Tag: Cryptology

Topics in Cryptology – CT-RSA 2007 The Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA Conference 2007, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 5-9,

Free Download Topics in Cryptology – CT-RSA 2007: The Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA Conference 2007, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 5-9, 2007. Proceedings By Nathan Keller, Stephen D. Miller, Ilya Mironov, Ramarathnam Venkatesan (auth.), Masayuki Abe (eds.)
2006 | 403 Pages | ISBN: 3540693270 | PDF | 5 MB
The RSA Conference, with over 15,000 attendees and 300 exhibitors, is the largest computer security event of the year. The Cryptographers’ Track (CT- RSA) is a research conference within the RSA Conference. Starting in 2001, CT-RSA continues to its seventh year and is now regarded as one of the major regularly staged event for presenting the results of cryptographic research to a wide variety of audiences. The proceedings of CT-RSA 2007 contain 25 papers selected from 73 s- missions which cover all the topics of cryptography. All the submissions were reviewed by at least three reviewers, which was possible by the hard work of 23 Program Committee members and many external reviewers listed in the foll- ing pages. The papers were selected as a result of conscientious discussion. The program includes two invited talks, by Michel Rabin and Andrew Odlyzko. I would like to express my gratitude to the Program Committee members, whowereenthusiasticfromtheverybeginningofthis completedproject.Thanks also to the external reviewers including those who completed urgent reviews during the discussion phase. Special thanks to Shai Halevi for providing and maintaining the Web review system. Finally, I would like to thank Burt Kaliski of RSA Laboratories and the Steering Committee for their suggestions and c- tinuous assistance.


Progress in Cryptology – INDOCRYPT 2004 5th International Conference on Cryptology in India, Chennai, India, December 20-22, 2

Free Download Progress in Cryptology – INDOCRYPT 2004: 5th International Conference on Cryptology in India, Chennai, India, December 20-22, 2004. Proceedings By Colin Boyd (auth.), Anne Canteaut, Kapaleeswaran Viswanathan (eds.)
2005 | 431 Pages | ISBN: 3540241302 | PDF | 3 MB
The INDOCRYPT series of conferences started in 2000. INDOCRYPT 2004 was the ?fth one in this series. The popularity of this series is increasing every year. The number of papers submitted to INDOCRYPT 2004 was 181, out of which 147 papers conformed to the speci?cations in the call for papers and, therefore, were accepted to the review process. Those 147 submissions were spread over 22 countries. Only 30 papers were accepted to this proceedings. We should note that many of the papers that were not accepted were of good quality but only the top 30 papers were accepted. Each submission received at least three independent – views. The selection process also included a Web-based discussion phase. We made e?orts to compare the submissions with other ongoing conferences around the world in order to ensure detection of double-submissions, which were not – lowed by the call for papers. We wish to acknowledge the use of the Web-based review software developed by Bart Preneel, Wim Moreau, and Joris Claessens in conducting the review process electronically. The software greatly facilitated the Program Committee in completing the review process on time. We would like to thank C´ edric Lauradoux and the team at INRIA for their total support in c- ?guring and managing the Web-based submission and review softwares. We are unable to imagine the outcome of the review process without their participation. This year the invited talks were presented by Prof. Colin Boyd and Prof.


Information Security and Cryptology Second SKLOIS Conference, Inscrypt 2006, Beijing, China, November 29 – December 1, 2006. P

Free Download Information Security and Cryptology: Second SKLOIS Conference, Inscrypt 2006, Beijing, China, November 29 – December 1, 2006. Proceedings By Haeryong Park, Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu, Seongan Lim, Ikkwon Yie, Kilsoo Chun (auth.), Helger Lipmaa, Moti Yung, Dongdai Lin (eds.)
2006 | 308 Pages | ISBN: 3540496084 | PDF | 6 MB
The second SKLOIS Conference on Information Security and Cryptology 2006 (Inscrypt, formerly CISC) was organized by the State Key Laboratory of Inf- mation Security of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This international conf- ence was held in Beijing, China and was sponsored by the Institute of Software, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundations of China. The c- ference proceedings, with contributed papers, are published by Springer in this volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). The research areas covered by Inscrypt have been gaining increased visibility recently since modern computing and communication infrastructures and app- cations require increased security, trust and safety. Indeed important fundam- tal, experimental and applied work has been done in wide areasof cryptography and information security research in recent years. Accordingly, the program of Inscrypt 2006 covered numerous ?elds of research within these areas. The International Program Committee of the conference received a total of 225 submissions, from which only 23 submissions were selected for presentation at the regular papers track and are part of this volume. In addition to this track, the conference also hosted a short paper track of 13 presentations that were carefully selected as well. All anonymous submissions were reviewed by experts in the relevant areas and based on their ranking, technical remarks and strict selection criteria the papers were selected to the various tracks.


