Tag: Held

When Women Held the Dragon’s Tongue and Other Essays in Historical Anthropology

Free Download Hermann Rebel, "When Women Held the Dragon’s Tongue: and Other Essays in Historical Anthropology "
English | ISBN: 0857458116 | 2012 | 330 pages | PDF | 2 MB
"Peasants tell tales," one prominent cultural historian tells us (Robert Darnton). Scholars must then determine and analyze what it is they are saying and whether or not to incorporate such tellings into their histories and ethnographies. Challenging the dominant culturalist approach associated with Clifford Geertz and Marshall Sahlins among others, this book presents a critical rethinking of the philosophical anthropologies found in specific histories and ethnographies and thereby bridges the current gap between approaches to studies of peasant society and popular culture. In challenging the methodology and theoretical frameworks currently used by social scientists interested in aspects of popular culture, the author suggests a common discursive ground can be found in an historical anthropology that recognizes how myths, fairytales and histories speak to a universal need for imagining oneself in different timescapes and for linking one’s local world with a "known" larger world.


Relativity Proceedings of the Relativity Conference in the Midwest, held at Cincinnati, Ohio, June 2-6, 1969

Free Download Relativity: Proceedings of the Relativity Conference in the Midwest, held at Cincinnati, Ohio, June 2-6, 1969 By John R. Klauder (auth.), Moshe Carmeli, Stuart I. Fickler, Louis Witten (eds.)
1995 | 382 Pages | ISBN: 1468407236 | PDF | 21 MB
The Relativity Conference in the Midwest was held in Cincin nati from June 2-6, 1969 and was sponsored jointly by the Aerospace Research Laboratories and the University of Cincinnati. During 1969, the Aerospace Research Laboratories celebrated the twentieth year of its existence and the University of Cincinnati celebrated its sesquicentennial year. Because of the extended interest of the Aerospace Research Laboratories in the Theory of Relativity and the recent arrival at the University of Cincinnati of one of the confer ence organizers it was felt that sponsoring a National Conference on Relativity designed primarily for participation by American scientists would represent a worthwhile contribution to the joint celebrations. This was the first formal national conference specifically devoted to relativity held in this country since the 1957 conference on The Role of Gravitation in Physics held in Chapel Hill. The format of the week-long conference consisted primarily of invited papers and extensive informal discussions. Contributed papers were generally discouraged except as their subject matter fit into the discussions. At no time was a clock used to terminate an invited talk; it was frequently necessary, however, to terminate the dis cussions after some hours because of the onset of weariness in mind and stomache. By general demand a special informal session was organized and held on Tuesday night to discuss "Superspace. " The Superspace Session started at 8:00 P. M. and faded away beginning at 2:00 A. ~L This volume contains a summary of most of the invited papers.


KdV ’95 Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 23-26, 1995, to commemorate the c

Free Download KdV ’95: Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 23-26, 1995, to commemorate the centennial of the publication of the equation by and named after Korteweg and de Vries By M. J. Ablowitz, S. Chakravarty, B. M. Herbst (auth.), Michiel Hazewinkel, Hans W. Capel, Eduard M. de Jager (eds.)
1995 | 516 Pages | ISBN: 9401040117 | PDF | 32 MB
Exactly one hundred years ago, in 1895, G. de Vries, under the supervision of D. J. Korteweg, defended his thesis on what is now known as the Korteweg-de Vries Equation. They published a joint paper in 1895 in the Philosophical Magazine, entitled `On the change of form of long waves advancing in a rectangular canal, and on a new type of long stationary wave’, and, for the next 60 years or so, no other relevant work seemed to have been done. In the 1960s, however, research on this and related equations exploded. There are now some 3100 papers in mathematics and physics that contain a mention of the phrase `Korteweg-de Vries equation’ in their title or abstract, and there are thousands more in other areas, such as biology, chemistry, electronics, geology, oceanology, meteorology, etc. And, of course, the KdV equation is only one of what are now called (Liouville) completely integrable systems. The KdV and its relatives continually turn up in situations when one wishes to incorporate nonlinear and dispersive effects into wave-type phenomena. This centenary provides a unique occasion to survey as many different aspects of the KdV and related equations. The KdV equation has depth, subtlety, and a breadth of applications that make it a rarity deserving special attention and exposition.


Held’s History of Sumbawa An Annotated Translation

Free Download Hans Hägerdal, "Held’s History of Sumbawa: An Annotated Translation "
English | ISBN: 9462981612 | 2017 | 212 pages | PDF | 1151 KB
Sumbawa is a medium-sized island in eastern Indonesia which has a particularly interesting past. In the premodern era it lay on the trade routes that connected the north coasts of the islands of Melaka and Java with the spice-producing areas in Maluku, while Sumbawa itself exported horses, sappan wood, and rice. Its recorded history covers periods of Hindu-Javanese influence, the Southeast Asian Age of Commerce, early Islamisation, and Dutch colonialism. Dutch Indologist Gerrit Jan Held wrote this book in 1955 but died before it could be published; this volume represents its first translation into English, and includes extensive footnotes that set it in context of current research.


Alen Sultanic – Nothing Held Back (NHB+) (Up to 08/2024) Download

Free Download Alen Sultanic – Nothing Held Back (NHB+) (Up to 08/2024) Links Hight Speed
I’ll describe what each one is and what it’s about, and then you can decide which one you want to join.
Fast Forward and NHB+ are designed to give you skills that most other business owners do NOT benefit from, so you always have a choice in how to run and grow your business without relying on other people’s advice and skills to make money .You won’t need their advice, you only have the choice to take their advice if you want to follow it, not because you have to follow it.
I have spent 20 years in this game and have accumulated many victories, scars and battles by creating more than 300 offers and doing pretty much everything in the game.
About a year and a half ago I started Nothing Held Back because at the time I felt like there wasn’t really a pure digital marketing community in the game that was good.
I am proud to say that we have achieved this goal and that we have 9,700 of the best of the best.
Then I started sharing my knowledge of advertising, marketing and sales and people started asking me more and more if I could offer something more.
So I created the Fast Forward Mastermind.
I didn’t post about it, promote it, push it, or ask anyone to join.
However, 207 of the world’s leading digital marketers, copywriters, proposal owners, agency owners, supplement brand owners, consultants and freelancers took part.
They represent every market and niche you can imagine, from supplements to finance, dog training, survival, health, sports, real estate, etc.


Kein Held für einen Tag

Free Download Kein Held für einen Tag: Geheime Missionen, tödliche Einsätze, harte Niederlagen – Mein Leben als Navy Seal
Deutsch | 2014 | ISBN: 3453200764 | 257 Seiten | EPUB | 3 MB
Mission erfüllt war ein Millionenerfolg. Aber Mark Owen war nicht nur dabei, als Osama bin Laden starb, er nahm während seiner 13 Jahre als Navy SEAL an über 100 wichtigen Einsätzen teil. Zum ersten Mal bietet Owen jetzt exklusive Einblicke in den Alltag eines Navy SEALs und enthüllt, wie er zum Teamleiter einer der besten Elitetruppen der Welt wurde: dem SEAL Team 6. Spannend, packend, aufsehenerregend!
