Tag: Maple

Programmieren mit Maple V

Free Download Programmieren mit Maple V By M. B. Monagan, K. O. Geddes, K. M. Heal, G. Labahn, S. M. Vorkoetter (auth.)
1996 | 400 Pages | ISBN: 3540605444 | PDF | 14 MB
Maple VR ist ein interaktives mathematisches System, bei dem es sich sowohl um ein interaktives Hilfsmittel zum Lösen von Problemen als auch um eine Programmiersprache handelt. Bei "Programmieren mit Maple V" handelt es sich um ein vollkommen neues Buch, welches Maple V als Programmiersprache einführt. Ausgehend von einer Einführung in die allgemeinen Begriffe des Programmierens beschreibt es die vielfältigen Datenstrukturen von Maple und die neuen Programme zur Handhabung von Formeln und Graphen. Die Beispiele reichen von einfachen mathematischen Berechnungen bis zu fortgeschrittenen Programmen, die mit komplizierten Datenstrukturen arbeiten. Ein Kapitel beschäftigt sich ausführlich mit der Gestaltung und Erweiterung der Graphikmöglichkeiten von Maple. In anderen Kapiteln wird untersucht, wie symbolische Berechnungen effizient genutzt werden können, um numerische Algorithmen zu erzeugen und zu nutzen, wie mit Eingabe- und Ausgabedateien gearbeitet wird und wie die neuen source level debugging utilities von Maple genutzt werden können. Maple V wurde von Waterloo Maple Inc., einem anerkannt führenden Unternehmen auf dem Gebiet der mathematischen Software entworfen und weiterentwickelt. Sein Forschungs- und Entwicklungsteam arbeitet mit Forschern auf der ganzen Welt zusammen, zu dem Forscher der "Symbolic Computation Group" der Universität in Waterloo, des Instituts für wissenschaftlichen Rechnen an der ETH in Zürich, des/von/am/in INRIA, Frankreich und des "Center for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics" an der Simon Fraser University in Canada gehören.


Einführung in Maple V

Free Download Einführung in Maple V By K. M. Heal, M. L. Hansen, K. M. Rickard (auth.)
1996 | 280 Pages | ISBN: 3540605452 | PDF | 20 MB
In der "Einführung in Maple V" werden die vielen Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, wie das Maple VR System zur Lösung mathematischer Probleme genutzt werden kann. Beginnend mit einem Überblick über die interaktiven worksheets von Maple andtheir features for documenting work geht das Buch zur Darstellung einiger der Grundfertigkeiten von Maple über, zu denen algebraische, high precision numeric und graphische Berechnungen zählen. Nach Erörterung der grundlegenden Maple expressions and datatypes sowie der Überlegung, wie expressions can bemanipulated, geht the tutorial dazu über, eine Auswahl aus den Tausenden von Maple Kommandos dazu zu nutzen, um Lösungen zu tatsächlichen mathematischen Problemen zu entwickeln. Es umfaßt sowohl Beispiele zur Arbeit mit Graphiken, zu denen zwei- und dreidimensionale Descriptions und Animationen gehören, als auch für die Verbindung/how to combine graphischer Objekte. Facilities for algebraic simplifications werden als Einführung in Beispiel-Anwendungen diskutiert. Maple V wurde von Waterloo Maple Inc., einem anerkannt führenden Unternehmen auf dem Gebiet der mathematischen Software entworfen und weiterentwickelt. Sein Forschungs- und Entwicklungsteam arbeitet mit Forschern auf der ganzen Welt zusammen, zu dem Forscher der "Symbolic Computation Group" der Universität in Waterloo, des Instituts für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen an der ETH in Zürich, des/von/am/inINRIA, Frankreich und des "Center for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics" an der Simon Fraser University in Canada gehören.


