Tag: Encyclopedia

The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture Volume 14 Folklife

Free Download The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture: Volume 14: Folklife By Glenn Hinson & William Ferris & Charles Reagan Wilson
2009 | 402 Pages | ISBN: 0807833460 | EPUB | 5 MB
Southern folklife is the heart of southern culture. Looking at traditional practices still carried on today as well as at aspects of folklife that are dynamic and emergent, contributors to this volume of The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture examine a broad range of folk traditions. Moving beyond the traditional view of folklore that situates it in historical practice and narrowly defined genres, entries in this volume demonstrate how folklife remains a vital part of communities’ self-definitions. Fifty thematic entries address subjects such as car culture, funerals, hip-hop, and powwows. In 56 topical entries, contributors focus on more specific elements of folklife, such as roadside memorials, collegiate stepping, quinceanera celebrations, New Orleans marching bands, and hunting dogs. Together, the entries demonstrate that southern folklife is dynamically alive and everywhere around us, giving meaning to the everyday unfolding of community life.


Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women Global Women’s Issues and Knowledge

Free Download Cheris & Spender Kramarae, "Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women: Global Women’s Issues and Knowledge"
English | 2000 | pages: 5871 | ISBN: 0415920914 | EPUB | 6,9 mb
Featuring comprehensive global coverage of women’s issues and concerns, from violence and sexuality to feminist theory, the Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women’s Studies will bring the field into the new millennium. In over 900 signed A-Z entries from US and Europe, Asia, the Americas, Oceania and the Middle East, the women who pioneered the field from its inception collaborate with the new scholars who are shaping the future of women’s studies to create the new standard work for anyone who needs information on women-related subjects.


International Encyclopedia of Civil Society (2024)

Free Download Helmut K. Anheier, Stefan Toepler, "International Encyclopedia of Civil Society"
English | 2009 | pages: 1721 | ISBN: 0387939946 | PDF | 18,5 mb
Recently the topic of civil society has generated a wave of interest, and a wealth of new information. Until now no publication has attempted to organize and consolidate this knowledge.


Encyclopedia of the World’s Coastal Landforms

Free Download Eric Bird, "Encyclopedia of the World’s Coastal Landforms"
English | 2010 | pages: 1529 | ISBN: 1402086385 | PDF | 182,8 mb
This unique richly-illustrated account of the landforms and geology of the world’s coasts, presented in a country-by-country (state-by-state) sequence, assembles a vast amount of data and images of an endangered and increasingly populated and developed landform. An international panel of 138 coastal experts provides information on "what is where" on each sector of coast, together with explanations of the landforms, their evolution and the changes taking place on them. As well as providing details on the coastal features of each country (state or county) the compendium can be used to determine the extent of particular features along the world’s coasts and to investigate comparisons and contrasts between various world regions. With more than 1440 color illustrations and photos, it is particularly useful as a source of information prior to researching or just visiting a sector of coast. References are provided to the current literature on coastal evolution and coastline changes.


Encyclopedia of Tribology (2024)

Free Download Q. Jane Wang, Yip-Wah Chung, "Encyclopedia of Tribology"
English | 2013 | pages: 4192 | ISBN: 0387928960 | PDF | 222,4 mb
TRIBOLOGY – the study of friction, wear and lubrication – impacts almost every aspect of our daily lives. The Springer Encyclopedia of Tribology is an authoritative and comprehensive reference covering all major aspects of the science and engineering of tribology that are relevant to researchers across all engineering industries and related scientific disciplines. This is the first major reference that brings together the science, engineering and technological aspects of tribology of this breadth and scope in a single work. Developed and written by leading experts in the field, the Springer Encyclopedia of Tribology covers the fundamentals as well as advanced applications across material types, different length and time scales, and encompassing various engineering applications and technologies. Exciting new areas such as nanotribology, tribochemistry and biotribology have also been included. As a six-volume set, the Springer Encyclopedia of Tribology comprises 1630 entries written by authoritative experts in each subject area, under the guidance of an international panel of key researchers from academia, national laboratories and industry. With alphabetically-arranged entries, concept diagrams and cross-linking features, this comprehensive work provides easy access to essential information for both researchers and practicing engineers in the fields of engineering (aerospace, automotive, biomedical, chemical, electrical, and mechanical) as well as materials science, physics, and chemistry.


Encyclopedia of Public Health Volume 1 A – H Volume 2 I – Z (2024)

Free Download Wilhelm Kirch, "Encyclopedia of Public Health: Volume 1: A – H Volume 2: I – Z"
English | 2008 | pages: 1610 | ISBN: 1402056133 | PDF | 22,4 mb
The Encyclopedic Reference of Public Health presents the most important definitions, principles and general perspectives of public health, written by experts of the different fields. The work includes more than 2,500 alphabetical entries. Entries comprise review-style articles, detailed essays and short definitions. Numerous figures and tables enhance understanding of this little-understood topic. Solidly structured and inclusive, this two-volume reference is an invaluable tool for clinical scientists and practitioners in academia, health care and industry, as well as students, teachers and interested laypersons.


Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management

Free Download Paul M. Swamidass, "Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management"
English | 2000 | pages: 832 | ISBN: 0792386302 | PDF | 0,5 mb
The Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management is an encyclopedia that has been developed to serve this field as the fundamental reference work. Over the past twenty years, the field of production and operations management has grown more rapidly than ever and consequently its boundaries have been stretched in all directions. For example, in the last two decades, production and manufacturing management absorbed in rapid succession several new production management manufacturing strategy, focused factory, just-in-time manufacturing, concurrent engineering, total quality management, supply chain management, flexible manufacturing systems, lean production, and mass customization, to name a few. This explosive growth makes the need for this volume abundantly clear.


Encyclopedia of Microfluidics And Nanofluidics (2024)

Free Download Dongqing Li, "Encyclopedia of Microfluidics And Nanofluidics"
English | 2008 | pages: 2241 | ISBN: 0387324682 | PDF | 67,0 mb
Covering all aspects of transport phenomena on the nano- and micro-scale, this encyclopedia features over 750 entries in three alphabetically-arranged volumes including the most up-to-date research, insights, and applied techniques across all areas. Coverage includes electrical double-layers, optofluidics, DNC lab-on-a-chip, nanosensors, and more.


Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics, and Informatics

Free Download George P. Rédei, "Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics, and Informatics"
English | 2008 | pages: 2138 | ISBN: 1402067534 | PDF | 75,1 mb
The new, 3rd edition is an updated version of the best-seller earlier books. It includes about 56% more words than the 1,392-page 2nd edition of 2003. The number of illustrations increased to almost 2,000 and their quality has improved by design and four colors. Cross-references among entries are expanded. The statements are supported by references; more than 14,000 journal papers and more than 3,000 books are listed. The book includes ~1,800 current databases and web servers. Retractions and corrigenda are pointed out.
