Tag: Ideals

Insecure Masculinity On the Impact of Societal Ideals of Masculinity on Men’s Mental Health in Jamaica (BestMasters)

Free Download Insecure Masculinity: On the Impact of Societal Ideals of Masculinity on Men’s Mental Health in Jamaica (BestMasters) By Julia Faulhaber
2022 | 68 Pages | ISBN: 3658395893 | PDF | 1 MB
This work focuses on the relationship between childhood socialization, masculinities, and young men’s coming of age in contemporary Jamaica. The author elucidates social, cultural, and historical dimensions of young men’s lifeworlds and theorizes on the potential trajectories of being emotionally well and/or un-well vis-à-vis gendered normative orders of growing up and relating to others within and beyond kinship and courtship relations. Based on fieldwork, this book elaborates on the extent to which social discourses of masculinity and men’s personal experiences of their own and other men’s mental health are reproduced in Jamaica. Faulhaber places her work in contemporary psychological and medical anthropology and aims to overcome the separation of psyche, body, and environment that is often common in psychotherapy, psychiatry, and health sciences. The author embarks on this important endeavour through critical and self-reflexive ethnography and the analysis of hegemonic narratives and discourses in media and popular culture. In juxtaposition and extension to other global mental health initiatives, this work highlights that well-being, affliction and suffering can barely be grasped scientifically as objectively measurable mental states of the individual.


Quantum Groups and Their Primitive Ideals

Free Download Quantum Groups and Their Primitive Ideals By Anthony Joseph (auth.)
1995 | 383 Pages | ISBN: 364278402X | PDF | 32 MB
by a more general quadratic algebra (possibly obtained by deformation) and then to derive Rq [G] by requiring it to possess the latter as a comodule. A third principle is to focus attention on the tensor structure of the cat egory of (!; modules. This means of course just defining an algebra structure on Rq[G]; but this is to be done in a very specific manner. Concretely the category is required to be braided and this forces (9.4.2) the existence of an "R-matrix" satisfying in particular the quantum Yang-Baxter equation and from which the algebra structure of Rq[G] can be written down (9.4.5). Finally there was a search for a perfectly self-dual model for Rq[G] which would then be isomorphic to Uq(g). Apparently this failed; but V. G. Drinfeld found that it could be essentially made to work for the "Borel part" of Uq(g) denoted U (b) and further found a general construction (the Drinfeld double) q mirroring a Lie bialgebra. This gives Uq(g) up to passage to a quotient. One of the most remarkable aspects of the above superficially different ap proaches is their extraordinary intercoherence. In particular they essentially all lead for G semisimple to the same and hence "canonical", objects Rq[G] and Uq(g), though this epithet may as yet be premature.


Philosophy of Devotion The Longing for Invulnerable Ideals

Free Download Paul Katsafanas, "Philosophy of Devotion: The Longing for Invulnerable Ideals"
English | ISBN: 0192867679 | 2023 | 256 pages | EPUB, PDF | 690 KB + 1535 KB
Why do people persist in commitments that threaten their happiness, security, and comfort? Why do some of our most central, identity-defining commitments seem to resist the effects of reasoning and critical reflection? Drawing on real-life examples, empirical psychology, and philosophical reflection, Paul Katsafanas argues that these commitments involve an ethical stance called devotion, which plays a pervasive-but often hidden-role in human life. Devotion typically involves sacralizing certain values, goals, or relationships. To sacralize a value is to treat it as inviolable (trade-offs with ordinary values are forbidden), incontestable (even contemplating such trade-offs is prohibited), and dialectically invulnerable (no rational considerations can disrupt the agent’s commitment to the value). Philosophy of Devotion offers a detailed philosophical account and defense of these features. Devotion and the sacralization of values can be reasonable; indeed, a life involving meaningful, sustained commitment depends on these stances. Without devotion, we risk an existential condition that Katsafanas describes as normative dissipation, in which all of our commitments become etiolated. Yet devotion can easily go wrong, deforming into the individual and group fanaticism that have become pervasive features of modern social life. Katsafanas provides an alternative to fanaticism, investigating the way in which we can express non-pathological forms of devotion. We can be devoted through affirmation and through what Katsafanas calls the deepening move, which treats the agent’s central commitments as systematically inchoate. Each of these stances enables a wholehearted form of devotion that nevertheless preserves flexibility and openness, avoiding the dangers of fanaticism on the one hand and normative dissipation on the other. But this is inevitably a fragile and precarious achievement: affirmation can slide into a focus on rejecting what isn’t affirmed, and the deepening move can ossify into rigidity. Only the perpetual quest to maintain a form of existential flexibility, which may require oscillation between affirmation and deepening, can stave off these dangers


Chastity A Study in Perception, Ideals, Opposition

Free Download Chastity: A Study in Perception, Ideals, Opposition By Nancy Deusen
2008 | 256 Pages | ISBN: 9047433416 | PDF | 3 MB
Chastity as a topic is an ideal interdisciplinary consideration since it accesses iconographical representation, the philosophical issues of purity, morality, and of innocence; the legal issues of loss and punishment, the historical issues of celibacy, and the legislation that topic evoked; as well as the role of chastity as a literary topos in Late Antiquity as well as the Middle Ages, for example, in medieval commentary traditions and within medieval vernacular literatures.


Justice and Harmony Cross-Cultural Ideals in Conflict and Cooperation

Free Download Joshua Mason, "Justice and Harmony: Cross-Cultural Ideals in Conflict and Cooperation "
English | ISBN: 1793654972 | 2022 | 292 pages | EPUB, PDF | 449 KB + 2 MB
Justice and harmony have long been two of the world’s most treasured ideals, but much of modern moral and political philosophy puts them on opposite sides of the divide between liberal theories of the right and communitarian theories of the good. Joshua Mason argues that the encounter with their Chinese counterparts, zhengyi and hexie, can overcome this opposition, revealing a pattern that reframes justice and harmony as mutually interdependent concepts in a three-part framework of root harmony (benhe), harmonic justice (heyi), and just harmony (zhenghe). Broadly surveying the histories of western and Chinese moral and political philosophies, Justice and Harmony: Cross-Cultural Ideals in Conflict and Cooperation explores our cross-cultural conceptual inventories and develops a comparative framework that can overcome entrenched binary oppositions and reconcile these grand global values.