Introduction to Cryptography with Maple

Free Download Introduction to Cryptography with Maple By José Luis Gómez Pardo (auth.)
2013 | 706 Pages | ISBN: 3642321658 | PDF | 6 MB
This introduction to cryptography employs a programming-oriented approach to study the most important cryptographic schemes in current use and the main cryptanalytic attacks against them. Discussion of the theoretical aspects, emphasizing precise security definitions based on methodological tools such as complexity and randomness, and of the mathematical aspects, with emphasis on number-theoretic algorithms and their applications to cryptography and cryptanalysis, is integrated with the programming approach, thus providing implementations of the algorithms and schemes as well as examples of realistic size. A distinctive feature of the author’s approach is the use of Maple as a programming environment in which not just the cryptographic primitives but also the most important cryptographic schemes are implemented following the recommendations of standards bodies such as NIST, with many of the known cryptanalytic attacks implemented as well. The purpose of the Maple implementations is to let the reader experiment and learn, and for this reason the author includes numerous examples. The book discusses important recent subjects such as homomorphic encryption, identity-based cryptography and elliptic curve cryptography. The algorithms and schemes which are treated in detail and implemented in Maple include AES and modes of operation, CMAC, GCM/GMAC, SHA-256, HMAC, RSA, Rabin, Elgamal, Paillier, Cocks IBE, DSA and ECDSA. In addition, some recently introduced schemes enjoying strong security properties, such as RSA-OAEP, Rabin-SAEP, Cramer–Shoup, and PSS, are also discussed and implemented. On the cryptanalysis side, Maple implementations and examples are used to discuss many important algorithms, including birthday and man-in-the-middle attacks, integer factorization algorithms such as Pollard’s rho and the quadratic sieve, and discrete log algorithms such as baby-step giant-step, Pollard’s rho, Pohlig–Hellman and the index calculus method.This textbook is suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students of computer science, engineering and mathematics, satisfying the requirements of various types of courses: a basic introductory course; a theoretically oriented course whose focus is on the precise definition of security concepts and on cryptographic schemes with reductionist security proofs; a practice-oriented course requiring little mathematical background and with an emphasis on applications; or a mathematically advanced course addressed to students with a stronger mathematical background. The main prerequisite is a basic knowledge of linear algebra and elementary calculus, and while some knowledge of probability and abstract algebra would be helpful, it is not essential because the book includes the necessary background from these subjects and, furthermore, explores the number-theoretic material in detail. The book is also a comprehensive reference and is suitable for self-study by practitioners and programmers.


Erste Schritte mit Maple Release 4, Maple V

Free Download Erste Schritte mit Maple: Release 4, Maple V By Werner Burkhardt (auth.)
1996 | 146 Pages | ISBN: 354060880X | PDF | 5 MB
Dieser Titel bildet einen sicheren Einstieg in das Computeralgebrasystem Maple für Anwender zum Selbststudium, für Kurse an Schulen und Hochschulen sowie für den mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht in der Sekundarstufe II. Die vorliegende Neuauflage berücksichtigt Maple V Release 4. In einer leicht verständlichen und gut strukturierten Weise wird anhand einzelner Problemfelder der Mathematik und ihrer Anwendungsgebiete der Umgang mit Maple sowie die Lösung mathematischer Probleme geschildert. Der Leser kann selbst bestimmen, wie er das Buch durcharbeitet, da die einzelnen Kapitel in sich geschlossen und voneinander unabhängig sind. Die erworbenen Kenntnisse können sofort am Bildschirm umgesetzt werden. Zur Vertiefung der einzelnen Kapitel befinden sich jeweils am Ende Kontrollaufgaben mit Lösungen. Nach der Lektüre ist der Leser in der Lage, selbständig zahlreiche mathematische Aufgabenstellungen mit Maple zu bearbeiten.


Experiments In Mathematics Using Maple

Free Download Experiments In Mathematics Using Maple By Christopher T. J. Dodson, Elizabeth A. Gonzalez (auth.)
1995 | 465 Pages | ISBN: 3540592849 | PDF | 7 MB
This book is designed for use in school computer labs or with home computers, running the computer algebra system Maple, or its student version. It supports the interactive Maple worksheets that we have developed and which are available free of charge from various sites. For example consult the anonymous ftp site ftp.utirc.utoronto.ca (/pub/ednet/maths/maple), or the University of Toronto Instructional and Research Computing World Wide Web home page (hhtp://www.utirc.utoronto.ca/home.html), over the Internet. The topics proceed through the full mathematics syllabus for the two senior years, from basic algebra, functions and sequences, to calculus and its additional explanatory text, answers to exercises, cross-referencing, bibliography and index.


The Maple® O.D.E. Lab Book

Free Download The Maple® O.D.E. Lab Book By Darren Redfern, Edgar Chandler (auth.)
1996 | 160 Pages | ISBN: 0387947337 | PDF | 5 MB
The Maple ODE Lab Book is intended to provide a thorough introduc tion to using symbolic computation software to model, solve, explore, and visualize ordinary differential equations. It is best used as a supplement to existing texts (see the bibliography for some of our recommended texts). Maple was chosen as our software package because of its ease-of-use, affordability, and popularity at many universities and colleges around the world. The version being used is Maple V Release 4. If you have a previous release of Maple, some of the commands shown in this lab book will work differently (or not at all), but the basic groundwork for solving ODEs hasn’t changed. Speak to your system administrator about upgrading to Release 4, or contact: Waterloo Maple Inc. 450 Phillip Street Waterloo, Ontario CANADA N2L 5J2 Phone: (519) 747-2373 FAX: (519) 747-5284 E-mail: [email protected] WWW: http://www.maplesoft.com 1 2 * Chapter 1. Introduction How This Lab Book Is Organized Each subsequent chapter of this lab book contains information and ex amples of how to apply Maple to various elements of ordinary differential equations. It is suggested that you read the chapters with your computer on and Maple V Release 4 running. You can then execute many of the com mands yourself and experiment by changing various parameters and/or initial conditions, observing the corresponding changes in the results.


