Tag: Measurement

Passive and Active Measurement 25th International Conference, PAM 2024, Virtual Event, March 11-13, 2024, Proceedings, (Part 1)

Free Download Philipp Richter, "Passive and Active Measurement: 25th International Conference, PAM 2024, Virtual Event, March 11-13, 2024, Proceedings, "
English | ISBN: 3031562488 | 2024 | 322 pages | PDF | 25 MB
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Passive and Active Measurement, PAM 2024, held as a virtual event from March 11-13, 2024.


Measurement Theory in Action Case Studies and Exercises, Second Edition

Free Download Measurement Theory in Action: Case Studies and Exercises, Second Edition By Kenneth S. Shultz, David J. Whitney, Michael J. Zickar
2013 | 424 Pages | ISBN: 0415633621 | PDF | 2 MB
This book helps readers apply testing and measurement theories. Featuring 22 self-standing modules, instructors can pick and choose the ones that are most appropriate for their course. Each module features an overview of a measurement issue and a step-by-step application of that theory. Best practices provide recommendations for ensuring the appropriate application of the theory. Practical questions help students assess their understanding of the topic while the examples allow them to apply the material using real data. Two cases in each module depict typical dilemmas faced when applying measurement theory followed by Questions to Ponder to encourage critical examination of the issues noted in the cases. Each module contains exercises some of which require no computer access while others involve the use of SPSS to solve the problem. The book’s website houses the accompanying data sets and more. The book also features suggested readings, a glossary of the key terms, and a continuing exercise that incorporates many of the steps in the development of a measure of typical performance. Updated throughout to reflect recent changes in the field, the new edition also features: –A new co-author, Michael Zickar, who updated the advanced topics and added the new module on generalizability theory (Module 22). -Expanded coverage of reliability (Modules 5 & 6) and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (Modules 18 & 19) to help readers interpret results presented in journal articles. -Expanded Web Resources, Instructors will now find: suggested answers to the book’s questions and exercises; detailed worked solutions to the exercises; and PowerPoint slides. Students and instructors can access the SPSS data sets; additional exercises; the glossary; and website references that are helpful in understanding psychometric concepts. Part 1 provides an introduction to measurement theory and specs for scaling and testing and a review of statistics. Part 2 then progresses through practical issues related to text reliability, validation, meta-analysis and bias. Part 3 reviews practical issues related to text construction such as the development of measures of maximal performance, CTT item analysis, test scoring, developing measures of typical performance, and issues related to response styles and guessing. The book concludes with advanced topics such as multiple regression, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, item response theory (IRT), IRT applications including computer adaptive testing and differential item functioning, and generalizability theory. Ideal as a text for any psychometrics, testing and measurement, or multivariate statistics course taught in psychology, education, marketing and management, professional researchers in need of a quick refresher on applying measurement theory will also find this an invaluable reference.


The Economics of Poverty History, Measurement, and Policy [Audiobook]

Free Download Martin Ravallion, Bruce Mann (Narrator), "The Economics of Poverty: History, Measurement, and Policy"
English | ASIN: B0CVLHR6FN | 2024 | MP3@64 kbps | ~32:25:00 | 918 MB
There are fewer people living in extreme poverty in the world today than thirty years ago. While that is an achievement, continuing progress for poor people is far from assured. Inequalities in access to key resources threaten to stall growth and poverty reduction in many places. The world’s poorest have made only a small absolute gain over those thirty years. Progress has been slow against relative poverty as judged by the standards of the country and time one lives in, and a great many people in the world’s emerging middle class remain vulnerable to falling back into poverty. The Economics of Poverty reviews critically past and present debates on poverty, spanning both rich and poor countries. The book provides an accessible new synthesis of current economic thinking on key questions: How is poverty measured? How much poverty is there? Why does poverty exist, and is it inevitable? What can be done to reduce poverty? Can it even be eliminated? The book does not assume that listeners know economics already. Those new to the subject get a lot of help along the way in understanding its concepts and methods. Economics lives through its relevance to real world problems, and here the problem of poverty is both the central focus and a vehicle for learning.


Electrical Measurement Techniques For the Physics Laboratory

Free Download Electrical Measurement Techniques: For the Physics Laboratory
English | 2024 | ISBN: 9819981867 | 611 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 66 MB
This book highlights the electrical engineering aspects of a typical physics laboratory. To perform a sound experiment in a physics laboratory, it is paramount that readers understand the equipment and methods used to collect the data. This includes sensors (e.g., thermocouples and vacuum gauges), amplifiers (e.g., instrumentation amplifiers and lock-in amplifiers), oscilloscopes and probes (active probes and current probes), transmission cables (50-ohm termination) and noise shielding (grounding), spectrum analyzers (FFT and heterodyne technique), ADCs and digital signal processing, convolution and correlation, data analysis such as curve fitting, and uncertainty calculations (uncertainty ‘budgets’). The readers need to know about electromagnetic crosstalk, time-to-digital converters, student-t distributions, PID controllers, spectral leakage, and windows. This book helps readers understand all of that.


