Tag: Conformal

Conformal Quantum Field Theory in D-dimensions

Free Download Conformal Quantum Field Theory in D-dimensions By Efim S. Fradkin, Mark Ya. Palchik (auth.)
1996 | 466 Pages | ISBN: 9048147328 | PDF | 12 MB
Our prime concern in this book is to discuss some most interesting prosppcts that have occurred recently in conformally invariant quantum field theory in a D-diuwnsional space. One of the most promising trends is constructing an pxact solution for a cprtain class of models. This task seems to be quite feasible in the light of recent resllits. The situation here is to some extent similar to what was going on in the past ypars with the two-dimensional quantum field theory. Our investigation of conformal Ward identities in a D-dimensional space, carried out as far hack as the late H. J7Gs, showed that in the D-dimensional quantum field theory, irrespective of the type of interartion, there exists a special set of states of the field with the following property: if we rpqllire that one of these states should vanish, this determines an exact solution of 3. certain field model. These states are analogous to null-vectors which determine the minimal models in the two-dimensional field theory. On the other hand, the recent resparches supplied us with a number of indications on the existencp of an intinite-parampter algebra analogous to the Virasoro algebra in spaces of higher dimensions D 2: :~. It has also been shown that this algebra admits an operator rentral expansion. It seems to us that the above-mentioned models are field theoretical realizations of the representations of these new symmetries for D 2: ;3.


Two-Dimensional Conformal Geometry and Vertex Operator Algebras

Free Download Two-Dimensional Conformal Geometry and Vertex Operator Algebras by Yi-Zhi Huang
English | PDF | 1997 | 289 Pages | ISBN : 0817638296 | 21.4MB
The theory of vertex operator algebras and their representations has been showing its power in the solution of concrete mathematical problems and in the understanding of conceptual but subtle mathematical and physical struc tures of conformal field theories. Much of the recent progress has deep connec tions with complex analysis and conformal geometry. Future developments, especially constructions and studies of higher-genus theories, will need a solid geometric theory of vertex operator algebras. Back in 1986, Manin already observed in [Man) that the quantum theory of (super )strings existed (in some sense) in two entirely different mathematical fields. Under canonical quantization this theory appeared to a mathematician as the representation theories of the Heisenberg, Vir as oro and affine Kac Moody algebras and their superextensions. Quantization with the help of the Polyakov path integral led on the other hand to the analytic theory of algebraic (super ) curves and their moduli spaces, to invariants of the type of the analytic curvature, and so on. He pointed out further that establishing direct mathematical connections between these two forms of a single theory was a “big and important problem. ” On the one hand, the theory of vertex operator algebras and their repre sentations unifies (and considerably extends) the representation theories of the Heisenberg, Virasoro and Kac-Moody algebras and their superextensions.[/center]

Conformal Field Theory

Free Download Conformal Field Theory by Philippe Francesco
English | PDF | 1997 | 907 Pages | ISBN : 038794785X | 107 MB
Filling an important gap in the literature, this comprehensive text develops conformal field theory from first principles. The treatment is self-contained, pedagogical, and exhaustive, and includes a great deal of background material on quantum field theory, statistical mechanics, Lie algebras and affine Lie algebras.


Practical Guide to Applied Conformal Prediction in Python

Free Download Practical Guide to Applied Conformal Prediction in Python: Learn and apply the best uncertainty frameworks to your industry applications by Valery Manokhin
English | December 20, 2023 | ISBN: 1805122762 | 240 pages | PDF | 6.11 Mb
Elevate your machine learning skills using the Conformal Prediction framework for uncertainty quantification. Dive into unique strategies, overcome real-world challenges, and become confident and precise with forecasting.


Conformal Vector Fields, Ricci Solitons and Related Topics

Free Download Conformal Vector Fields, Ricci Solitons and Related Topics
English | 2024 | ISBN: 9819992575 | 165 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 10 MB
This book provides an up-to-date introduction to the theory of manifolds, submanifolds, semi-Riemannian geometry and warped product geometry, and their applications in geometry and physics. It then explores the properties of conformal vector fields and conformal transformations, including their fixed points, essentiality and the Lichnerowicz conjecture. Later chapters focus on the study of conformal vector fields on special Riemannian and Lorentzian manifolds, with a special emphasis on general relativistic spacetimes and the evolution of conformal vector fields in terms of initial data.
