Tag: Diophantine

Introduction to Diophantine Approximations New Expanded Edition

Free Download Introduction to Diophantine Approximations: New Expanded Edition By Serge Lang (auth.)
1995 | 130 Pages | ISBN: 1461287006 | PDF | 4 MB
The aim of this book is to illustrate by significant special examples three aspects of the theory of Diophantine approximations: the formal relationships that exist between counting processes and the functions entering the theory; the determination of these functions for numbers given as classical numbers; and certain asymptotic estimates holding almost everywhere.Each chapter works out a special case of a much broader general theory, as yet unknown. Indications for this are given throughout the book, together with reference to current publications. The book may be used in a course in number theory, whose students will thus be put in contact with interesting but accessible problems on the ground floor of mathematics.


Polynomial Diophantine Equations A Systematic Approach

Free Download Polynomial Diophantine Equations: A Systematic Approach
English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031629485 | 824 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 96 MB
Natural questions about the solution set of Diophantine equations are studied in this book using this approach. Is the set empty? Is it finite or infinite? Can all integer solutions be parametrized? By ordering equations by size, the book attempts to answer these questions in a systematic manner. When the size grows, the difficulty of finding solutions increases and the methods required to determine solutions become more advanced. Along the way, the reader will learn dozens of methods for solving Diophantine equations, each of which is illustrated by worked examples and exercises. The book ends with solutions to exercises and a large collection of open problems, often simple to write down yet still unsolved.


Number Theory Volume I Tools and Diophantine Equations

Free Download Number Theory Volume I: Tools and Diophantine Equations by Henri Cohen
English | PDF (True) | 2007 | 673 Pages | ISBN : 0387499229 | 5.2 MB
The central theme of this graduate-level number theory textbook is the solution of Diophantine equations, i.e., equations or systems of polynomial equations which must be solved in integers, rational numbers or more generally in algebraic numbers. This theme, in particular, is the central motivation for the modern theory of arithmetic algebraic geometry. In this text, this is considered through three aspects.


Introduction to Diophantine Approximations New Expanded Edition

Free Download Introduction to Diophantine Approximations: New Expanded Edition by Serge Lang
English | PDF | 1995 | 137 Pages | ISBN : 0387944567 | 7.8 MB
The aim of this book is to illustrate by significant special examples three aspects of the theory of Diophantine approximations: the formal relationships that exist between counting processes and the functions entering the theory; the determination of these functions for numbers given as classical numbers; and certain asymptotic estimates holding almost everywhere.


Diophantine Geometry An Introduction

Free Download Diophantine Geometry :An Introduction by Marc Hindry , Joseph H. Silverman
English | PDF (True) | 2000 | 574 Pages | ISBN : 0387989757 | 54.4 MB
This is an introduction to diophantine geometry at the advanced graduate level. The book contains a proof of the Mordell conjecture which will make it quite attractive to graduate students and professional mathematicians. In each part of the book, the reader will find numerous exercises.


Fundamentals of Diophantine Geometry

Free Download Fundamentals of Diophantine Geometry by Serge Lang
English | PDF | 1983 | 383 Pages | ISBN : 0387908374 | 28 MB
Diophantine problems represent some of the strongest aesthetic attractions to algebraic geometry. They consist in giving criteria for the existence of solutions of algebraic equations in rings and fields, and eventually for the number of such solutions. The fundamental ring of interest is the ring of ordinary integers Z, and the fundamental field of interest is the field Q of rational numbers. One discovers rapidly that to have all the technical freedom needed in handling general problems, one must consider rings and fields of finite type over the integers and rationals. Furthermore, one is led to consider also finite fields, p-adic fields (including the real and complex numbers) as representing a localization of the problems under consideration. We shall deal with global problems, all of which will be of a qualitative nature. On the one hand we have curves defined over say the rational numbers. Ifthe curve is affine one may ask for its points in Z, and thanks to Siegel, one can classify all curves which have infinitely many integral points. This problem is treated in Chapter VII. One may ask also for those which have infinitely many rational points, and for this, there is only Mordell’s conjecture that if the genus is :;;; 2, then there is only a finite number of rational points.
