Tag: Festschrift

The Construction of the Identity in 21st Century A Festschrift for Jean Guichard

Free Download Annamaria Di Fabio, "The Construction of the Identity in 21st Century: A Festschrift for Jean Guichard "
English | ISBN: 1634632184 | 2014 | 257 pages | PDF | 5 MB
This festschrift in honour of Professor Jean Guichard celebrates the important theoretical and applied contributions of his writings on guidance and counselling. Regarding the structure of the volume, the book consists of three parts. The first part is related to the theoretical contributions of Jean Guichard and introduces the richness of his thought, highlighting the antecedents, assonance, conceptual collaborations, and outcomes of his theories. The second part is devoted to the many extensions of his work. The third part concerns application and provides examples of the use of ‘Self-Construction’ and ‘Life Construction’ theories in practice.


Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas A Festschrift for Professor Sir Robert Wilson

Free Download Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas: A Festschrift for Professor Sir Robert Wilson By Allan J. Willis, Thomas W. Hartquist (auth.), A. J. Willis, T. W. Hartquist (eds.)
1996 | 400 Pages | ISBN: 9048147298 | PDF | 14 MB
Throughout his career Sir Robert Wilson has demonstrated that advances in a wide variety of fields in astrophysics and laboratory physics are achievable through the application of fundamental plasma spectroscopy. His work has included: optical studies that probed the nature of interstellar dust and first revealed the existence of O star winds; vacuum ultraviolet and X-ray diagnosis of fusion plasmas; rocket ultraviolet and X-ray observations of the Sun; and the conception, development and use of the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellite which has contributed greatly to stellar, interstellar and extragalactic astrophysics. This volume contains reviews honouring Sir Robert and reflecting his interests.


Advances in Fisheries Economics Festschrift in Honour of Professor Gordon R. Munro

Free Download Advances in Fisheries Economics: Festschrift in Honour of Professor Gordon R. Munro By
2007 | 313 Pages | ISBN: 1405141611 | PDF | 15 MB
A true landmark publication, Advances in Fisheries Economics brings together many of the world’s leading fisheries economists to authoritatively cover the many issues facing the field of fisheries economics and management today.Compiled in honour of the work and achievements of Professor Gordon Munro of the University of British Columbia, Canada, this exceptional volume of research serves as both a valuable reference tool and fitting tribute to a man whose work has shaped the discipline.Divided into four sections, the text includes coverage of:* Property Rights and Fisheries Management* Capital Theory and Natural Resources* Game Theory and International Fisheries* Applied Fisheries Economics and ManagementThe book is an important addition to the resources of all fisheries economists, managers, scientists and fish biologists. Libraries in universities and research establishments where these subjects are studied and taught should have copies on their shelves.About the EditorsDr. Trond Bjorndal is Professor of Economics, Centre for Fisheries Economics, Institute for Research in Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, Norway and Director, CEMARE, University of Portsmouth, England.Dr. Daniel V. Gordon is Professor of Economics, University of Calgary, Canada and Distinguished Research Fellow, Centre for Fisheries Economics, Institute for Research in Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, NorwayDr. Ragnar Arnason is Professor of Economics and the Chairman of the Institute of Economic Studies, University of Iceland.Dr. U. Rashid Sumaila is Director of the Fisheries Economics Research Unit, Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia.Content: Chapter 1 On the Contributions of Professor G.R. Munro to Economics (pages 1-16): T. Bjorndal and D. V. GordonChapter 2 Phases in the Evolution of Property in Sea Fisheries (pages 15-31): A. ScottChapter 3 Property Rights Quality and the Economic Efficiency of Fisheries Management Regimes: Some Basic Results (pages 32-58): R. ArnasonChapter 4 How Resolving the Class II Common Property Problem: The case of the Bcgroundfish Trawl Fishery (pages 59-73): R. Q. Grafton, H. W. Nelson and B. TurrisChapter 5 Auctions of IFQs as a Means to Share the Rent (pages 74-86): D. D. HuppertChapter 6 Shadow Prices for Fishing Quotas: Fishing with Econometrics (pages 87-108): D. Dupont and D. V. GordonChapter 7 Rational Expectations and Fisheries Management (pages 107-118): C. W. ClarkChapter 8 Linking Natural Capital and Physical Capital: A Review of Natural Resource Investment Models (pages 119-136): A. CharlesChapter 9 Fisheries Management with Stock Uncertainty and Costly Capital Adjustment (pages 137-158): M. Doyle, R. Singh and Q. WeningerChapter 10 The Incomplete Information Stochastic Split?Stream Model: An Overview (pages 157-183): R. McKelvey, P. V. Golubtsov, G. Cripe and K. A. MillerChapter 11 Coalition Games in Fisheries Economics (pages 184-195): M. Lindroos, V. Kaitala and L. G. KronbakChapter 12 Incentive Compatibility of Fish?Sharing Agreements (pages 196-206): R. HannessonChapter 13 Fish Stew: Uncertainty, Conflicting Interests and Climate Regime Shifts (pages 207-221): K. A. MillerChapter 14 A Dynamic Game on Renewable Natural Resource Exploitation and Markov Perfect Equilibrium (pages 222-238): S. KobayashiChapter 15 The Role of the Fishing Industry in the Icelandic Economy (pages 237-256): S. Agnarsson and R. ArnasonChapter 16 Factor use and Productivity Change in a Rights?Based Fishery (pages 257-269): B. M. H. Sharp and C. BatstoneChapter 17 Scientific Uncertainty and Fisheries Management (pages 270-282): W. E. Schrank and G. PontecorvoChapter 18 Spatial?Temporal Assessment Analysis with Application to the Scotia?Fundy Herring Fishery (pages 283-303): D. E. Lane