Gas Measurement Technology in Theory and Practice Measuring Instruments, Sensors, Applications

Free Download Gas Measurement Technology in Theory and Practice: Measuring Instruments, Sensors, Applications by Gerhard Wiegleb
English | EPUB (True) | 2023 | 1303 Pages | ISBN : 3658372311 | 266.5 MB
The book describes the physical properties of gases and describes the different measuring methods and sensor principles for the analysis of gas mixtures. The use of gas sensors in different applications is shown by means of practical examples. These applications of the metrological detection of gases originate from many fields of engineering, in particular energy technology, food technology, process engineering, biotechnology, safety engineering, medical technology and environmental technology.


KLONK Image Measurement 2024.1.16.0 + Portable

Free Download KLONK Image Measurement 2024.1.16.0 Multilingual + Portable Free Links | 191/161 Mb
Image Measurement is a planimetric tool to measure angle, length, and area on surfaces. Originally designed for medical research. Image Measurement has also proved itself in other fields including design, engineering, artistry, and generally industries where image measurements are handy.


Tests & Measurement for People Who

Free Download Neil J. Salkind, "Tests & Measurement for People Who "
English | ISBN: 1071817175 | 2022 | 360 pages | PDF | 14 MB
Neil J. Salkind’s bestselling Tests & Measurement for People Who (Think They) Hate Tests & Measurement, Fourth Edition guides readers through the categories, design, and use of tests, as well as social, political, and legal issues that the process of testing involves. New co-author Bruce B. Frey has streamlined the organization for ease of use; added more content on validity and reliability; more closely connected standardized tests to classroom instruction; and added a chapter on surveys and scale development.


Supply Performance Measurement Leistungsmessung in Einkauf und Supply Management

Free Download Supply Performance Measurement: Leistungsmessung in Einkauf und Supply Management By Aiko Entchelmeier (auth.)
2008 | 219 Pages | ISBN: 3834909963 | PDF | 2 MB
Seit einigen Jahren wird in Forschung und Praxis vor dem Hintergrund der sinkenden Wertschöpfungstiefen die Weiterentwicklung des Einkaufs von Supply Management diskutiert. Um die Potenziale der externen Wertschöpfung für das Unternehmen nutzbar zu machen, rückt die Frage nach der Messung und Steuerung der Performance des Supply Managements in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses. Die Etablierung derartiger Supply Performance Measurement-Systeme stellt allerdings bislang Forschung und Praxis vor erhebliche Herausforderungen. Basierend auf der Methodik der angewandten Managementforschung entwickelt Aiko Entchelmeier einen ganzheitlichen Supply Performance Measurement-Ansatz. Hierzu erarbeitet er eine theoriebasierte Konzeption, die er anhand von ausgewählten Fallstudien mit Entwicklungen in der Unternehmenspraxis abgleicht und deren Beitrag zum Erfolg des Supply Managements er auf Basis einer empirisch-quantitativen Untersuchung nachweist. Der Autor stellt dar, wie die Leistung des Einkaufs gemessen werden sollte und zeigt auf, wie Supply Performance Measurement-Systeme entwickelt und im Unternehmen etablieren werden können.


Performance Measurement in Nonprofit-Organisationen

Free Download Performance Measurement in Nonprofit-Organisationen By Dorothea Greiling (auth.)
2009 | 573 Pages | ISBN: 3834911852 | PDF | 7 MB
Viele private Nonprofit-Organisationen stehen heute mehr denn je unter dem Druck, ihre Ressourcen effizient und effektiv einzusetzen. Außerdem ist eine öffentlichkeitswirksame Darstellung der Leistungsfähigkeit notwendig. In diesem Kontext gewinnt das Performance Measurement als Berichterstattungs- und Steuerungsinstrument für private Nonprofit-Organisationen an Bedeutung. Dorothea Greiling setzt sich aus deskriptiver, empirischer und theoretischer Perspektive mit dem Performance Measurement in privaten Nonprofit-Organisationen auseinander und erarbeitet einen Überblick. Sie präsentiert die Ergebnisse zweier Primärerhebungen zum Stand des Performance Measurement und der Erfolgsoperationalisierung in freigemeinnützigen Einrichtungen des Gesundheits- und Sozialbereichs. Ergänzend diskutiert die Autorin die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Performance Measurement und gibt Gestaltungsempfehlungen sowohl für die Verbesserung der Berichterstattung der einzelnen Nonprofit-Organisation als auch für den Nonprofit-Sektor im Ganzen.
