Tag: Computer

Computer Vision – ECCV 2006 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, Graz, Austria, May 7-13, 2006, Proceedings, Part III

Free Download Computer Vision – ECCV 2006: 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, Graz, Austria, May 7-13, 2006, Proceedings, Part III By Shai Avidan, Moshe Butman (auth.), Aleš Leonardis, Horst Bischof, Axel Pinz (eds.)
2006 | 654 Pages | ISBN: 3540338365 | PDF | 14 MB
The four-volume set comprising LNCS volumes 3951/3952/3953/3954 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV 2006, held in Graz, Austria, in May 2006.The 192 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 811 papers submitted. The four books cover the entire range of current issues in computer vision. The papers are organized in topical sections on recognition, statistical models and visual learning, 3D reconstruction and multi-view geometry, energy minimization, tracking and motion, segmentation, shape from X, visual tracking, face detection and recognition, illumination and reflectance modeling, and low-level vision, segmentation and grouping.


Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design II 9th International Conference, CSCWD 2005, Coventry, UK, May 24-26, 2005, Revi

Free Download Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design II: 9th International Conference, CSCWD 2005, Coventry, UK, May 24-26, 2005, Revised Selected Papers By Weigang Wang, Stephen Mogan (auth.), Wei-ming Shen, Kuo-Ming Chao, Zongkai Lin, Jean-Paul A. Barthès, Anne James (eds.)
2006 | 659 Pages | ISBN: 3540329692 | PDF | 13 MB
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2005, held in Coventry, UK, in May 2005.The 65 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions during at least two rounds of reviewing and improvement. They contain expanded versions of the papers presented at the conference and are organized in topical sections on CSCW techniques and methods, Grids and Web services, agents and multi-agent systems, ontology and knowledge management, collaborative design and manufacturing, enterprise collaboration, workflows, and other related approaches and applications.


Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval Third International Symposium, CMMR 2005, Pisa, Italy, September 26-28, 2005. Revised Pa

Free Download Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval: Third International Symposium, CMMR 2005, Pisa, Italy, September 26-28, 2005. Revised Papers By Philippe Guillemain, Jonathan Terroir (auth.), Richard Kronland-Martinet, Thierry Voinier, Sølvi Ystad (eds.)
2006 | 280 Pages | ISBN: 3540340270 | PDF | 6 MB
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Third International Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval Symposium, CMMR 2005, held in Pisa, Italy, in September 2005.The 24 revised full papers presented were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing and improvement. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the area, the papers address a broad variety of topics. The papers are organized in topical sections on sound synthesis; music perception and cognition; interactive music: interface, interaction, gestures and sensors, music composition; music retrieval: music performance, music analysis, music representation; as well as interdisciplinarity and computer music.


SOFSEM 2007 Theory and Practice of Computer Science 33rd Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Scie

Free Download SOFSEM 2007: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 33rd Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Harrachov, Czech Republic, January 20-26, 2007. Proceedings By Ricardo Baeza-Yates (auth.), Jan van Leeuwen, Giuseppe F. Italiano, Wiebe van der Hoek, Christoph Meinel, Harald Sack, František Plášil (eds.)
2007 | 937 Pages | ISBN: 3540695060 | PDF | 28 MB
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, SOFSEM 2007, held in Harrachov, Czech Republic in January 2007.The 69 revised full papers, presented together with 11 invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from 283 submissions. The papers were organized in four topical tracks on foundations of computer science, multi-agent systems, emerging Web technologies, as well as dependable software and systems.


Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2007 11th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 10-14,

Free Download Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2007: 11th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 10-14, 2007, Proceedings, Part I By Ben Shneiderman (auth.), Cécilia Baranauskas, Philippe Palanque, Julio Abascal, Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa (eds.)
2007 | 635 Pages | ISBN: 354074794X | PDF | 78 MB
This book is part of a two-volume work that constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, INTERACT 2007, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in September 2007.The 60 revised papers of this first volume presented together with the abstracts of three keynote talks were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on social computing, Web, UI prototyping, user centered design methods and techniques, intelligent user interfaces, interaction on the move, accessibility, designing for multiples devices, interaction techniques, affective computing, 3D interaction and 3D interfaces, as well evaluation methods.


Evolutionary Computer Music

Free Download Evolutionary Computer Music By PHIL HUSBANDS, PETER COPLEY, ALICE ELDRIDGE, JAMES MANDELIS (auth.), Eduardo Reck Miranda MSc, PhD, John Al Biles BA, MS, PhD (eds.)
2007 | 259 Pages | ISBN: 1846285992 | PDF | 4 MB
The evolutionary computation approach to music is an exciting new development for composers and musicologists alike. For composers, it provides an innovative and natural means for generating musical ideas from a specifiable set of primitive components and processes. For musicologists, these techniques are used to model the cultural transmission and change of a population’s body of musical ideas over time. In both cases, musical evolution can be guided by a variety of constraints and tendencies built into the system, such as realistic psychological factors that influence the way music is expressed, experienced, learned, stored, modified, and passed on among individuals.This book discusses not only the applications of evolutionary computation to music, but also the tools needed to create and study such systems. These tools are drawn in part from research into the origins and evolution of biological organisms, ecologies, and cultural systems on the one hand, and from computer simulation methodologies on the other. They can be combined to create surrogate artificial worlds populated by interacting simulated organisms in which complex musical experiments can be performed that would otherwise be impossible. This authoritative book, with contributions from experts from around the globe, demonstrates that evolutionary systems can be used to create and to study musical compositions and cultures in ways that have never before been achieved.Eduardo Reck Miranda is a Professor in Computer Music at the University of Plymouth, UK, where he heads the Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research (ICCMR). He has recently been appointed the Edgard Varèse Guest Professor of Computer Music at the Technical University of Berlin.Al Biles is a Professor and the Undergraduate Program Coordinator in the Department of Information Technology at the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, New York. Between performances with GenJam over the last thirteen years, he has been active in helping establish information technology as a recognized academic discipline.


Computer Vision – ECCV 2006 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, Graz, Austria, May 7-13, 2006. Proceedings, Part II

Free Download Computer Vision – ECCV 2006: 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, Graz, Austria, May 7-13, 2006. Proceedings, Part II By Vladimir Kolmogorov, Carsten Rother (auth.), Aleš Leonardis, Horst Bischof, Axel Pinz (eds.)
2006 | 670 Pages | ISBN: 3540338349 | PDF | 19 MB
The four-volume set comprising LNCS volumes 3951/3952/3953/3954 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV 2006, held in Graz, Austria, in May 2006.The 192 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 811 papers submitted. The four books cover the entire range of current issues in computer vision. The papers are organized in topical sections on recognition, statistical models and visual learning, 3D reconstruction and multi-view geometry, energy minimization, tracking and motion, segmentation, shape from X, visual tracking, face detection and recognition, illumination and reflectance modeling, and low-level vision, segmentation and grouping.


Computer Security – ESORICS 2006 11th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Hamburg, Germany, September 18-20,

Free Download Computer Security – ESORICS 2006: 11th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Hamburg, Germany, September 18-20, 2006. Proceedings By Michael P. Collins, Michael K. Reiter (auth.), Dieter Gollmann, Jan Meier, Andrei Sabelfeld (eds.)
2006 | 550 Pages | ISBN: 354044601X | PDF | 8 MB
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, ESORICS 2006, held in Hamburg, Germany, in September 2006.The 32 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 160 submissions. ESORICS is confirmed as the European research event in computer security; it presents original research contributions, case studies and implementation experiences addressing any aspect of computer security – in theory, mechanisms, applications, or practical experience.
