Tag: Multi

Cooperative and Noncooperative Multi-Level Programming

Free Download Ichiro Nishizaki, "Cooperative and Noncooperative Multi-Level Programming"
English | 2009 | pages: 260 | ISBN: 1441906754, 1461417198 | DJVU | 2,4 mb
To derive rational and convincible solutions to practical decision making problems in complex and hierarchical human organizations, the decision making problems are formulated as relevant mathematical programming problems which are solved by developing optimization techniques so as to exploit characteristics or structural features of the formulated problems. In particular, for resolving con?ict in decision making in hierarchical managerial or public organizations, the multi level formula tion of the mathematical programming problems has been often employed together with the solution concept of Stackelberg equilibrium. However,weconceivethatapairoftheconventionalformulationandthesolution concept is not always suf?cient to cope with a large variety of decision making situations in actual hierarchical organizations. The following issues should be taken into consideration in expression and formulation of decision making problems. Informulationofmathematicalprogrammingproblems,itistacitlysupposedthat decisions are made by a single person while game theory deals with economic be havior of multiple decision makers with fully rational judgment. Because two level mathematical programming problems are interpreted as static Stackelberg games, multi level mathematical programming is relevant to noncooperative game theory; in conventional multi level mathematical programming models employing the so lution concept of Stackelberg equilibrium, it is assumed that there is no communi cation among decision makers, or they do not make any binding agreement even if there exists such communication. However, for decision making problems in such as decentralized large ?rms with divisional independence, it is quite natural to sup pose that there exists communication and some cooperativerelationship among the decision makers.


Multi-Agent Systems and Applications IV 4th International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, CEEM

Free Download Multi-Agent Systems and Applications IV: 4th International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, CEEMAS 2005, Budapest, Hungary, September 15 – 17, 2005. Proceedings By Giovanni Rimassa, Dominic Greenwood, Monique Calisti (auth.), Michael Pěchouček, Paolo Petta, László Zsolt Varga (eds.)
2005 | 670 Pages | ISBN: 354029046X | PDF | 11 MB
The aim of the CEEMAS conference series is to provide a biennial forum for the presentation of multi-agent research and development results. With its p- ticular geographicalorientation towards Central and Eastern Europe, CEEMAS has become an internationally recognised event with participants from all over the world. After the successful CEEMAS conferences in St. Petersburg (1999), Cracow (2001) and Prague (2003), the 2005 CEEMAS conference takes place in Budapest. The programme committee of the conference series consists of est- lished researchers from the region and renowned international colleagues, sh- ing the prominent rank of CEEMAS among the leading events in multi-agent systems. In the very competitive ?eld of agent oriented conferences and workshops nowadays(suchasAAMAS,WI/IAT,EUMAS,CIA,MATES)thespecialpro?le of CEEMAS is that it is trying to bridge the gap between applied research achievements and theoretical research activities. Our ambition is to provide a forum for presenting theoretical research with an evident application potential, implemented application prototypes and their properties, as well as industrial case studies of successful (but also unsuccessful) agent technology deployments. This is why the CEEMAS proceedings volume provides a collection of research and application papers. The technical research paper section of the proceedings (see pages 11-499) contains pure research papers as well as research results in application settings while the application papers section (see pages 500-530) contains papers focused on application aspects. The goal is to demonstrate the real life value and commercial reality of multi-agent systems as well as to foster communication between academia and industry in this ?eld.


Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Multi-Agent Systems AAMAS 2005 International Workshops on Agents, Norm

Free Download Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Multi-Agent Systems: AAMAS 2005 International Workshops on Agents, Norms and Institutions for Regulated Multi-Agent Systems, ANIREM 2005, and Organizations in Multi-Agent Systems, OOOP 2005, Utr By C. Sibertin-Blanc, F. Amblard, M. Mailliard (auth.), Olivier Boissier, Julian Padget, Virginia Dignum, Gabriela Lindemann, Eric Matson, Sascha Ossowski, Jaime Simão Sichman, Javier Vázquez-Salceda (eds.)
2006 | 259 Pages | ISBN: 3540351736 | PDF | 3 MB
From the reviews:"Contributions in this book show how further computer science can get much further in capturing and rigorously describing interaction dynamics within and between organizations. … the book poses many questions and provides interesting innovative answers that are of use for computer scientists, but also for economists, policy makers, philosophers, sociologists and cognitive scientists. The book preface writers claim that ‘the result is a well-balanced collection of high-quality papers that really can be called representative of the field at the moment’. I do agree with them." (Paolo Turrini, JASSS, February, 2007)


Multi-Agent Systems and Applications V 5th International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, CEEMA

