Tag: Computer

Computer-Aided Architectural Design. Design Imperatives The Future is Now

Free Download David Gerber, Evangelos Pantazis, Biayna Bogosian, "Computer-Aided Architectural Design. Design Imperatives: The Future is Now"
English | 2022 | ISBN: 9811912793 | EPUB | pages: 576 | 166.4 mb
This book constitutes selected papers of the 19th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures, CAAD Futures 2021, held in Los Angeles, CA, USA, in July 2021.


Computer Supported Collaborative Learning

Free Download Computer Supported Collaborative Learning By Agnès Blaye, Paul Light (auth.), Claire O’Malley (eds.)
1995 | 303 Pages | ISBN: 3642851002 | PDF | 21 MB
Although research in collaborative learning has a fairly long history, dating back at least to the early work of Piaget and Vygotsky, it is only recently that workers have begun to apply some of its findings to the design of computer based learning systems. The early generation of the!le systems focused on their potential for supporting individual learning: learning could be self paced; teaching could be adapted to individual learners’ needs. This was certainly the promise of the later generation of intelligent tutoring systems. However, this promise has yet to be realised. Not only are there still some very difficult research problems to solve in providing adaptive learning systems, but there are also some very real practical constraints on the widespread take up of individualised computer based instruction. Reseachers soon began to realise that the organisational, cultural and social contexts of the classroom have to be taken into account in designing systems to promote effective learning. Much of the work that goes on in classrooms is collaborative, whether by design or not. Teachers also need to be able to adapt the technology to their varying needs. Developments in technology, such as networking, have also contributed to changes in the way in which computers may be envisaged to support learning. In September 1989, a group of researchers met in Maratea, Italy, for a NATO-sponsored workshop on "Computer supported collaborative . learning". A total of 20 researchers from Europe (Belgium.


Automating Instructional Design Computer-Based Development and Delivery Tools

Free Download Automating Instructional Design: Computer-Based Development and Delivery Tools By Robert D. Tennyson, J. Michael Spector (auth.), Robert D. Tennyson, Ann E. Barron (eds.)
1995 | 622 Pages | ISBN: 3642633668 | PDF | 17 MB
This institute was organized and presented by an international group of scholars interested in the advancement of instructional design automation through theory, research and applied evaluation. Members of the organizing committee included Dr. Klaus Breuer from disce (Germany), Dr. Jose J. Gonzalez from Agder College of Engineering (Norway), Dr. Begofia Gros from the University of Barcelona, Dr. J. Michael Spector from the Armstrong Laboratory (USA). Dr. Gonzalez, co-director of the institute, and the staff of Agder College were directly responsible for the preparation and operation of the institute in Grimstad, Norway. The institute was held on the campus of Agder College of Engineering, July 12-23, 1993. The theme of the institute extended the initial work developed by the presenters at a NATO Advanced Research Workshop held in Sitges, Spain in 1992. During the two week institute, 21 presentations were made including papers and demonstrations. In addition to the formal presentations, working groups and on-site study groups provided opportunities for the students to participate directly in program activities. An important outcome for the working groups was the formal preparation of their efforts in chapters for this volume.


Advances in Intelligent Control Systems and Computer Science

Free Download Advances in Intelligent Control Systems and Computer Science By Vili Forsell, Ciprian Doru Giurcăneanu (auth.), Loan Dumitrache (eds.)
2013 | 504 Pages | ISBN: 3642325475 | PDF | 21 MB
The conception of real-time control networks taking into account, as an integrating approach, both the specific aspects of information and knowledge processing and the dynamic and energetic particularities of physical processes and of communication networks is representing one of the newest scientific and technological challenges. The new paradigm of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) reflects this tendency and will certainly change the evolution of the technology, with major social and economic impact. This book presents significant results in the field of process control and advanced information and knowledge processing, with applications in the fields of robotics, biotechnology, environment, energy, transportation, et al..It introduces intelligent control concepts and strategies as well as real-time implementation aspects for complex control approaches. One of the sections is dedicated to the complex problem of designing software systems for distributed information processing networks. Problems as complexity and specific instruments for modeling and control are also presented in a group of papers which identifies a large opening towards the new generation of CPS.The book is structured so as to ensure a good equilibrium between conceptual and applicative aspects.


Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction ICSE ’94 Workshop on SE-HCI Joint Research Issues Sorrento, Italy, May 16

Free Download Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction: ICSE ’94 Workshop on SE-HCI: Joint Research Issues Sorrento, Italy, May 16-17, 1994 Proceedings By Joëlle Coutaz, Richard N. Taylor (auth.), Richard N. Taylor, Joëlle Coutaz (eds.)
1995 | 288 Pages | ISBN: 3540590080 | PDF | 8 MB
This volume presents the thoroughly revised proceedings of the ICSE ’94 Workshop on Joint Research Issues in Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction, held in Sorrento, Italy in May 1994.In harmony with the main objectives of the Workshop, this book essentially contributes to establishing a sound common platform for exchange and cooperation among researchers and design professionals from the SE and HCI communities. The book includes survey papers by leading experts as well as focused submitted papers. Among the topics covered are design, processes, user interface technology and SE environments, platform independence, prototyping, interactive behaviour, CSCW, and others.


