MAAT Digital thEQred v1.2.1

Free Download MAAT Digital thEQred v1.2.1 | 10.4 Mb
Building on the foundation of Algorithmix’s much heralded Linear Phase PEQ Red, thEQred transforms that reference quality into a contemporary, cross-platform product. thEQred parametric audio equalizer fulfills the promise of extraordinary smoothness through frequency-based equalization. As with other members of MAAT’s thEQ family, its complex 80 bit floating point internal architecture, sophisticated signal windowing, and applied calculation precision all contribute to uncompromising quality and exacting fidelity.


MAAT Digital thEQblue v4.0.1

Free Download MAAT Digital thEQblue v4.0.1 | 36.1 Mb
thEQblue – Paramount MP Mastering EQ. A dozen precision variations on "analog," all in one equalizer. Yes, Your Blueness. The equalizer is perhaps the oldest and the most popular of sound processing tools. From its earliest days, the main function was correction or enhancement by boosting or cutting certain frequencies.


MAAT Digital RSPhaseShifter v2.3.0

Free Download MAAT Digital RSPhaseShifter v2.3.0 | 28.8 Mb
RSPhaseShifter is a digital implementation of the Roger Schult/German Audio Lab’s Phase Shifter 500 Series W2324 hardware. It is an explicit digital recreation of the analog W2324 topology, not a model or simulation. This cross-platform plug-in creates a very high quality, phase shifted version of a monaural or stereo input.


MAAT Digital FiDef JENtwo v2.1.0

Free Download MAAT Digital FiDef JENtwo v2.1.0 | 5 Mb
FiDef® by FideliQuest is a very low amplitude psychoacoustic stimulus designed specifically for audio engineers. It makes a receptive brain relax and pay closer attention to an incoming audio stimulus. In brain physiology laboratory tests using functional neuroimaging techniques, FiDef has proven to excite brain activity related to perception and attention, and to enhance the subjective processes of listening and engagement.
