Tag: Electron

Downfolding Methods in Many-Electron Theory

Free Download Downfolding Methods in Many-Electron Theory by Ferdi Aryasetiawan
English | 2022 | ISBN: 073542246X | 278 pages | PDF | 8.85 Mb
Downfolding Methods in Many-Electron Theory is a comprehensive description of the last 30 years of study in this field, starting from LDA+U to LDA+DMFT and arriving at the recent work on multitier self-consistent GW+EDMFT. It focuses on different levels of first-principles electronic structure theories for strongly correlated electrons and outlines the downfolding method as a general approach-proven to be very productive in first-principles electronic structure of materials with strong electron correlations."


Essential Electron Transport for Device Physics

Free Download Essential Electron Transport for Device Physics by A. F. J. Levi
English | January 1, 2020 | ISBN: 0735421587 | 268 pages | PDF | 18 Mb
Essential Electron Transport for Device Physics introduces key elements of electron transport most applicable to the study of semiconductor electron devices. It is a convenient reference and summary of fundamental knowledge to be understood before exploring more sophisticated electron device models and concepts. Easy to read and understand Concise descriptions of essential electron transport concepts Quantitative results, example problems, and, as supplementary material, MATLAB code for most numerically generated figures. The contents serve as a foundation for scientists and engineers, without the need to invest in specialized detailed study.


Elastic and Inelastic Scattering in Electron Diffraction and Imaging

Free Download Elastic and Inelastic Scattering in Electron Diffraction and Imaging By Zhong Lin Wang (auth.)
1995 | 448 Pages | ISBN: 1489915818 | PDF | 16 MB
Elastic and inelastic scattering in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) are important research subjects. For a long time, I have wished to systematically summarize various dynamic theories associated with quantitative electron micros copy and their applications in simulations of electron diffraction patterns and images. This wish now becomes reality. The aim of this book is to explore the physics in electron diffraction and imaging and related applications for materials characterizations. Particular emphasis is placed on diffraction and imaging of inelastically scattered electrons, which, I believe, have not been discussed exten sively in existing books. This book assumes that readers have some preknowledge of electron microscopy, electron diffraction, and quantum mechanics. I anticipate that this book will be a guide to approaching phenomena observed in electron microscopy from the prospects of diffraction physics. The SI units are employed throughout the book except for angstrom (A), which is used occasionally for convenience. To reduce the number of symbols used, the Fourier transform of a real-space function P'(r), for example, is denoted by the same symbol P'(u) in reciprocal space except that r is replaced by u. Upper and lower limits of an integral in the book are (-co, co) unless otherwise specified. The (-co, co) integral limits are usually omitted in a mathematical expression for simplification. I very much appreciate opportunity of working with Drs. J. M. Cowley and J. C. H. Spence (Arizona State University), J.


X-Ray Spectrometry in Electron Beam Instruments

Free Download X-Ray Spectrometry in Electron Beam Instruments By K. F. J. Heinrich (auth.), David B. Williams, Joseph I. Goldstein, Dale E. Newbury (eds.)
1995 | 372 Pages | ISBN: 1461357381 | PDF | 14 MB
From its early days in the 1950s, the electron microanalyzer has offered two principal ways of obtaining x-ray spectra: wavelength dispersive spectrometry (WDS), which utilizes crystal diffraction, and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), in which the x-ray quantum energy is measured directly. In general, WDS offers much better peak separation for complex line spectra, whereas EDS gives a higher collection efficiency and is easier and cheaper to use. Both techniques have undergone major transformations since those early days, from the simple focusing spectrometerand gas proportional counter of the 1950s to the advanced semiconductor detectors and programmable spectrometersoftoday. Becauseofthesedevelopments, thecapabilities and relative merits of EDS and WDS techniques have been a recurring feature of microprobeconferences for nearly40 years, and this volume bringstogetherthepapers presented at the Chuck Fiori Memorial Symposium, held at the Microbeam Analysis Society Meeting of 1993. Several themes are apparent in this rich and authoritative collection of papers, which have both a historical and an up-to-the-minute dimension. Light element analysis has long been a goal of microprobe analysts since Ray Dolby first detected K radiation with a gas proportional counter in 1960. WDS techniques (using carbon lead stearate films) were not used for this purpose until four years later. Now synthetic multilayers provide the best dispersive elements for quantitative light element analy sis-still used in conjunction with a gas counter.


