Tag: Criminal

Free Will in Criminal Law and Procedure. Proceedings of the 23rd and 24th IVR World Congress Kraków 2007 and Beijing 2009

Free Download Free Will in Criminal Law and Procedure. Proceedings of the 23rd and 24th IVR World Congress Kraków 2007 and Beijing 2009 By Friedrich Toepel (editor)
2010 | 122 Pages | ISBN: 3515093206 | PDF | 1 MB
This supplement to the Archives for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (ARSP) covers all of the fundamental aspects of the free will problem, concentrating on questions of criminal and procedural law. In the first section the concept of free will is analyzed and the deterministic approach of Ronald J. Allen is discussed as laid out in his essay Miranda s Hollow Core in the Northwestern Law Review. The section is concluded by Professor Allen s reply to his critics. Professor Allen s determinism stands in contrast to the libertarianism of David Hodgson and Friedrich Toepel. The essays of Allan McCay and Juan Pablo Mañalich concentrate on compatibilistic theories. The second section focuses on a critical analysis of compatibilism. In this context, Angus Menuge also discusses the question of concrete evidence for a free will. Friedrich Toepel examines the relevance of alternative models, and Mateusz Klinowski argues that many of the relevant questions can already be answered by applying logical principles. In both sections, John W. Montgomery also provides rare insights into the theological background of the topic.


A Guide to the Criminal Appeal Act 1995

Free Download Leonard Jason-Lloyd, "A Guide to the Criminal Appeal Act 1995"
English | 2016 | ISBN: 0714642851 | EPUB | pages: 88 | 0.2 mb
The Criminal Appeal Act 1995 has significantly changed the way in which criminal appeals will be dealt with in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Providing a brief guide to the provisions of the Act, this is a quick reference for practitioners and students on degree and equivalent courses.


Third Parties in Criminal Proceedings A Comparative Law Study

Free Download Third Parties in Criminal Proceedings: A Comparative Law Study by Stefano Ruggeri, Antonella Falcone, Viviana Di Nuzzo
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 425 Pages | ISBN : 3031739698 | 12 MB
This book deals with the role and the protection of third parties in criminal proceedings. Starting from a comparative-law definition of formal parties in criminal proceedings based on seven domestic jurisdictions, this research focuses on the increasing impact of criminal investigations and criminal trials on different categories of third parties, i.e. those individuals who, without being suspected or accused of a criminal offence, are involved in criminal investigations and trials. The complex features of this topic require a further analysis from another comparative perspective that looks at the protection of victims and third parties at the levels of international and supranational law. Particular attention is firstly be devoted to the acknowledgment of a set of procedural safeguards to victims and individuals other than formal participants in criminal proceedings by means of the enormous contribution made by international human rights courts, with a specific focus on the European Court of Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Regarding victims in particular, their multifaceted status are also examined from the viewpoint of international criminal justice as well. The European scenario, moreover, allows for further deepening of the role and the procedural guarantees granted to third parties and victims from the viewpoint of EU law in relation to the area of freedom, security and justice, in which additional human rights challenges emerge in the field of transnational criminal justice. Comparison shall at all levels be carried out in the light of the enormous transformations due to the digital transition, which has brought about unbelievable changes in every area of mankind’s life, including criminal justice. Ever newer tools, indeed, govern procedural activities, and although unprecedented investigative measures allow for increasingly accurate fact-finding, new risks also arise, including those vis-à-vis third parties whose procedural rights risk to be inevitably infringed.


Historical Origins of International Criminal Law Volume 5

Free Download Morten Bergsmo, Klaus Rackwitz, Tianying Song, "Historical Origins of International Criminal Law: Volume 5"
English | 2017 | ISBN: 8283481061 | PDF | pages: 1189 | 11.1 mb
This volume is about the birth of the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. It concerns the strategy and activities of the preparatory team for the Office between 1 August 2002 and November 2003. The emphasis is on the


Historical Origins of International Criminal Law Volume 4

Free Download Morten Bergsmo Et Al, "Historical Origins of International Criminal Law: Volume 4"
English | 2015 | ISBN: 8283480170 | PDF | pages: 998 | 9.2 mb
This fourth volume in the series Historical Origins of International Criminal Law concentrates on institutional contributions to the development of international criminal law rather than taking a chronological (Volumes 1 and 2) or doctrinal (Volume 3) approach. It analyses contributions made by institutions such as the Nuremberg, Tokyo, ex-Yugoslavia and Rwanda tribunals, INTERPOL, the International Association of Penal Law, the Far Eastern and Pacific Sub-Commission, and internationalised fact-finding mandates. It considers the role played by some jurisdictional principles and work methods of international and national institutions. Part 4 also looks at wider trends in the development of international criminal law. The contributors include Wegger Christian Strømmen, LING Yan, Anuradha Bakshi, ZHU Wenqi, Volker Nerlich, David Re, LIU Daqun, Serge Brammertz, Kevin C. Hughes, Patricia Pinto Soares, Mareike Schomerus, Seta Makoto, Natalia M. Luterstein, Hilde Farthofer, Itai Apter, Md. Mostafa Hosain, Helge Brunborg, Mutoy Mubiala, Yaron Gottlieb, Mark A. Lewis, Marquise Lee Houle, Tina Dolgopol, Rahmat Mohamad, Barrie Sander, Furuya Shuichi, Chris Mahony, ZHANG Binxin and the editors. In his foreword, Wegger Christian Strømmen notes that the four-volume project "draws our attention to the common legacy and interests at the core of international criminal law. By creating a discourse community with more than 100 scholars from around the world, [CILRAP] has set in motion a wider process that will serve as a reminder of the importance of the basics of international criminal law".


Historical Origins of International Criminal Law Volume 3

Free Download Morten Bergsmo Et Al, "Historical Origins of International Criminal Law: Volume 3"
English | 2015 | ISBN: 8283480154 | PDF | pages: 845 | 6.1 mb
This volume carries on the "comprehensive and critical mapping of international criminal law’s origins" started by the previous two volumes. Twenty-seven authors investigate the evolution of legal doctrines and pertinent historical events, many in an attempt to inform contemporary theory and practice. Contributors include Narinder Singh, Eivind S. Homme, Manoj Kumar Sinha, Emiliano J. Buis, Shavana Musa, Jens Iverson, Gregory S. Gordon, Benjamin E. Brockman-Hawe, William Schabas, Patryk I. Labuda, GUO Yang, Philipp Ambach, Helen Brady, Ryan Liss, Sheila Paylan, Agnieszka Klonowiecka-Milart, Meagan Wong, Marina Aksenova, Zahra Kesmati, Chantal Meloni, Hitomi Takemura, Hae Kyung Kim, ZHANG Binxin, Morten Bergsmo, CHEAH Wui Ling, SONG Tianying and YI Ping. Part 1 of the book further expands the landscape of international criminal law in terms of geography, time and diversity of legal concepts in their early forms. Parts 2 and 3 turn to the origins and evolution of specific doctrines of international criminal law. Part 2 explores four core international crimes: war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, and aggression. Part 3 examines doctrines on individual criminal responsibility: modes of liability, grounds of criminal defence, and sentencing criteria. The doctrine-based approach allows vertical consolidation within a concept. The chapters also identify common and timeless tensions in international criminal law, symptomatic of ongoing struggles, offering parameters for assessment and action.


Historical Origins of International Criminal Law Volume 2

Free Download Wui Ling Cheah, Ping Yi, "Historical Origins of International Criminal Law: Volume 2"
English | 2014 | ISBN: 8293081139 | PDF | pages: 814 | 11.4 mb
The historical origins of international criminal law go beyond the key trials of Nuremberg and Tokyo but remain a topic that has not received comprehensive and systematic treatment. This anthology aims to address this lacuna by examining trials, proceedings, legal instruments and publications that may be said to be the building blocks of contemporary international criminal law. It aspires to generate new knowledge, broaden the common hinterland to international criminal law, and further develop this relatively young discipline of international law. The anthology and research project also seek to question our fundamental assumptions of international criminal law by going beyond the geographical, cultural, and temporal limits set by the traditional narratives of its history, and by questioning the roots of its substance, process, and institutions. Ultimately, we hope to raise awareness and generate further discussion about the historical and intellectual origins of international criminal law and its social function. The contributions to the three volumes of this study bring together experts with different professional and disciplinary expertise, from diverse continents and legal traditions. Volume 2 comprises contributions by prominent international lawyers and researchers including Professor LING Yan, Professor Neil Boister, Professor Nina H.B. Jørgensen, Professor Ditlev Tamm and Professor Mark Drumbl.


Historical Origins of International Criminal Law Volume 1

Free Download Wui Ling Cheah, Ping Yi, "Historical Origins of International Criminal Law: Volume 1"
English | 2014 | ISBN: 8293081112 | PDF | pages: 728 | 11.5 mb
The historical origins of international criminal law go beyond the key trials of Nuremberg and Tokyo but remain a topic that has not received comprehensive and systematic treatment. This anthology aims to address this lacuna by examining trials, proceedings, legal instruments and publications that may be said to be the building blocks of contemporary international criminal law. It aspires to generate new knowledge, broaden the common hinterland to international criminal law, and further consolidate this relatively young discipline of international law. The anthology and research project also seek to question our fundamental assumptions of international criminal law by going beyond the geographical, cultural, and temporal limits set by the traditional narratives of its history, and by questioning the roots of its substance, process, and institutions. Ultimately, we hope to raise awareness and generate further discussion about the historical and intellectual origins of international criminal law and its social function. The contributions to the three volumes of this study bring together experts with different professional and disciplinary expertise, from diverse continents and legal traditions. Volume 1 comprises contributions by prominent international lawyers and researchers including Judge LIU Daqun, Professor David Cohen, Geoffrey Robertson QC, Professor Paulus Mevis and Professor Jan Reijntjes.


Understanding Criminal Investigation

Free Download Robin P. Bryant, "Understanding Criminal Investigation"
English | 2009 | pages: 295 | ISBN: 0470727268 | PDF | 1,4 mb
This comprehensive volume deciphers investigative process and practice, providing an authoritative insight into key debates and contemporary issues in crime investigations
