David Clark and Zak Fathi


Advances in Bioceramics and Biocomposites Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 26, Number 6

Free Download Advances in Bioceramics and Biocomposites: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 26, Number 6 By
2006 | 152 Pages | ISBN: 1574982362 | PDF | 6 MB
The use of ceramics in biological environments and biomedical applications is of increasing importance, as is the understanding of how biology works with minerals to develop strong materials. Specific information about biomimetics, and processing, performance and interactions of materials for biomedical applications is presented in this collection.Content: Chapter 1 Preparation and Bioactive Characteristics of Porous Borate Glass Substrates (pages 1-10): Mohamed N. Rahaman, Wen Liang and Delbert E. DayChapter 2 Processing of Thermally Sprayed Tricalcium Phosphate (TCP) Coatings on Bioresorbable Polymer Implants (pages 11-16): M. Baccalaro, R. Gadow, A. Killinger and K. V. NiessenChapter 3 Synthesis and Sintering Studies of Nanocrystalline Hydroxyapatite Powders Doped with Magnesium and Zinc (pages 17-24): Himesh Bhatt and Samar J. KalitaChapter 4 Sequence Specific Morphological Control Over the Formation of Germanium Oxide During Peptide Mediated Synthesis (pages 25-32): Matthew B. Dickerson, Ye Cai, Kenneth H. Sandhage, Rajesh R. Naik and Moriey O. StoneChapter 5 Synthesis of Nano?Size Hydroxyapatite (HAp) Powders by Mechanical Alloying (pages 33-39): Soon Jik Hong, Himesh Bhatt, C. Suryanarayana and Samar J. KalitaChapter 6 Dry High Speed Milling as a New Machining Technology of Ceramics for Biomedical and Other Applications (pages 41-51): Prof. Prof. H. C. Dr. Anthimos Georgiadis and Dr. Elena SergeevChapter 7 Nanoceramics Intercalated with Gd?DTPA for Potential Imaging of Systems In Vivo (pages 54-62): Seo?Young Kwak, Waltraud M. Kriven, Robert B Clarkson, Benjamin J. Tucker and R. Linn BelfordChapter 8 Nanophase Hydroxyapattte Coatings on Titanium for Improved Osteoblast Functions (pages 63-70): Michiko Sato, Marisa A. Sambito, Arash Aslani, Nader M. Kalkhoran, Elliott B. Slamovich and Thomas J. WebsterChapter 9 A Comparative Evaluation of Orthopaedic Cements in Human Whole Blood (pages 71-77): N. Axen, N.?O. Ahnfelt, T. Persson, L. Hennansson, J. Sanchez and R. LarsonChapter 10 Self?Setting Orthopedic Cement Compositions Based on CaHPO4 Additions to Calcium Sulphate (pages 79-86): J. N. Swaintek, C. J. Han, A. C. Tas and S. B. BhaduriChapter 11 Adhesive Strength of the Apatite Layer Formed on T1O2 Nanoparticles/High Density Polyethylene Composites (pages 87-94): Masami Hashimoto, Hiroaki Takadama, Mineo Mizuno and Tadashi KokuboChapter 12 Effect of Reinforcements on Properties of Self?Setting Calcium Phosphate Cement (pages 95-102): N. C. Bhorkar and W. M. KrivenChapter 13 The Bioactivity of PDMS?CaO?SiO2 Based Hybrid Materials Prepared by the Addition of Transition Metal Alkoxides (pages 103-109): Manabu Fukushima, Eiichi Yasuda, Hideki Kita, Masao Shimizu, Yasuto Hoshkawa and Yasuhiro TanabeChapter 14 In Vitro Comparison of the Apatite Inducing Ability of Three Different SBF Solutions on Ti6A14V (pages 111-118): Sahil Jalota, A. Cuneyt Tas and Sarit B. BhaduriChapter 15 In Situ and Long Term Evaluation of Calcium Phosphate Cement Behavior in Animal Experiment (pages 119-127): Masashi Mukaida, Masashi Neo, Takashi Nakamura, Yasutoshi Mizuta, Yasushi Ikceda and Mineo MizunoChapter 16 Resorption Rate Tunable Bioceramic: Si&Zn?Modified Tricacium Phosphate (pages 129-136): Xiang Wei and Mufit AkincChapter 17 Microleakage of a Dental Restorative Material Based on Biominerals (pages 138-144): Hakan Engqvist, Emil Abrahamsson, Jesper Loof and Leif HennanssonChapter 18 A Comparative Study of the Microstructure ?Property Relationship in Human Adult and Baby Teeth (pages 145-152): I. M. Low, N. Duraman, J. Fulton, N. Tezuka and I. J. Davies


Advances and Applications in Electroceramics II Ceramic Transactions, Volume 235

Free Download Advances and Applications in Electroceramics II: Ceramic Transactions, Volume 235 By
2012 | 240 Pages | ISBN: 1118273354 | PDF | 8 MB
With contributed papers from the 2011 Materials Science & Technology symposia, this is a useful one-stop resource for understanding the most important issues in the advances and applications of electroceramics. Logically organized and carefully selected, the articles cover the themes of the symposia: Magnetoelectric Multiferroic Thin Films and Multilayers; Dielectric Ceramic Materials and Electronic Devices; and Multifunctional Oxide. An essential reference for government labs and academics in mechanical and chemical engineering, materials and or ceramics, and chemistry.Content:
