Tag: Husserl

Husserl’s Philosophy of Mathematical Practice

Free Download Mirja Hartimo, "Husserl’s Philosophy of Mathematical Practice "
English | ISBN: 1009165712 | 2024 | 75 pages | PDF | 2 MB
Husserl’s Philosophy of Mathematical Practice explores the applicability of the phenomenological method to philosophy of mathematical practice. The first section elaborates on Husserl’s own understanding of the method of radical sense-investigation (Besinnung), with which he thought the mathematics of his time should be approached. The second section shows how Husserl himself practiced it, tracking both constructive and platonistic features in mathematical practice. Finally, the third section situates Husserlian phenomenology within the contemporary philosophy of mathematical practice, where the examined styles are more diverse. Husserl’s phenomenology is presented as a method, not a fixed doctrine, applicable to study and unify philosophy of mathematical practice and the metaphysics implied in it. In so doing, this Element develops Husserl’s philosophy of mathematical practice as a species of Kantian critical philosophy and asks after the conditions of possibility of social and self-critical mathematical practices.


Crisis and Reflection An Essay on Husserl’s Crisis of the European Sciences

Free Download Crisis and Reflection: An Essay on Husserl’s Crisis of the European Sciences By James Dodd (auth.)
2005 | 250 Pages | ISBN: 1402021747 | PDF | 2 MB
In his last work, "Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology", Edmund Husserl formulated a radical new approach to phenomenological philosophy. Unlike his previous works, in the "Crisis" Husserl embedded this formulation in an ambitious reflection on the essence and value of the idea of rational thought and culture, a reflection that he considered to be an urgent necessity in light of the political, social, and intellectual crisis of the interwar period. In this book, James Dodd pursues an interpretation of Husserl’s text that emphasizes the importance of the problem of the origin of philosophy, as well as advances the thesis that, for Husserl, the "crisis of reason" is not a contingent historical event, but a permanent feature of a life in reason generally.


The Gift of Bonds Husserl’s Phenomenology Revisited

Free Download Roberta de Monticelli, "The Gift of Bonds: Husserl’s Phenomenology Revisited "
English | ISBN: 3031521501 | 2024 | 277 pages | EPUB, PDF | 1321 KB + 5 MB
This book presents the idea of the gift of bonds as the core intuition of phenomenology, constituting it into that method of philosophical research that Husserl had in mind when he characterized phenomenology as the culmination and fulfillment of Western philosophy. The book clarifies this claim while offering a unitary key to the whole of Husserl’s published and posthumous work. The idea of the gift of bonds unfolds progressively as a key to understanding the related notions of essence, material apriori, non-empirical data, structure, ideality, and value.


Essays on Husserl’s Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics

Free Download Essays on Husserl’s Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics by Stefania Centrone
English | PDF (True) | 2017 | 541 Pages | ISBN : 9402411305 | 5.2 MB
Essays on Husserl’s Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics sets out to fill up a lacuna in the present research on Husserl by presenting a precise account of Husserl’s work in the field of logic, of the philosophy of logic and of the philosophy of mathematics. The aim is to provide an in-depth reconstruction and analysis of the discussion between Husserl and his most important interlocutors, and to clarify pivotal ideas of Husserl’s by considering their reception and elaboration by some of his disciples and followers, such as Oskar Becker and Jacob Klein, as well as their influence on some of the most significant logicians and mathematicians of the past century, such as Luitzen E. J. Brouwer, Rudolf Carnap, Kurt Gödel and Hermann Weyl. Most of the papers consider Husserl and another scholar – e.g. Leibniz, Kant, Bolzano, Brentano, Cantor, Frege – and trace out and contextualize lines of influence, points of contact, and points of disagreement. Each essay is written by an expert of the field, and the volume includes contributions both from the analytical tradition and from the phenomenological one.


Derrida and Husserl The Basic Problem of Phenomenology

Free Download Derrida and Husserl: The Basic Problem of Phenomenology By Leonard Lawlor
2002 | 286 Pages | ISBN: 0253340497 | PDF | 4 MB
What is the nature of the relationship of Jacques Derrida and deconstruction to Edmund Husserl and phenomenology? Is deconstruction a radical departure from phenomenology or does it trace its origins to the phenomenological project? In Derrida and Husserl, Leonard Lawlor illuminates Husserl’s influence on the French philosophical tradition that inspired Derrida’s thought. Beginning with Eugen Fink’s pivotal essay on Husserl’s philosophy, Lawlor carefully reconstructs the conceptual context in which Derrida developed his interpretation of Husserl. Lawlor’s investigations of the work of Jean Cavailles, Tran-Duc-Thao, and Jean Hyppolite, as well as recent texts by Derrida, reveal the depth of Derrida’s relationship to Husserl’s phenomenology. Along the way, Lawlor revisits and sheds light on the origin of many important Derridean concepts, such as deconstruction, the metaphysics of presence, difference, intentionality, the trace, and spectrality.


Husserl’s Logical Investigations Reconsidered

Free Download Husserl’s Logical Investigations Reconsidered By Denis Fisette (auth.)
2003 | 240 Pages | ISBN: 9048163242 | PDF | 10 MB
The twelve original studies collected in this volume examine different aspects of Edmund Husserl’s Logical Investigations. They are authored by scholars and specialists internationally recognized for their expertise in the fields of phenomenology, logic, history of philosophy and philosophy of mind. They approach Husserl’s groundwork from different angles and perspectives and shed new light on a number of issues such as meaning, intentionality, ontology, logic, etc. They also explore questions such as the place of the Logical Investigations within the whole of Husserl’s work, its sources in 19th century philosophy and in particular in the philosophical work of Franz Brentano and Bernard Bolzano, its reception amongst the so-called members of the Munich Circle and its influence on contemporary philosophy. In short, this volume constitutes a "companion" to Husserl’s Logical Investigations.


The Phenomenology of Questioning Husserl, Heidegger and Patocka

Free Download The Phenomenology of Questioning: Husserl, Heidegger and Patocka by Joel Hubick
English | December 14, 2023 | ISBN: 1350358150 | True EPUB/PDF | 272 pages | 1/7.9 MB
Bringing together Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger and Jan Patocka, this book provides a comprehensive examination of the central role that questioning plays in phenomenology. Joel Hubick not only offers a phenomenological analysis of the activity of asking questions, but further traces the development of this form of questioning in the early stages of the phenomenology movement.


Edmund Husserl. Untersuchungen zur Urteilstheorie Texte aus dem Nachlass (1893-1918)

Free Download Edmund Husserl. Untersuchungen zur Urteilstheorie: Texte aus dem Nachlass (1893-1918) By Robin Rollinger (auth.), Robin Rollinger (eds.)
2009 | 517 Pages | ISBN: 1402068964 | PDF | 5 MB
Die im vorliegenden Band herausgebenen Forschungsmanuskripten basieren auf den sogenannten U-Blättern, einer von Edith Stein im Auftrag Husserls 1917 zusammengestellten Manuskriptsammlung zur "Urteilstheorie". Für Husserl war die Urteilstheorie das Kernstück der phänomenologischen Theorie der Vernunft, da in ihr die Probleme der Logik, der Ausdrucks- und Bedeutungslehre sowie der Erkenntnistheorie in ihrer wechselseitigen Verbundenheit zum Austrag kommen.Die im ersten Teil des Bandes veröffentlichten Texte aus dem Zeitraum 1893 bis 1899 zeigen, wie Husserls urteilstheoretische Forschungen ihren Ausgang von der intensiven Auseinandersetzung mit der Urteilstheorie seines Lehrers Franz Brentano nehmen. Diese Texte bieten einen wichtigen Einblick in die Entwicklung und Vorgeschichte von Husserls Bedeutungs- und Erkenntnislehre in den Logischen Untersuchungen; behandelt werden insbesondere die Scheidung von subjektiv-psychologischer und objektiv-logischer Forschungsrichtung, die Erfüllungslehre, die Lehre von der kategorialen Anschauung, die Bedeutungskategorien sowie der Evidenz- und Wahrheitsbegriff. Besondere Beachtung verdienen in diesen frühen Manuskripten Husserls Bestimmungen der Begriffe "Satz" und "Sachverhalt", insofern es sich hierbei um Schlüsselbegriffe seiner späteren, im zweiten Teil des Bandes dokumentierten Urteilstheorie handelt.Dieser zweite Teil kann als Ergänzung zu den in anderen Bänden der Husserliana herausgegebenen Göttinger Vorlesungen Husserls zur Logik und Erkenntnistheorie angesehen werden. Er vervollständigt das Bild von der Weiterentwicklung und den grundlegenden Veränderungen in Husserls Bedeutungs- und Urteilslehre nach den Logischen Untersuchungen. In den hier veröffentlichten, aus den Jahren 1908 bis 1918 stammenden Texten versucht Husserl sich unter anderem über den Urteilsbegriff selbst Klarheit zu verschaffen. Hierbei gilt es einerseits das im Urteil Vermeinte genau zu bestimmen und Satz als ideale Bedeutung vom Sachverhalt als Urteilsgegenständlichkeit sorgfältig zu unterscheiden und die mit diesen Termini verbundenen Äquivokationen zu beseitigen; andrerseits geht es darum das Urteilen als Denkakt zu seinen anschaulichen Vorstellungsunterlagen ins Verhältnis zu setzen. Beachtenswert sind desweiteren Husserls Bemühungen um eine Klärung des Unterschieds zwischen Wesensurteilen und empirischen Urteilen. Ein umfangreiches, für die Methode phänomenologischer Deskription bedeutsames Manuskript ist einer Untersuchung der immanent-deiktischen Urteile und ihrer Gültigkeit gewidmet.