Sprache, Sinn und Situation Festschrift für Gert Rickheit zum 60. Geburtstag

Free Download Sprache, Sinn und Situation: Festschrift für Gert Rickheit zum 60. Geburtstag By Theo Herrmann (auth.), Lorenz Sichelschmidt, Hans Strohner (eds.)
2001 | 288 Pages | ISBN: 3824444488 | PDF | 8 MB
Der Sammelband enthält Beiträge, die die Rolle der Sprache aus kommunikations- und kognitionswissenschaftlicher, psychologischer und linguistischer Sicht behandeln. Unter Bezug auf die Lehr- und Forschungstätigkeit des renommierten Sprachwissenschaftlers Gert Rickheit werden aktuelle Ansätze zur Untersuchung der Funktionalität und des Situationsbezugs von Sprache vorgestellt, die ein umfassendes Bild des gegenwärtigen Forschungs- und Erkenntnisstands in der kognitiven Linguistik vermitteln.


Politik, Medien, Technik Festschrift für Heribert Schatz

Free Download Politik, Medien, Technik: Festschrift für Heribert Schatz By Dieter Grunow (auth.), Heidrun Abromeit, Jörg-Uwe Nieland, Thomas Schierl (eds.)
2001 | 528 Pages | ISBN: 3531136534 | PDF | 15 MB
Der Band versammelt verschiedene wissenschaftliche Beiträge zur aktuellen Politik- und Kommunikationsforschung im Spannungsfeld von Politik, Medien, Technik und Verwaltung. Die als Festschrift für Heribert Schatz geplante Publikation stelle unterschiedliche Perspektiven und Bezüge zu der langjährigen politik- und kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Forschung des Jubilars her und beleuchtet die verschiedenen Facetten seiner wissenschaftlichen Arbeit.


Weisheit als Lebensgrundlage Festschrift für Friedrich V. Reiterer zum 65. Geburtstag

Free Download Weisheit als Lebensgrundlage: Festschrift für Friedrich V. Reiterer zum 65. Geburtstag By Renate Egger-Wenzel, Karin Schöpflin, Johannes Friedrich Diehl
2013 | 524 Pages | ISBN: 3110266059 | PDF | 3 MB
Als Festgabe für den Salzburger Alttestamentler Friedrich V. Reiterer zur Vollendung des 65. Lebensjahres, dessen Forschung biblischer Weisheitsliteratur vor allem dem Buch Ben Sira gewidmet ist, überreichen Kollegen und Schüler einen Strauß von Untersuchungen, die die Interessengebiete des Jubilars beleuchten: Neben Ben Sira wird die Rolle der Weisheit in weiteren spätbiblischen Schriften, in zwischen- und neutestamentlichen Texten untersucht. As a commemorative gift for the 65th birthday celebration of the Salzburgian Old Testament scholar Friedrich V. Reiterer, whose research on Biblical wisdom literature has been devoted primarily to the book of Ben Sira, his colleagues and students presented him with this "bouquet" of studies related to Professor Reiterer’s areas of interest. In addition to Ben Sira, these studies examine the part played by Wisdom in subsequent Late-Biblical texts, and in intertestamental and New Testament texts.


The Forefront of International Higher Education A Festschrift in Honor of Philip G. Altbach

Free Download The Forefront of International Higher Education: A Festschrift in Honor of Philip G. Altbach By Alma Maldonado-Maldonado (auth.), Alma Maldonado-Maldonado, Roberta Malee Bassett (eds.)
2014 | 329 Pages | ISBN: 9400770847 | PDF | 3 MB
This book honors the academic trajectory and global impact of Philip G. Altbach, one of the most important education comparativists worldwide for over forty years. From his early writings on India and student activism to his recent work on research universities, Altbach has served as a key developer of the expansion of the field to include comparative higher education. His capacity to find, support, and gather the best minds around the world, to organize research teams in order to explore the most relevant issues on comparative higher education has earned him international recognition. His service to the field of comparative higher education is invaluable and incomparable. This festschrift contains original pieces from colleagues and former students following a twofold discussion: the most relevant topics on comparative higher education and particular Altbach’s contributions to this field of work.