The Maple Handbook

Free Download The Maple Handbook by Darren Redfern
English | PDF | 1993 | 495 Pages | ISBN : N/A | 33.6 MB
How to Use This Handbook The Maple Handbook is a complete reference tool for the Maple language, and is written for all Maple users, regardless of their dis cipline or field(s) of interest. All the built-in mathematical, graphic, and system-based commands available in Maple V Release 2 are detailed herein. Please note that The Maple Handbook does not teach about the mathematics behind Maple commands. If you do not know the meaning of such concepts as definite integral, identity matrix, or prime integer, do not expect to learn them here. As well, while the introductory sections to each chapter taken together do provide a basic overview of the capabilities of Maple, it is highly recom mended that you also read a more thorough tutorial such as In troduction to Maple by Andre Heck or First Leaves: A Tutorial Introduction to Maple. Overall Organization One of the main premises of The Maple Handbook is that most Maple users approach the system to solve a particular problem (or set of problems) in a specific subject area. Therefore, all commands are organized in logical subsets that reflect these different cate gories (e.g., calculus, algebra, data manipulation, etc.) and the com mands within a subset are explained in a similar language, creating a tool that allows you quick and confident access to the information necessary to complete the problem you have brought to the system.


The Maple Handbook Maple V Release 4

Free Download The Maple Handbook: Maple V Release 4 by Darren Redfern
English | PDF | 1996 | 502 Pages | ISBN : 0387945385 | 61.9 MB
How to Use This Handbook The Maple Handbook is a complete reference tool for the Maple lan guage, and is written for all Maple users, regardless of their discipline or field(s) of interest. All the built-in mathematical, graphic, and system based commands available in Maple V Release 4 are detailed herein. Please note that The Maple Handbook does not teach the mathematics behind Maple commands. If you do not know the meaning of such concepts as definite integral, identity matrix, or prime integer, do not expect to learn them here. As well, while the introductory sections to each chapter taken together provide a basic overview of the capabil ities of Maple, it is highly recommended that you also read a more thorough tutorial such as Introduction to Maple by Andre Heck, or one of standard manuals shipped with Maple V Release 4. Overall Organization One of the main premises of The Maple Handbook is that most Maple users approach the system to solve a particular problem (or set of prob lems) in a specific subject area. Therefore, all commands are organized in logical subsets that reflect these different categories, e.g., calculus, algebra, data manipulation, etc.; the commands within a subset are ex plained in a similar language, creating a tool that allows you quick and confident access to the information necessary to complete the problem you have brought to the system.


Introduction to Maple

Free Download Introduction to Maple by André Heck
English | PDF | 1993 | 503 Pages | ISBN : 1468405217 | 24.8 MB
In symbolic computation on computers, also known as computer algebra, keyboard and display replace the traditional pencil and paper in doing mathematical computations. Interactive computer programs, which are called computer algebra systems, allow their users to compute not only with numbers, but also with symbols, formulae, equations, and so on. Many mathematical computations such as differentiation, integration, and series expansion of functions, and inversion of matrices with symbolic entries, can be carried out quickly, with emphasis on exactness of results, and without much human effort. Computer algebra systems are powerful tools for mathematicians, physicists, chemists, engineers, technicians, psychologists, sociologists, … , in short, for anybody who needs to do mathematical computations. Com puter algebra systems are indispensable in modern pure and applied scien tific research and education. This book is a gentle introduction to one of the modern computer algebra systems, viz., Maple. Primary emphasis is on learning what can be done with Maple and how it can be used to solve (applied) mathematical problems. To this end, the book contains many examples and exercises, both elementary and more sophisticated. They stimulate you to use Maple and encourage you to find your way through the system. An advice: read this book in conjunction with the Maple system, try the examples, make variations of them, and try to solve the exercises.


Introduction to Maple, Third Edition

Free Download Introduction to Maple, Third Edition by André Heck
English | PDF | 2003 | 843 Pages | ISBN : 0387002308 | 57.7 MB
The first two editions of this book have been very well received by the com munity, but so many revisions ofthe Maple system have occurred since then that simply reprinting the out-of-stock book would not do anymore. A ma jor revision of the book was inevitable, too. The wording "major revision" must be taken seriously because I not only corrected typographical errors, rephrased text fragments, and updated many examples, but I also rewrote complete chapters and added new material. In particular, the chapter on differential equations now discusses Liesymmetry methods, partial differen tial equations, and numerical methods. Linear algebra is based throughout the book on the packages LinearAlgebra and VectorCalculus, which re place the deprecated package linalg. Maple users are strongly advised to do their work with the new packages. The chapter on simplification has been updated and expanded; it discusses the use of assumptions in more detail now. Last, but not least, a new chapter on Grabner basis theory and the Groebner package in Maple has been added to the book. It includes many applications of Grabner basis theory. Many of the Maple sessions have been rewritten so that they comply with the most recent version of Maple. As a result of all this work, hardly any section in the book has been left untouched. vi Preface to the Third Edition From the Preface of the Second Edition The first edition ofthis book has been very wellreceived by the community.
