Tag: from

Workers and revolution in Serbia From Tito to Miloševic and beyond

Free Download Darko Marinkovic, "Workers and revolution in Serbia: From Tito to Miloševic and beyond"
English | 2013 | pages: 160 | ISBN: 071908508X | PDF | 3,6 mb
This book offers a refreshing new analysis of the role of workers both in Tito’s Yugoslavia and in the subsequent Serbian revolution against Miloševic in October 2000. The authors argue that Tito and the Communist leadership of Yugoslavia saw self-management as a modernising project to compete with the West, and as a disciplining tool for workers in the enterprise. The socialist ideals of self-management were subsequently corrupted by Yugoslavia’s turn to the market. The authors then move on to examining the central role of ordinary workers in overthrowing the nationalist regime of Miloševic and present an account which runs contrary to many descriptions of ‘labour weakness’ in post-Communist states. Organised labour should be studied as a movement in and of itself rather than as a passive object of external forces. Two labour movement waves have emerged under post-Communism, the first an expression of desire for democracy, the second as a collaboration and clientelism. A third wave, against the ravages of neoliberalism, is only just emerging.


Unseen Unpublished Black History from the New York Times Photo Archives

Free Download Dana Canedy, Darcy Eveleigh, Damien Cave, "Unseen: Unpublished Black History from the New York Times Photo Archives"
English | 2017 | pages: 304 | ISBN: 0316552968 | EPUB | 292,1 mb
Hundreds of stunning images from Black history have been buried in the New York Times photo archives for decades. Four Times staff members unearth these overlooked photographs and investigate the stories behind them in this remarkable collection.


Turbo Code Applications a Journey from a Paper to realization

Free Download Turbo Code Applications: a Journey from a Paper to realization by Keattisak Sripimanwat
English | PDF | 2005 | 392 Pages | ISBN : 1402036868 | 4.5 MB
Turbo Code Applications: a journey from a paper to realization presents c- temporary applications of turbo codes in thirteen technical chapters. Each chapter focuses on a particular communication technology utilizing turbo codes, and they are written by experts who have been working in related th areas from around the world. This book is published to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of turbo codes invention by Claude Berrou Alain Glavieux and Punya Thitimajshima (1993-2003). As known for more than a decade, turbo code is the astonishing error control coding scheme which its perf- mance closes to the Shannon’s limit. It has been honored consequently as one of the seventeen great innovations during the ?rst ?fty years of information theory foundation. With the amazing performance compared to that of other existing codes, turbo codes have been adopted into many communication s- tems and incorporated with various modern industrial standards. Numerous research works have been reported from universities and advance companies worldwide. Evidently, it has successfully revolutionized the digital commu- cations. Turbo code and its successors have been applied in most communications startingfromthegroundorterrestrialsystemsofdatastorage,ADSLmodem, and ?ber optic communications. Subsequently, it moves up to the air channel applications by employing to wireless communication systems, and then ?ies up to the space by using in digital video broadcasting and satellite com- nications. Undoubtedly, with the excellent error correction potential, it has been selected to support data transmission in space exploring system as well.


Things I Learned From Knitting …whether I wanted to or not

Free Download Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, "Things I Learned From Knitting: …whether I wanted to or not"
English | 2008 | pages: 160 | ISBN: 1603420622 | EPUB | 2,1 mb
With a knitter’s perspective, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee describes the astonishing wisdom and hard-to-swallow truths that are embedded in everyday clichés. You’ll laugh with Pearl-McPhee as she realizes that "babies grow" after spending nights knitting a now-too-small sweater. "Beginning is easy, continuing is hard" takes on a new meaning to the knitter who has five projects going, but wants to start another. The next time you drop a stitch, take a cue from this insightful collection and remember, "if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again."


The Symmetry Perspective From Equilibrium to Chaos in Phase Space and Physical Space

Free Download The Symmetry Perspective: From Equilibrium to Chaos in Phase Space and Physical Space by Martin Golubitsky , Ian Stewart
English | PDF | 2002 | 338 Pages | ISBN : 3764366095 | 35.6 MB
Pattern formation in physical systems is one of the major research frontiers of mathematics. A central theme of this book is that many instances of pattern formation can be understood within a single framework: symmetry.


The Magnetic North Notes From the Arctic Circle

Free Download Sara Wheeler, "The Magnetic North: Notes From the Arctic Circle"
English | 2010 | pages: 346 | ISBN: 0224082213, 0099516888 | EPUB | 3,1 mb
‘This is more than a travel book about Sara Wheeler’s extended visits to Chukotka and other Russian territories, Alaska, Artic Norway, Canada, Greenland, Svarlbard (Spitzbergen) and Lappland.