Information Security and Cryptology – ICISC 2004 7th International Conference, Seoul, Korea, December 2-3, 2004, Revised Selec

Free Download Information Security and Cryptology – ICISC 2004: 7th International Conference, Seoul, Korea, December 2-3, 2004, Revised Selected Papers By Mike Reiter (auth.), Choon-sik Park, Seongtaek Chee (eds.)
2005 | 490 Pages | ISBN: 3540262261 | PDF | 4 MB
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed postproceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, ICISC 2004, held in Seoul, Korea in December 2004.The 34 revised full papers presented have gone through two rounds of reviewing and improvement and were selected from 194 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on block ciphers and stream ciphers, public key cryptosystems, PKI and related implementations, digital signatures, elliptic curve cryptosystems, provable security and primitives, network security, steganography, and biometrics.


Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2006 12th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Informat

Free Download Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2006: 12th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Shanghai, China, December 3-7, 2006. Proceedings By Christophe De Cannière, Christian Rechberger (auth.), Xuejia Lai, Kefei Chen (eds.)
2006 | 470 Pages | ISBN: 3540494758 | PDF | 5 MB
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, ASIACRYPT 2006, held in Shanghai, China in December 2006.The 30 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 314 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on attacks on hash functions, stream ciphers and boolean functions, biometrics and ECC computation, id-based schemes, public-key schemes, RSA and factorization, construction of hash function, protocols, block ciphers, and signatures.


Cryptology and Network Security 6th International Conference, CANS 2007, Singapore, December 8-10, 2007. Proceedings

Free Download Cryptology and Network Security: 6th International Conference, CANS 2007, Singapore, December 8-10, 2007. Proceedings By Fuchun Guo, Yi Mu, Zhide Chen (auth.), Feng Bao, San Ling, Tatsuaki Okamoto, Huaxiong Wang, Chaoping Xing (eds.)
2007 | 286 Pages | ISBN: 3540769684 | PDF | 7 MB
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security, CANS 2007, held in Singapore, in December 2007.The 17 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 68 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on signatures, network security, secure keyword search and private information retrieval, public key encryption, intrusion detection, email security, denial of service attacks, and authentication.


Topics in Cryptology – CT-RSA 2013 The Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA Conference 2013, San Francisco,CA, USA, February 25-Ma

Free Download Topics in Cryptology – CT-RSA 2013: The Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA Conference 2013, San Francisco,CA, USA, February 25-March 1, 2013. Proceedings By Aurélie Bauer, Eliane Jaulmes, Emmanuel Prouff, Justine Wild (auth.), Ed Dawson (eds.)
2013 | 405 Pages | ISBN: 3642360947 | PDF | 10 MB
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA Conference 2013, CT-RSA 2013, held in San Francisco, CA, USA, in February/March 2013. The 25 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 89 submissions. The papers are grouped into topical sections covering: side channel attacks, digital signatures, public-key encryption, cryptographic protocols, secure implementation methods, symmetric key primitives, and identity-based encryption.


Progress in Cryptology – AFRICACRYPT 2013 6th International Conference on Cryptology in Africa, Cairo, Egypt, June 22-24, 2013

Free Download Progress in Cryptology – AFRICACRYPT 2013: 6th International Conference on Cryptology in Africa, Cairo, Egypt, June 22-24, 2013. Proceedings By Carlos Aguilar Melchor, Slim Bettaieb (auth.), Amr Youssef, Abderrahmane Nitaj, Aboul Ella Hassanien (eds.)
2013 | 453 Pages | ISBN: 3642385524 | PDF | 6 MB
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques in Africa, AFRICACRYPT 2013, held in Cairo, Egypt, in June 2013. The 26 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 77 submissions. They cover the following topics: secret-key and public-key cryptography and cryptanalysis, efficient implementation, cryptographic protocols, design of cryptographic schemes, security proofs, foundations and complexity theory, information theory, multi-party computation, elliptic curves, and lattices.


Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2013 32nd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic T

Free Download Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2013: 32nd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Athens, Greece, May 26-30, 2013. Proceedings By Sanjam Garg, Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi (auth.), Thomas Johansson, Phong Q. Nguyen (eds.)
2013 | 736 Pages | ISBN: 3642383475 | PDF | 8 MB
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, EUROCRYPT 2013, held in Athens, Greece, in May 2013. The 41 full papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 201 submissions. They deal with cryptanalysis of hash functions, side-channel attacks, number theory, lattices, public key encryption, digital signatures, homomorphic cryptography, quantum cryptography, storage, tools, and secure computation.


Progress in Cryptology – INDOCRYPT 2009

Free Download Bimal Kumar Roy, Nicolas Sendrier, "Progress in Cryptology – INDOCRYPT 2009"
English | 2009 | pages: 455 | ISBN: 3642106277 | PDF | 5,0 mb
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cryptology in India, INDOCRYPT 2009, held in New Dehli, India, in December 2009.