Mobiles Leben Festschrift für Prof. Dr. -Ing. Dirk Zumkeller

Free Download Institut für Verkehrswesen Institut für Verkehrswesen, "Mobiles Leben: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. -Ing. Dirk Zumkeller"
Deutsch | 2009 | pages: 166 | ISBN: 3866443544 | PDF | 6,3 mb
Mit dieser Festschrift würdigen Schüler, Mitarbeiter und Wegbegleiter Herrn Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Zumkeller anlässlich seiner Verabschiedung als Leiter des Instituts für Verkehrswesen an der Universität Karlsruhe. 2009 geht eine Ära zu Ende, während welcher er in der verkehrswissenschaftlichen Forschung und Praxis maßgebliche Impulse setzte. In dieser Zeit verschaffte er dem Institut für Verkehrswesen ein eigenes, auch international wahrgenommenes Profil und prägte darüber hinaus unsere akademische Ausbildung.


Advances in Image Processing and Understanding A Festschrift for Thomas S. Huang

Free Download Advances in Image Processing and Understanding: A Festschrift for Thomas S. Huang By Alan C. Bovik, Chang Wen Chen, Dmitry B. Goldgof, Thomas S. Huang
2003 | 396 Pages | ISBN: 9812380914 | DJVU | 8 MB
This volume of original papers has been assembled to honour the achievements of Professor Thomas S. Huang in the area of image processing and image analysis. Professor Huang’s life of inquiry has spanned a number of decades, as his work on imaging problems began in 1960’s. Over the years, he has made many fundamental and pioneering contributions to nearly every area of this field. Professor Huang has received numerous awards, including the prestigious Jack Kilby Signal Processing Medal from IEEE. He has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering, and named Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of OSA, Fellow of IAPR and Fellow of SPIE. Professor Huang has made fundamental contributions to image processing, pattern recognition and computer vision, including: design and stability test of multidimensional digital filters, digital holography; compression techniques for documents and images; 3D motion and modelling, analysis and visualization of the human face, hand and body, multi-modal human-computer interfaces; and multimedia databases. This volume is intended to highlight his contributions by showing the breadth of areas in which his students are working. As such, contributed chapters were written by some of his many former graduate students (some with Professor Huang as a co-author) and illustrate not only his contributions to imaging science but also his commitment to educational endeavour. The breadth of contributions is an indication of influence of Professor Huang to the field of signal processing, image processing, computer vision and applications; there are chapters on learning in image retrieval, facial motion analysis, cloud motion tracking, wavelet coding, robust video transmission, and many other topics. The appendix contains several reprints of Professor Huang’s most influential papers from the 1970’s to 1990’s. This text is designed for image processing researchers, including academic faculty, graduate students and industry researchers, as well as professionals working in application areas.


The Reward of the Righteous Festschrift in Honour of Almut Hintze

Free Download Alberto Cantera, Maria Macuch, Nicholas Sims-Williams, "The Reward of the Righteous: Festschrift in Honour of Almut Hintze"
English | 2022 | ISBN: 3447118407 | PDF | pages: 615 | 167.5 mb
The volume is dedicated to one of the foremost scholars in the field of Zoroastrian and Iranian Studies, reflecting the broad range of scholarly interests and research work of the dedicatee. In addition to an appreciation of Almut Hintze’s work and a bibliography of her publications, the volume contains thirty-four contributions written by renowned specialists in their fields. These cover a wide range of topics, stretching from antiquity to the present, and offer many new insights and original perspectives on religious, linguistic and historical problems. The articles, which include many editions of previously unpublished texts, encompass studies on (1) The oldest Zoroastrian textual sources (A. Ahmadi; J. Kellens; A. Panaino; M. Schwartz); (2) The Zoroastrian ritual (A. Cantera; E. Filippone; F. Kotwal; J. Martinez Porro; C. Redard; Y. Vevaina); (3) Avestan manuscripts (G. Konig); (4) Zoroastrianism in the Middle Iranian and Islamic periods (Sh. Farridnejad; Sh. Shaked); (5) Pahlavi texts, documents and inscriptions (J. Choksy/M.U. Hasan; J. Josephson; M. Macuch; D. Weber); (6) Zoroastrian and Manichaean iconography (F. Grenet/M. Minardi; Y. Yoshida); (7) Manichaean texts in Middle Iranian languages (A. Benkato; I. Colditz; E. Morano/M. Shokri-Foumeshi/N. Sims-Williams; N. Sims-Williams/Bi Bo); (8) Iranian philology (M.A. Andres-Toledo; Ph. Huyse; E. Jeremias; P. Lurje; M. Maggi; E. Pirart; A. Rossi); (9) Historical and cultural studies (C. Cereti; J. Palsetia; J. Rose; A. Williams).
