Tag: Cluster

Theory and Applications of the Cluster Variation and Path Probability Methods

Free Download Theory and Applications of the Cluster Variation and Path Probability Methods By Ryoichi Kikuchi (auth.), J. L. Morán-López, J. M. Sanchez (eds.)
1996 | 435 Pages | ISBN: 146138043X | PDF | 34 MB
This volume is a compilation of papers presented at the International Workshop on the Theory and Applications of the Cluster Variation and Path Probability Methods, held in the city of San Juan, Teotihuacan, Mexico, during June 18-22, 1995. The presentations at the workshop provided a state of the art review of the fundamental aspects of the CVM and PPM and their application to a wide range of problems in statistical mechanics and alloy theory. The volume begins with several articles dealing with the study of the kinetics of ordering in Ising sytems and alloys using the PPM and other classical techniques. These articles are followed by the contribution of Professor Masuo Suzuki on the Coherent Anomaly Method which has added a new dimension to mean field theory, and the CVM in particular, in the study of critical phenomena. The remaining of the volume is dedicated to fundamental aspects and specific applications of the CVM in a wide range of subjects ranging from bulk and surface studies to new areas of inquiry such as the problem of image reconstruction. Since the inception by Prof. Ryoichi Kikuchi of the CVM in 1950 and of the PPM in 1966, the latter after a gestation period of approximately six years, the tech niques have found wide acceptance in the physics and materials science communities. Both methods are properly regarded as seminal contributions to equilibrium and non equilibrium statistical mechanics.


Multidisziplinäre Optimierung und Cluster-Computing

Free Download Multidisziplinäre Optimierung und Cluster-Computing By Harald Boden (auth.)
1996 | 219 Pages | ISBN: 3790809357 | PDF | 8 MB
Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit der grobkörnig parallelen Lösung multidisziplinärer (nichtlinearer) Optimierungsprobleme auf Workstation-Clustern. Nach einer übersichtsartigen Behandlung der Themen "Software zur nichtlinearen Optimierung", "Nichtlineare Optimierung und Parallelrechner" sowie "Softwarewerkzeuge zur Parallelverarbeitung" werden die Konzepte eines integrierten Softwaresystems zur verteilt parallelen Lösung nichtlinearer Optimierungsprobleme vorgestellt. Die Implementierung des Systems und seine Anwendung auf Problemstellungen der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, des Chemieanlagenbaus und der Mechanik werden beschrieben. In dieser Form einmalig ist die Zusammenstellung von Grundlagenwissen, Beschreibung eines parallel arbeitenden Softwaresystems und praktischen Anwendungen in einem Buch.


Hands-On Multi-Cloud Kubernetes Multi-cluster kubernetes deployment and scaling with FluxCD

Free Download Hands-On Multi-Cloud Kubernetes: Multi-cluster kubernetes deployment and scaling with FluxCD, Virtual Kubelet, Submariner and KubeFed by Joe Brian
English | April 10, 2023 | ISBN: 8119177088 | 171 pages | PDF | 1.81 Mb
"Hands-On Multi-Cloud Kubernetes" is an essential guide for anyone looking to understand Kubernetes and how it can be used to manage multi-cloud infrastructure. With eight comprehensive chapters, this book provides hands-on experience in setting up Kubernetes clusters, administering deployments and updates, and working with AWS and GCP tools.
