Free Download Diffusive Spreading in Nature, Technology and Society, Second Edition by Armin Bunde, Jürgen Caro, Christian Chmelik, Jörg Kärger, Gero Vogl
English | EPUB (True) | 2023 | 518 Pages | ISBN : 303105945X | 108.4 MB
What do the movements of molecules and the migration of humans have in common? How does the functionality of our brain tissue resemble the flow of traffic in New York City? How can understanding the spread of ideas, rumors, and languages help us tackle the spread a pandemic? This book provides an illuminating look into these seemingly disparate topics by exploring and expertly communicating the fundamental laws that govern the spreading and diffusion of objects. A collection of leading scientists in disciplines as diverse as epidemiology, linguistics, mathematics, and physics discuss various spreading phenomena relevant to their own fields, revealing astonishing similarities and correlations between the objects of study-be they people, particles, or pandemics.