Tag: Mechanics

Geometric Mechanics

Free Download Geometric Mechanics by Waldyr Muniz Oliva
English | PDF | 2002 | 273 Pages | ISBN : 3540442421 | 3.2 MB
Geometric Mechanics here means mechanics on a pseudo-riemannian manifold and the main goal is the study of some mechanical models and concepts, with emphasis on the intrinsic and geometric aspects arising in classical problems. The first seven chapters are written in the spirit of Newtonian Mechanics while the last two ones as well as two of the four appendices describe the foundations and some aspects of Special and General Relativity. All the material has a coordinate free presentation but, for the sake of motivation, many examples and exercises are included in order to exhibit the desirable flavor of physical applications.


Fracture Mechanics The Experimental Method of Caustics and the Det.-Criterion of Fracture

Free Download Fracture Mechanics: The Experimental Method of Caustics and the Det.-Criterion of Fracture by George A. Papadopoulos
English | PDF | 1993 | 291 Pages | ISBN : 1447119940 | 32.5 MB
Fracture and Mechanics is concerned with the experimental method of static and dynamic caustics and the Distribution of Determinant (Det.)-criterion of fracture. The Det.-criterion determines the conditions causing a crack and gives information on the expected angle of crack propagation. The object of this publication is to present the latest results to the re.earch and development community and to assist the teaching of experimental fracture mechanics and stress analysis in undergraduate and postgraduate courses. After discussing the basic theoretical considerations on the subject, experimental techniques and applications are introduced. Most of the results presented are based on the author’s own investigations in the field of experimental mechanics since 1973 at the National Technical University of Athens.


Fractals and Fractional Calculus in Continuum Mechanics

Free Download Fractals and Fractional Calculus in Continuum Mechanics by A. Carpinteri, F. Mainardi
English | PDF | 1997 | 352 Pages | ISBN : 321182913X | 33.9 MB
The book is characterized by the illustration of cases of fractal, self-similar and multi-scale structures taken from the mechanics of solid and porous materials, which have a technical interest. In addition, an accessible and self-consistent treatment of the mathematical technique of fractional calculus is provided, avoiding useless complications.


Fluid Mechanics of Mixing Modelling, Operations and Experimental Techniques

Free Download Fluid Mechanics of Mixing: Modelling, Operations and Experimental Techniques by R. King
English | PDF | 1992 | 261 Pages | ISBN : 0792317203 | 32.4 MB
This volume is a selection of the material presented at the 7th European Mixing Congress. It is concerned exclusively with mixing in circular section vessels, using centrally mounted paddles or similar impellers. The contents are arranged under three classifications: Modelling of Mixing Processes, Mixing Operations and Experimental Techniques. The classifications result in the original material appearing in a different order to that of the Congress. This arrangement is intended to assist the reader in identifying the topic area by function or application, rather than by technology. In this book the section on Modelling contains papers which focus on the representation of the mixing process, whether by equation, scale-up criteria, or fluid dynamic simulation. Similarly, Mixing Operations are concerned with the application or function of the mixing process, such as mass transfer, heat transfer or mixing time. Experimental Techniques addresses the tools the researcher needs to use at the data gathering experimental stage. It collects together advances made in the various methods used by some of the foremost researchers, and indicates those areas still in need of additional instrumentation or methods of data reduction. The book is intended for researchers, designers and users of mixing equipment, and for those planning research and development programmes and who wish to keep up to date with advances in the basic technology and its applications.


Fluid Mechanics With Problems and Solutions, and an Aerodynamics Laboratory

Free Download Fluid Mechanics: With Problems and Solutions, and an Aerodynamics Laboratory by Egon Krause
English | PDF | 2005 | 363 Pages | ISBN : 3540229817 | 7.4 MB
Despite dramatic advances in numerical and experimental methods of fluid mechanics, the fundamentals are still the starting point for solving flow problems. This textbook introduces the major branches of fluid mechanics of incompressible and compressible media, the basic laws governing their flow, and gas dynamics. Fluid Mechanics demonstrates how flows can be classified and how specific engineering problems can be identified, formulated and solved, using the methods of applied mathematics. The material is elaborated in special applications sections by more than 200 exercises and separately listed solutions. The final section comprises the Aerodynamics Laboratory, an introduction to experimental methods treating eleven flow experiments. This class-tested textbook offers a unique combination of introduction to the major fundamentals, many exercises, and a detailed description of experiments.


Fluid Mechanics Problems and Solutions

Free Download Fluid Mechanics: Problems and Solutions by Joseph H. Spurk
English | PDF | 1997 | 621 Pages | ISBN : 3540616527 | 29.1 MB
This collection of exercises is meant as a companion volume to the textbook Fluid Mechanics. It is the translation of the second edition of Aufgaben zur Stromungslehre. The book contains about 200 problems worked out in detail. In selecting the exercises I have been guided by didactical consider ations and included problems that demonstrate the application of the gen eral principles of continuum mechanics to more or less classical problems in fluid mechanics. Most of these problems are found in other textbooks or collections. On the other hand, there is a good number of exercises designed to develop and further the ability to model and solve practical problems. Besides these worked examples, thirty examination problems with answers only are included. In addition there are also exercises for Cartesian tensor calculus. The book has been translated by Professor M. T. Schobeiri, Texas A & M University. I thank him and also Dorothee Sommer and Peter Pelz for their help with this book.


Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics of High Risk Parts Application of LEFM & FMDM Theory

Free Download Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics of High Risk Parts: Application of LEFM & FMDM Theory by Bahram Farahmand , George Bockrath , James Glassco
English | PDF | 1997 | 386 Pages | ISBN : 0412129914 | 27 MB
In the preliminary stage of designing new structural hardware that must perform a given mission in a fluctuating load environment, there are several factors the designers should consider. Trade studies for different design configurations should be performed and, based on strength and weight considerations, among others, an optimum configuration selected. The selected design must be able to withstand the environment in question without failure. Therefore, a comprehen sive structural analysis that consists of static, dynamic, fatigue, and fracture is necessary to ensure the integrity of the structure. During the past few decades, fracture mechanics has become a necessary discipline for the solution of many structural problems. These problems include the prevention of failures resulting from preexisting cracks in the parent material, welds or that develop under cyclic loading environment during the life of the structure. The importance of fatigue and fracture in nuclear, pressure vessel, aircraft, and aerospace structural hardware cannot be overemphasized where safety is of utmost concern. This book is written for the designer and strength analyst, as well as for the material and process engineer who is concerned with the integrity of the structural hardware under load-varying environments in which fatigue and frac ture must be given special attention. The book is a result of years of both acade mic and industrial experiences that the principal author and co-authors have accumulated through their work with aircraft and aerospace structures.


Explosive Instabilities in Mechanics

Free Download Explosive Instabilities in Mechanics by Brian Straughan
English | PDF | 1998 | 202 Pages | ISBN : 3540635890 | 24.8 MB
The subject of blow-up in a finite time, or at least very rapid growth, of a solution to a partial differential equation has been an area of intense re search activity in mathematics. Some ofthe early techniques and results were discussed in the monograph by Payne (1975) and in my earlier monograph, Straughan (1982). Relatively recent accounts of blow-up work in partial dif ferential equations may be found in the review by Levine (1990) and in the book by Samarskii et al. (1994). It is becoming increasingly clear that very rapid instabilities and, indeed, finite time blow-up are being witnessed also in problems in applied mathematics and mechanics. Also in vogue in the mathematical literature are studies of blow-up in systems of partial differen tial equations, partial differential equations with non-linear convection terms, and systems of partial differential equations which contain convection terms. Such equations are often derived from models of mundane situations in real life. This book is an account of these topics in a selection of areas of applied mathematics which either I have worked in or I find particularly interesting and deem relevant to be included in such an exposition. I believe the results given in Chap. 2 and Sects. 4. 2. 3 and 4. 2. 4 are new. This research was partly supported by a Max Planck Forschungspreis from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Max Planck Institute.


Exercises in Quantum Mechanics A Collection of Illustrative Problems and Their Solutions

Free Download Exercises in Quantum Mechanics: A Collection of Illustrative Problems and Their Solutions by Harry Mavromatis
English | PDF | 1992 | 343 Pages | ISBN : 079231557X | 15.6 MB
This monograph is written within the framework of the quantum mechanical paradigm. It is modest in scope in that it is restricted to some observations and solved illustrative problems not readily available in any of the many standard (and several excellent) texts or books with solved problems that have been written on this subject. Additionally a few more or less standard problems are included for continuity and purposes of comparison. The hope is that the points made and problems solved will give the student some additional insights and a better grasp of this fascinating but mathematically somewhat involved branch of physics. The hundred and fourteen problems discussed have intentionally been chosen to involve a minimum of technical complexity while still illustrating the consequences of the quantum-mechanical formalism. Concerning notation, useful expressions are displayed in rectangular boxes while calculational details which one may wish to skip are included in square brackets. Beirut HARRY A. MAVROMATIS June, 1985 IX Preface to Second Edition More than five years have passed since I prepared the first edition of this mono graph. The present revised edition is more attractive in layout than its predecessor, and most, if not all of the errors in the original edition (many of which were kindly pointed out by reviewers, colleagues, and students) have now been corrected. Additionally the material in the original fourteen chapters has been extended with significant additions to Chapters 8, 13, and 14.


Exercises in Quantum Mechanics A Collection of Illustrative Problems and Their Solutions

Free Download Exercises in Quantum Mechanics: A Collection of Illustrative Problems and Their Solutions by Harry A. Mavromatis
English | PDF | 1987 | 190 Pages | ISBN : 9401577730 | 7.5 MB
This monograph is written within the framework of the quantum mechanical paradigm. It is modest in scope in that it is restricted to some obser vations and solved illustrative problems not readily available in any of the many standard (and several excellent) texts or books with solved problems that have been written on this subject. Additionally a few more or less standard problems are included for continuity and purposes of comparison. The hope is that the points made and problems solved will give the student some additional insights and a better grasp of this fascinating but mathematically somewhat involved branch of physics. The hundred and fourteen problems discussed have intentionally been chosen to involve a minimum of technical complexity while still illus trating the consequences of the quantum-mechanical formalism. Concerning notation, useful expressions are displayed in rectangular boxes while calculational details which one may wish to skip are included in square brackets.
