Tag: Instrument

Genetische Programmierung Ein Instrument zur empirischen Fundierung ökonomischer Modelle

Free Download Genetische Programmierung: Ein Instrument zur empirischen Fundierung ökonomischer Modelle By Dipl.Kfm. Bernd Ebersberger (auth.)
2002 | 312 Pages | ISBN: 3824406799 | PDF | 10 MB
Ökonomische Modellierung ist häufig der Kritik ausgesetzt, sie sei realitätsfern. Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es, sie realitätsnäher zu gestalten? Bernd Ebersberger stellt ein quantitatives Verfahren vor, das der Erstellung realistischer ökonomischer Modelle dient. Er untersucht, wie die Genetische Programmierung, eine Methode aus der künstlichen Intelligenzforschung, nutzbar gemacht werden kann, um zu wirklichkeitsnahen Modellen zu gelangen. Der Autor zeigt die wissenschaftstheoretischen Wurzeln der ökonomischer Modellierung auf und setzt sich kritisch mit ihrem derzeitigen Stand auseinander. Es wird deutlich, dass der Kernpunkt einer realistischen Darstellung die empirische Fundierung der in den Modellen unterstellten Zusammenhänge ist. Daher werden Kriterien für Verfahren erarbeitet, die diese empirische Fundierung leisten können, und es wird dargelegt, dass die Genetische Programmierung ein geeignetes Verfahren ist. Zahlreiche Beispiele und Beispielanwendungen veranschaulichen die Arbeit, und der im Anhang angegebene Quell-Code einer Genetischen Programmierungs-Routine ermöglicht dem Leser, die Genetische Programmierung selbst einzusetzen.


Instrument Engineers’ Handbook, Volume 3 Process Software and Digital Networks, Fourth Edition

Free Download Instrument Engineers’ Handbook, Volume 3: Process Software and Digital Networks, Fourth Edition By Bela G. Liptak, Halit Eren
2011 | 1139 Pages | ISBN: 1439817766 | PDF | 37 MB
Instrument Engineers’ Handbook – Volume 3: Process Software and Digital Networks, Fourth Edition is the latest addition to an enduring collection that industrial automation (AT) professionals often refer to as the "bible." First published in 1970, the entire handbook is approximately 5,000 pages, designed as standalone volumes that cover the measurement (Volume 1), control (Volume 2), and software (Volume 3) aspects of automation. This fourth edition of the third volume provides an in-depth, state-of-the-art review of control software packages used in plant optimization, control, maintenance, and safety. Each updated volume of this renowned reference requires aboutten years to prepare, so revised installments have been issued every decade, taking into account the numerous developments that occur from one publication to the next. Assessing the rapid evolution of automation and optimization in control systems used in all types of industrial plants, this book details the wired/wireless communications and software used. This includes the ever-increasing number of applications for intelligent instruments, enhanced networks, Internet use, virtual private networks, and integration of control systems with the main networks used by management, all of which operate in a linked global environment. Topics covered include: Advances in new displays, which help operators to more quickly assess and respond to plant conditions Software and networks that help monitor, control, and optimize industrial processes, to determine the efficiency, energy consumption, and profitability of operations Strategies to counteract changes in market conditions and energy and raw material costs Techniques to fortify the safety of plant operations and the security of digital communications systems This volume explores why the holistic approach to integrating process and enterprise networks is convenient and efficient, despite associated problems involving cyber and local network security, energy conservation, and other issues. It shows how firewalls must separate the business (IT) and the operation (automation technology, or AT) domains to guarantee the safe function of all industrial plants. This book illustrates how these concerns must be addressed using effective technical solutions and proper management policies and practices. Reinforcing the fact that all industrial control systems are, in general, critically interdependent, this handbook provides a wide range of software application examples from industries including: automotive, mining, renewable energy, steel, dairy, pharmaceutical, mineral processing, oil, gas, electric power, utility, and nuclear power.


Principles of Space Instrument Design

Free Download Principles of Space Instrument Design By A. M. Cruise, J. A. Bowles, T. J. Patrick, C. V. Goodall
1998 | 395 Pages | ISBN: 0521451647 | PDF | 8 MB
This informative account of the design of instruments used in rockets and spacecraft begins by introducing the basic principles of designing for the space environment. Following chapters discuss mechanical, structural, thermal and electronic design, including the problems that are frequently encountered in the testing and verification of spacecraft subsystems. The authors carefully describe important aspects of design, including stress analysis, multilayer insulation, two-dimensional sensor systems, mechanisms, the structure of space optics, and project management and control. A final chapter looks toward future developments of space instrument design and addresses issues arising from financial constraints. The book contains lists of symbols, acronyms and units and a comprehensive reference list. Worked examples, found throughout the text, make it valuable to final year undergraduate and beginning graduate students of physics, space science, space-craft engineering and astronautics.


Recruitment Advertising as an Instrument of Employer Branding A Linguistic Perspective

Free Download Jolanta Lacka-Badura., "Recruitment Advertising as an Instrument of Employer Branding: A Linguistic Perspective"
English | ISBN: 1443876542 | 2015 | 255 pages | PDF | 1237 KB
The book offers a linguistic analysis of job advertising as an instrument of employer branding, investigating how the creation of the employer brand and the projection of employee value proposition are realised linguistically in a corpus of online job advertisements. The study is methodologically grounded in the current approaches to discourse analysis and business/organisational communication, as it is broadly understood, with particular emphasis on genre and register analysis, the language of persuasion and evaluation, as well as the language of (organisational) values. The analysis conducted in the book demonstrates that job advertisements constitute a distinct promotional business genre, a member of the system of genres applied in the job search context, increasingly resembling multi-modal marketing-type ads. The rhetorical structure of online recruitment advertisements confirms the initial hypothesis that job ads contribute to the projection and reinforcement of employer brands. The register of recruitment ads clearly harmonises with the employer branding function of the genre: extremely positive, encompassing a wide range of persuasive strategies, as well as lexico-grammatical choices contributing to the creation of employer brands, job advertising may justifiably be classified as a paradigm case of persuasion. With employer branding being deeply rooted in the values emanating from an organisation, the use of linguistic structures communicating or implying the system of attributes and values declared by the employing organisations is a powerful employer branding strategy, widely reflected in the corpus. Taking into account the interdisciplinary character of the analysis, the book will be of interest not only to linguists and business communication scholars, but also to human resource management and public relations researchers and practitioners.


Umwelthaftungsrecht als Instrument der europäischen Umweltpolitik Eine ökonomische Analyse

Free Download Umwelthaftungsrecht als Instrument der europäischen Umweltpolitik: Eine ökonomische Analyse By Petra Becker (auth.)
1999 | 320 Pages | ISBN: 3824469162 | PDF | 18 MB
In der umweltpolitischen Diskussion in Europa ist das Umwelthaftungsrecht bisher kaum berücksichtigt worden. Dabei kann dieses umweltpolitische Instrument erheblich dazu beitragen, Unternehmen zu mehr Umweltschutz zu veranlassen. Vor dem Hintergrund der bestehenden europäischen Umweltgesetzgebung analysiert Petra Becker ökonomische Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Haftungsregeln und zeigt, wie die Umwelthaftung in der europäischen Union ausgeweitet werden könnte. Anhand eines ökonomischen Modells leitet die Autorin Umwelthaftungsregeln für Europa ab und belegt, dass es eine Aufgabe der EU sein sollte, ein einheitliches Umwelthaftungsrecht zu erlassen.
