Free Download The Goldilocks God: Searching for the via media (Anglican Studies) By Guy Collins
2024 | 266 Pages | ISBN: 1978713495 | EPUB | 1 MB
The Goldilocks God: Searching for the via media explores the fertile middle ground between toxic Christianity and militant atheism. Can Christianity be intellectually credible? Why do our past failures and breakages offer comfort and hope? How does the via media of Anglicanism offer tactics for dealing with contemporary challenges and uncertainties? Whether exploring mystic Hildegard von Bingen, strategic thinker Queen Elizabeth, or theologians Jean-Luc Marion and Sarah Coakley, readers venture into a Trinitarian Goldilocks zone of faith, hope, and love. Guy Collins makes a creative and heartfelt case for a "spiritual thermodynamics" of trial and error, promise and glory. Illuminating ancient Christian practice with cutting-edge philosophy and theology, he reveals the lifelong habits that are "just right" for encountering the mystery of God.