Free Download Multi-Agent Systems and Applications V: 5th International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, CEEMAS 2007, Leipzig, Germany, September 25-27, 2007. Proceedings By Smaine Mazouzi, Zahia Guessoum, Fabien Michel, Mohamed Batouche (auth.), Hans-Dieter Burkhard, Gabriela Lindemann, Rineke Verbrugge, László Zsolt Varga (eds.)
2007 | 356 Pages | ISBN: 3540752536 | PDF | 9 MB
The aim of the CEEMAS conference series is to provide a biennial forum for the presentation of multi-agent research and development results. With its p- ticular geographicalorientationtowards Central and EasternEurope, CEEMAS has become an internationally recognized event with participants from all over the world. After the successful CEEMAS conferences in St. Petersburg (1999), Cracow (2001), Prague (2003) and Budapest (2005), the CEEMAS 2007 c- ference took place in Leipzig. The Program Committee of the conference series consists of established researchers from the region and renowned international colleagues, showing the prominent rank of CEEMAS among the leading events in multi-agent systems. In the very competitive ?eld of agent-oriented conferences and workshops, (such as AAMAS, EUMAS, CIA, MATES) CEEMAS is special in trying to bridge the gap between applied research achievements and theoretical research activities. The ambition of CEEMAS is to provide a forum for presenting th- retical research with an evident application potential, implemented application prototypes and their properties, as well as industrial case studies of successful (or unsuccessful) agent technology deployments. This is why the CEEMAS p- ceedings provide a collection of research and application papers. The technical research paper section of the proceedings (see pages 1-290) contains pure – search papers as well as research results in application settings. The goal is to demonstrate the real-life value and commercial reality of multi-agent systems as well as to foster the communication between academia and industry in this ?eld.


Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems for Manufacturing Third International Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and Mul

Free Download Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems for Manufacturing: Third International Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems, HoloMAS 2007, Regensburg, Germany, September 3-5, 2007 By Alois Zoitl, Thomas Strasser, Ken Hall, Ray Staron, Christoph Sünder (auth.), Vladimír Mařík, Valeriy Vyatkin, Armando W. Colombo (eds.)
2007 | 456 Pages | ISBN: 3540744789 | PDF | 20 MB
The research of holonic and agent-based systems is developing rapidly, as is the community around this R&D topic. Despite the fact that real-life practical implementations of such systems remain surprisingly rare, the leaders in different branches of industry feel that the holonic and agent-based systems represent the only way to manage and control very complex, highly distributed systems in the future. The relevant R&D gains more and more support from both industry as well as academic sources. Quite naturally, the number of scientific events aimed at the subject field is also growing rapidly. We can see new lines of conferences like INDIN, while we can observe a strong focus of the already well-established conferences, like INCOM or ETFA, being shifted toward holonic and agent-based manufacturing systems. This is a good sign of the increasing recognition and importance of the field. We are convinced of the worth and importance of the continuation of the HoloMAS events, which have served as pioneering melting pots for ideas connected with distributed decision making and control in industry and which have already gained international reputation.


Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi-modal Information Retrieval 7th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 200

Free Download Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi-modal Information Retrieval: 7th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2006, Alicante, Spain, September 20-22, 2006, Revised Selected Papers By Carol Peters (auth.), Carol Peters, Paul Clough, Fredric C. Gey, Jussi Karlgren, Bernardo Magnini, Douglas W. Oard, Maarten de Rijke, Maximilian Stempfhuber (eds.)
2007 | 1000 Pages | ISBN: 3540749985 | PDF | 29 MB
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed postproceedings of the 7th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2006, held in Alicante, Spain, September 2006. The revised papers presented together with an introduction were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers are organized in topical sections on Multilingual Textual Document Retrieval, Domain-Specifig Information Retrieval, i-CLEF, QA@CLEF, ImageCLEF, CLSR, WebCLEF and GeoCLEF.


Advances on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 11th International Conference, PAAMS 2013, Salamanca, Spa

Free Download Advances on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: 11th International Conference, PAAMS 2013, Salamanca, Spain, May 22-24, 2013. Proceedings By Sebastian Ahrndt, Johannes Fähndrich, Sahin Albayrak (auth.), Yves Demazeau, Toru Ishida, Juan M. Corchado, Javier Bajo (eds.)
2013 | 330 Pages | ISBN: 3642380727 | PDF | 20 MB
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, PAAMS 2013, held in Salamanca, Spain, in May 2013. The 14 revised full papers and 9 short papers presented together with 16 demonstrations were carefully reviewed and selected from 70 submissions. The papers report on the application and validation of agent-based models, methods, and technologies in a number of key application areas, including: agents for real world problems; crowd modeling and analysis; decision making and discovery; interaction with artificial agents; mobility, ubiquity and clouds; (multi-)agent design technology; and simulation and organization.


Cohesion Policy and Multi-level Governance in South East Europe

Free Download Ian Bache, George Andreou, "Cohesion Policy and Multi-level Governance in South East Europe"
English | 2010 | ISBN: 0415594197 | EPUB | pages: 124 | 0.5 mb
This book considers the extent to which EU cohesion policy and related pre-accession instruments are contributing to the development of more compound polities in south east Europe and, specifically, promoting multi-level governance. In this respect, there are two points of departure: the first is the argument that the EU is a highly compound polity that tends to pull member (and candidate) states in this direction; the second is the considerable literature that links EU cohesion policy to the promotion of multi-level governance. Following this, we have chosen a range of south east European states whose period of engagement with the EU generally differs: Greece, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, F.Y.R. Macedonia and Turkey. The case studies reveal that EU cohesion policy has created more compound polities but that system-wide multi-level governance remains weak and central governments are still prominent. However, there are interesting and potentially important developments in relation to particular features of multi-level governance, not least in states whose engagement with the EU in this sphere is relatively new.