Responsive Computer Systems Steps Toward Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Systems

Free Download Responsive Computer Systems: Steps Toward Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Systems By Soma Chaudhuri, Maurice Herlihy (auth.), Donald S. Fussell, Miroslaw Malek (eds.)
1995 | 268 Pages | ISBN: 0792395638 | PDF | 10 MB
Responsive Computer Systems: Steps Towards Fault-Tolerant Real-TimeSystems provides an extensive treatment of the most important issues in the design of modern Responsive Computer Systems. It lays the groundwork for a more comprehensive model that allows critical design issues to be treated in ways that more traditional disciplines of computer research have inhibited. It breaks important ground in the development of a fruitful, modern perspective on computer systems as they are currently developing and as they may be expected to develop over the next decade. Audience: An interesting and important road map to some of the most important emerging issues in computing, suitable as a secondary text for graduate level courses on responsive computer systems and as a reference for industrial practitioners.


Random Generation of Trees Random Generators in Computer Science

Free Download Random Generation of Trees: Random Generators in Computer Science By Laurent Alonso, René Schott (auth.)
1995 | 208 Pages | ISBN: 1441951504 | PDF | 6 MB
Random Generation of Trees is about a field on the crossroads between computer science, combinatorics and probability theory. Computer scientists need random generators for performance analysis, simulation, image synthesis, etc. In this context random generation of trees is of particular interest. The algorithms presented here are efficient and easy to code. Some aspects of Horton–Strahler numbers, programs written in C and pictures are presented in the appendices. The complexity analysis is done rigorously both in the worst and average cases. Random Generation of Trees is intended for students in computer science and applied mathematics as well as researchers interested in random generation.


Qualification for Computer-Integrated Manufacturing

Free Download Qualification for Computer-Integrated Manufacturing By Prof Dr. Felix Rauner (auth.), Felix Rauner (eds.)
1995 | 237 Pages | ISBN: 3540199713 | PDF | 14 MB
In this paper a nearly perfected concept of basic training in the field of "Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)" has been explained. With the help of detailed studies conducted in part by the Department of Technology and Education. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Dortmund the necessity of basic training at all levels for employees in Computer Integrated Manufacturing was verified. Then the new requirements for employees were indicated with respect to the "ability to act". Moreover, the didactic demands of the concept for basic subject-specific training were clearly stipulated. In summary, this concept has to include the invariant, indispensable, fundamental and exemplary contents and the basic options of CIM work organisation which are most important today and in the near future. Then a configuration was presented to meet these demands: the multimedia system of the CIM Learnil)g Factory, subsidised by the EC in the COMETT programme. The CIM Learning Factory consists of * a well-operating "model factory", where activities like job management, production control, design, manufacturing, including loading, material transport and assembly as well as quality control and warehousing, are flexibly shown in functional models and are controlled by means of cross-linked computers (MPC); during the training the cross-linked computer structure is used like a language laboratory; * two different "teachware packages", the first for the target group of designers and decision-makers, the second for skilled workers and plant management.


Computer Science Logic 8th Workshop, CSL ’94 Kazimierz, Poland, September 25-30, 1994 Selected Papers

Free Download Computer Science Logic: 8th Workshop, CSL ’94 Kazimierz, Poland, September 25-30, 1994 Selected Papers By David Aspinall (auth.), Leszek Pacholski, Jerzy Tiuryn (eds.)
1995 | 553 Pages | ISBN: 3540600175 | PDF | 10 MB
This volume contains revised refereed versions of the best papers presented during the CSL ’94 conference, held in Kazimierz, Poland in September 1994; CSL ’94 is the eighth event in the series of workshops held for the third time as the Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic.The 38 papers presented were selected from a total of 151 submissions. All important aspects of the methods of mathematical logic in computer science are addressed: lambda calculus, proof theory, finite model theory, logic programming, semantics, category theory, and other logical systems. Together, these papers give a representative snapshot of the area of logical foundations of computer science.


Recent Developments in Computer Vision Second Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV ’95 Singapore, December 5-8, 1995 Invi

Free Download Recent Developments in Computer Vision: Second Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV ’95 Singapore, December 5-8, 1995 Invited Session Papers By Rosalind W. Picard (auth.), Stan Z. Li, Dinesh P. Mital, Eam Khwang Teoh, Han Wang (eds.)
1996 | 612 Pages | ISBN: 3540607935 | PDF | 12 MB
This book contains the invited reviewed session papers solicited for presentation as key papers at the Second Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV ’95, held in December 1995 in Singapore.The fifteen leading researchers acting as session organizers at the ACCV ’95 solicited and reviewed a unique collection of 56 invited papers presented in this volume. Together, these papers competently reflect the state-of-the-art developments in computer vision and image processing; the author index of the volume reads like a who-is-who in the field. The papers are devoted to both theoretical and practical issues relevant to researchers and professionals in the area.