Energy-Filtering Transmission Electron Microscopy

Free Download Energy-Filtering Transmission Electron Microscopy By Ludwig Reimer (auth.), Professor Dr. Ludwig Reimer (eds.)
1995 | 425 Pages | ISBN: 3662140551 | PDF | 11 MB
Energy-Filtering Transmission Electron Microscopy (EFTEM) presents a summary of the electron optics, the electron-specimen interactions, and the operation and contrast modes of this new field of analytical electron microscopy. The electron optics of filter lenses and the progress in the correction of aberrations are discussed in detail. An evaluation of our present knowledge of plasmon losses and inner-shell ionisations is of increasing interest for a quantitative application of EFTEM in materials and life sciences. This can be realized not only by filtering the elastically scattered electrons but mainly by imaging and analyzing with inelastically scattered electrons at different energy losses up to 2000 eV. The strength of EFTEM is the combination of the modes of electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS), Electron Spectroscopic Imaging (ESI) and Diffraction (ESD) and of energy filtering Reflection Electron Microscopy (REM) in one instrument.


Electron Correlations in Molecules and Solids

Free Download Electron Correlations in Molecules and Solids By Professor P. Fulde (auth.)
1995 | 483 Pages | ISBN: 3540593640 | PDF | 11 MB
Electron Correlations in Molecules and Solids bridges the gap between quantum chemistry and solid-state theory. In the first half of the text new concepts are developed for treating many-body and correlation effects, combining standard quantum chemical methods with projection techniques, Greens-function methods and Monto-Carlo techniques. The second half deals with applications of the theory to molecules, semiconductors, transition metals, heavy fermion systems, and the new high-Tc superconducting materials.


Theory of Electron-Atom Collisions Part 1 Potential Scattering

Free Download Theory of Electron-Atom Collisions: Part 1: Potential Scattering By Philip G. Burke, Charles J. Joachain (auth.)
1995 | 255 Pages | ISBN: 1489915699 | PDF | 9 MB
The authors aim to hone the theory of electron-atom and electron-ion collisions by developing mathematical equations and comparing their results to the wealth of recent experimental data. This first of three parts focuses on potential scattering, and will serve as an introduction to many of the concepts covered in Parts II and III. As these processes occur in so many of the physical sciences, researchers in astrophysics, atmospheric physics, plasma physics, and laser physics will all benefit from the monograph.


Selected Topics on Electron Physics

Free Download Selected Topics on Electron Physics By A. J. Murray, N. J. Bowring, F. H. Read (auth.), D. Murray Campbell, Hans Kleinpoppen (eds.)
1996 | 501 Pages | ISBN: 1461380448 | PDF | 16 MB
In the spring of 1970 Peter Farago organised a three-day conference on Polarised Electron Beams at Carberry Tower, near Edinburgh. Although the development of the gallium arsenide source, which was to revolutionise the world of experimental polarised electron physics, was still some years in the future, the meeting provided an important forum for the exchange of ideas among theoreticians and experimentalists engaged in both high and low energy electron collision studies. As soon as the decision had been taken to hold the 5th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics in Edinburgh in 1995, it occurred to the editors of the present volume that it would be highly appropriate to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Carberry Tower Conference by organising an ECAMP satellite meeting in honour of Peter Farago. The opportunity to pay tribute to Peter’s many important contributions in the broad field of electron physics attracted colleagues from allover the world to the symposium, which was held in the rooms of the Royal Society of Edinburgh on 31st March and 1st April 1995. Peter himself, now Professor Emeritus at the University of Edinburgh, was present throughout the meeting. We were particularly happy to welcome back to Edinburgh many participants in the original Carberry Tower conference; these included Professor P. G. Burke, Professor J. Kessler, Professor E. Reichert and Professor H. C. Siegmann, whose review papers had been highlights of the 1970 meeting.


Quantum Electron Theory of Amorphous Conductors

Free Download Quantum Electron Theory of Amorphous Conductors By Aleksandr Ivanovich Gubanov (auth.)
1995 | 278 Pages | ISBN: 1468406698 | PDF | 10 MB
The electron theory of solids has attracted great attention in recent years, mainly because of the numerous practical applications of semicon ductors. However, all the reviews and monographs on this subject deal only with crystalline conductors. At present, mainly in the Soviet Union, experi mental and theoretical investigations have been extended to liquid and solid amorphous conductors, and in particular to such semiconductors. However, all the work published so far in this field is in the form of separate papers scat tered throughout various journals, and there has as yet been no Soviet or for eign review of the theoretical work on amorphous semiconductors, in spite of the increasing interest in them. The investigation of liquid and amorphous semiconductors is of great practical importance, first, because all the solid semico’nductors are usually prepared from the liquid phase and it is important to know the electrical and other properties of this phase; secondly, amorphous semiconductors are beginning to be used in industry, for example, amorphous Sb S films in vidicon tubes. In some cases, especially in optical instruments, 2 S amorphous semiconductors have advantages compared with crystals. Theore tical studies of amorphous semiconductors should help in these practical applications. The present monograph is the first attempt to present systematically the quantum electron theory of amorphous conductors. The most interesting-in the author’s view-theoretical papers on this subject, published in journals are reviewed and critically compared.
