Tag: Information

Visualizing Information Using SVG and X3D

Free Download Visualizing Information Using SVG and X3D By Vladimir Geroimenko DSc, PhD, MSc (auth.), Vladimir Geroimenko DSc, PhD, MSc, Chaomei Chen PhD,MSc, BSc (eds.)
2005 | 298 Pages | ISBN: 1852337907 | PDF | 4 MB
Correcting the Great Mistake People often mistake one thing for another. That’s human nature. However, one would expect the leaders in a particular ?eld of endeavour to have superior ab- ities to discriminate among the developments within that ?eld. That is why it is so perplexing that the technology elite – supposedly savvy folk such as software developers, marketers and businessmen – have continually mistaken Web-based graphics for something it is not. The ?rst great graphics technology for the Web,VRML,has been mistaken for something else since its inception. Viewed variously as a game system,a format for architectural walkthroughs,a platform for multi-user chat and an augmentation of reality,VRML may qualify as the least understood invention in the history of inf- mation technology. Perhaps it is so because when VRML was originally introduced it was touted as a tool for putting the shopping malls of the world online,at once prosaic and horrifyingly mundane to those of us who were developing it. Perhaps those ?rst two initials,"VR",created expectations of sprawling,photorealistic f- tasy landscapes for exploration and play across the Web. Or perhaps the magnitude of the invention was simply too great to be understood at the time by the many, ironically even by those spending the money to underwrite its development. Regardless of the reasons,VRML suffered in the mainstream as it was twisted to meet unintended ends and stretched far beyond its limitations.


Neural Information Processing 13th International Conference, ICONIP 2006, Hong Kong, China, October 3-6, 2006. Proceedings, Pa

Free Download Neural Information Processing: 13th International Conference, ICONIP 2006, Hong Kong, China, October 3-6, 2006. Proceedings, Part III By Ha-Nam Nguyen, Syng-Yup Ohn (auth.), Irwin King, Jun Wang, Lai-Wan Chan, DeLiang Wang (eds.)
2006 | 1227 Pages | ISBN: 3540464840 | PDF | 19 MB
The three volume set LNCS 4232, LNCS 4233, and LNCS 4234 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP 2006, held in Hong Kong, China in October 2006.The 386 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 1175 submissions. The 126 papers of the first volume are organized in topical sections on neurobiological modeling and analysis, cognitive processing, mathematical modeling and analysis, learning algorithms, support vector machines, self-organizing maps, as well as independent component analysis and blind source separation. The second volume contains 128 contributions related to pattern classification, face analysis and processing, image processing, signal processing, computer vision, data pre-processing, forecasting and prediction, as well as neurodynamic and particle swarm optimization. The third volume offers 131 papers that deal with bioinformatics and biomedical applications, information security, data and text processing, financial applications, manufacturing systems, control and robotics, evolutionary algorithms and systems, fuzzy systems, and hardware implementations.<


Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images 5th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2004, Ba

Free Download Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images: 5th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2004, Bath, UK, September 15-17, 2004, Revised Selected Papers By Carol Peters (auth.), Carol Peters, Paul Clough, Julio Gonzalo, Gareth J. F. Jones, Michael Kluck, Bernardo Magnini (eds.)
2005 | 848 Pages | ISBN: 3540274200 | PDF | 8 MB
The ?fth campaign of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) for Eu- pean languages was held from January to September 2004. Participation in the CLEF campaigns has increased each year and CLEF 2004 was no exception: 55 groups submitted results for one or more of the di?erent tracks compared with 42 groups in the previous year. CLEF 2004 also marked a breaking point with respect to previous campaigns. The focus was no longer mainly concentrated on multilingual document retrieval as in previous years but was diversi?ed to include di?erent kinds of text retrieval across languages (e. g. , exact answers in the question-answering track) and retrieval on di?erent kinds of media (i. e. , not just plain text but collections containing image and speech as well). In ad- tion, increasing attention was given to issues that regard system usability and user satisfaction with tasks to measure the e?ectiveness of interactive systems or system components being included in both the cross-language question – swering and image retrieval tasks with the collaboration of the coordinators of the interactive track. The campaign culminated in a two-and-a-half-day workshop held in Bath, UK, 15-17 September, immediately following the 8th European Conference on Digital Libraries. The workshop was attended by nearly 100 researchers and s- tem developers.


Intelligent Information Technology 7th International Conference on Information Technology, CIT 2004, Hyderabad, India, Decembe

Free Download Intelligent Information Technology: 7th International Conference on Information Technology, CIT 2004, Hyderabad, India, December 20-23, 2004. Proceedings By K. Rajkumar, B. Ramadoss, Krishnamurthi Ilango (auth.), Gautam Das, Ved Prakash Gulati (eds.)
2005 | 430 Pages | ISBN: 3540241264 | PDF | 7 MB
The 7th International Conference on Information Technology (CIT 2004) was held in Hyderabad, India, during December 20-23, 2004. The CIT 2004 was a forum where researchers from various areas of information technology and its applications could stimulate and exchange ideas on technological advancements. CIT, organizedby the Orissa InformationTechnologySociety (OITS), has emerged as one of the major international conferences in India and is fast becoming the premier forum for the presentation of the latest research and development in the critical area of information technology. The last six conferences attracted reputed researchers from around the world, and CIT 2004 took this trend forward. This conference focused on the latest research ?ndings on all topics in the area of information technology. Although the natural focus was on computer science issues, research results contributed from management, business and other disciplines formed an integral part. We received more than 200 papers from over 27 countries in the areas of com- tational intelligence, neural networks, mobile and adhoc networks, security, databases, softwareengineering,signal andimageprocessing,andInternetandWWW-basedc- puting. The programme committee, consisting of eminent researchers, academicians and practitioners, ?nally selected 43 full papers on the basis of reviewer grades. This proceedings contains the research papers selected for presentation at the c- ference and this is the ?rst time that the proceedingshave been published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. The poster papers are being printed as a separate conference proceedings.


Information and Communications Security 7th International Conference, ICICS 2005, Beijing, China, December 10-13, 2005. Procee

Free Download Information and Communications Security: 7th International Conference, ICICS 2005, Beijing, China, December 10-13, 2005. Proceedings By Kenji Imamoto, Jianying Zhou, Kouichi Sakurai (auth.), Sihan Qing, Wenbo Mao, Javier López, Guilin Wang (eds.)
2005 | 498 Pages | ISBN: 3540309349 | PDF | 7 MB
The Seventh International Conference on Information and Communications – curity,ICICS2005,washeldinBeijing,China,10-13December2005. TheICICS conference series is an established forum for exchanging new research ideas and development results in the areas of information security and applied crypt- raphy. The ?rst event began here in Beijing in 1997. Since then the conference series has been interleaving its venues in China and the rest of the world: ICICS 1997 in Beijing, China; ICICS 1999 in Sydney, Australia; ICICS 2001 in Xi’an, China; ICICS 2002 in Singapore; ICICS 2003 in Hohhot City, China; and ICICS 2004 in Malaga, Spain. The conference proceedings of the past events have – ways been published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, with volume numbers, respectively: LNCS 1334,LNCS 1726,LNCS 2229, LNCS 2513, LNCS 2836, and LNCS 3269. ICICS 2005 was sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS); the Beijing Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 4052016; the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants No. 60083007 and No. 60573042;the NationalGrandFundamentalResearch973ProgramofChina under Grant No. G1999035802, and Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, China. The conference was organized and hosted by the Engineering Research Center for Information Security Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ERCIST, CAS) in co-operation with the International Communications and Information Security Association (ICISA). The aim of the ICICS conference series has been to o?er the attendees the opportunity to discuss the latest developments in theoretical and practical – pects of information and communications security.


Information System Design AI and ML Applications, Volume 4

Free Download Information System Design: AI and ML Applications
English | 2024 | ISBN: 9819765803 | 904 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 84 MB
This book presents a collection of high-quality, peer-reviewed research papers from the 8th International Conference on Information System Design and Intelligent Applications (ISDIA 2024), held in Dubai, UAE, from 3 – 4 January 2024. It covers a wide range of topics in computer science and information technology, including data mining and data warehousing, high-performance computing, parallel and distributed computing, computational intelligence, soft computing, big data, cloud computing, grid computing, cognitive computing, and information security.


Information Security Applications 5th International Workshop, WISA 2004, Jeju Island, Korea, August 23-25, 2004, Revised Selec

Free Download Information Security Applications: 5th International Workshop, WISA 2004, Jeju Island, Korea, August 23-25, 2004, Revised Selected Papers By Kihun Hong, Souhwan Jung, Luigi Lo Iacono, Christoph Ruland (auth.), Chae Hoon Lim, Moti Yung (eds.)
2005 | 472 Pages | ISBN: 3540240152 | PDF | 6 MB
The 5th International Workshop on Information Security Applications (WISA 2004) was held in Jeju Island, Korea during August 23-25, 2004. The workshop was sponsored by the Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology (KIISC), the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) and the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC). The aim of the workshop is to serve as a forum for new conceptual and – perimental research results in the area of information security applications from the academic community as well as from the industry. The workshop program covers a wide range of security aspects including cryptography, cryptanalysis, network/system security and implementation aspects. The programcommittee received169 papersfrom 22 countries,andaccepted 37 papers for a full presentation track and 30 papers for a short presentation track. Each paper was carefully evaluated through peer-review by at least three members of the programcommittee. This volume contains revised versions of 36 papers accepted and presented in the full presentation track. Short papers were only published in the WISA 2004 pre-proceedings as preliminary versions and are allowed to be published elsewhere as extended versions. In addition to the contributed papers, Professors Gene Tsudik and Ross Andersongaveinvitedtalks,entitledSecurityinOutsourcedDatabasesandWhat does ‘Security’ mean for Ubiquitous Applications?, respectively.


Geographic Information Science 4th International Conference, GIScience 2006, Münster, Germany, September 20-23, 2006. Proceedi

Free Download Geographic Information Science: 4th International Conference, GIScience 2006, Münster, Germany, September 20-23, 2006. Proceedings By Pragya Agarwal, Roderic Béra, Christophe Claramunt (auth.), Martin Raubal, Harvey J. Miller, Andrew U. Frank, Michael F. Goodchild (eds.)
2006 | 422 Pages | ISBN: 3540445285 | PDF | 9 MB
The GIScience conference series (www. giscience. org) was created as a forum for all researchers who are interested in advancing research in the fundam- tal aspects of geographic information science. Starting with GIScience 2000 in Savannah, Georgia, USA, the conferences have been held biennially, bringing together a highly interdisciplinary group of scientists from academia, industry, and governmentto analyze progressand to explore new researchdirections. The conferences focus on emerging topics and basic research ?ndings across all s- tors of geographic information science. After three highly successful conferences in the United States, this year’s GIScience conference was held in Europe for the ?rst time. The GIScience conferences have been a meeting point for researchers coming from various disciplines, including cognitive science, computer science, engine- ing, geography,information science, mathematics, philosophy, psychology,social science, and statistics. The advancement of geographic information science – quiressuchinterdisciplinarybreadth,andthisisalsowhatmakestheconferences so exciting. In order to account for the di?erent needs of the involved scienti?c disciplines with regard to publishing their research results, we again organized two separate stages of paper submission: 93 full papers were each thoroughly reviewed by three Program Committee members and 26 were selected for p- sentation at the conference and inclusion in this volume. Then, 159 extended abstracts, describing work in progress, were screened by two Program Comm- tee members each. Subsequently, 42 of them were selected for oral presentation, and 46 for poster presentation at the conference.


Environmental Satellites Weather and Environmental Information Systems

Free Download Vincent L. Webber, "Environmental Satellites: Weather and Environmental Information Systems "
English | ISBN: 1606929844 | 2009 | 112 pages | PDF | 3 MB
This book provides information on the planned National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) program which is expected to be a state-of-the-art, environment-monitoring satellite system which will replace two existing polar-orbiting environmental satellite systems. The NPOESS program is considered critical to the United States’ ability to maintain the continuity of data required for weather forecasting (including severe weather events such as hurricanes) and global climate monitoring through the year 2026. Furthermore, this book evaluates the NPOESS program office’s progress in restructuring the acquisition, evaluates their progress in establishing an effective management structure, and assesses the reliability of the life cycle cost estimate and proposed schedule. This book also identifies the status and key risks facing the program’s major segments and evaluates the adequacy of the program’s efforts to mitigate these risks.


Agent-Oriented Information Systems III 7th International Bi-Conference Workshop, AOIS 2005, Utrecht, Netherlands, July 26, 200

Free Download Agent-Oriented Information Systems III: 7th International Bi-Conference Workshop, AOIS 2005, Utrecht, Netherlands, July 26, 2005, and Klagenfurt, Austria, October 27, 2005, Revised Selected Papers By D. N. Lam, K. S. Barber (auth.), Manuel Kolp, Paolo Bresciani, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Michael Winikoff (eds.)
2006 | 294 Pages | ISBN: 3540482911 | PDF | 4 MB
Information systems underpin today’s business and entertainment. The means by which these information systems have been developed has changed over the years. Although the current paradigm is to use object-oriented concepts, a new set of concepts, focussed on agent technology, is starting to be evaluated. Agents offer higher level abstractions (than objects) for the conceptualization, design and implementation of information systems. Agents have autonomy, can reason and can coordinate within societies of agents. The AOIS series of workshops explores the potential for facilitating the increased usage of agent technology in the creation of information systems in the widest sense. In 2005, two AOIS workshops were held internationally. The first was affiliated with the AAMAS 2005 meeting in July in Utrecht in The Netherlands and chaired by Henderson-Sellers and Winikoff and the second with ER 2005 in November in Klagenfurt in Austria and chaired by Kolp and Bresciani. The best papers from these meetings were identified and authors invited to revise and possibly extend their papers in the light of reviewers’ comments and feedback at the workshop. We have grouped these papers loosely under four headings: Agent behavior, communications and reasoning; Methodologies and ontologies; Agent-oriented software engineering; and Applications. These categories fairly represent the breadth of current AOIS research as well as encompassing the papers presented at the two AOIS workshops. We trust you will find the content of these selected and revised papers to be of interest and utility.
