Tag: Newton

From Newton to Chaos Modern Techniques for Understanding and Coping with Chaos in N-Body Dynamical Systems

Free Download From Newton to Chaos: Modern Techniques for Understanding and Coping with Chaos in N-Body Dynamical Systems By V. Szebehely (auth.), Archie E. Roy, Bonnie A. Steves (eds.)
1995 | 584 Pages | ISBN: 1489910875 | PDF | 20 MB
The reader will find in this volume the Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Cortina d’ Ampezzo, Italy, between July 25 and August 6, 1993, under the title From Newton to Chaos: Modem Techniques for Understanding and Coping With Chaos inN-Body Dynamical Systems. This institute was the latest in a series of meetings held every three years from 1972 to 1990 in dynamical astronomy, theoretical mechanics and celestial mechanics. The proceedings from these institutes have been well-received in the international community of research workers in these disciplines. The present institute was well attended with 15 series of lectures being given by invited speakers: in addition some 40 presentations were made by the other participants. The majority of these contributions are included in these proceedings. The all-pervading influence of chaos in dynamical systems (of even a few variables) has now been universally recognised by researchers, a recognition forced on us by our ability, using powerful computer hardware and software, to tackle dynamical problems that until twenty-five years ago were intractable. Doubtless it was felt by many that these new techniques provided a break-through in celestial mechanics and its related disciplines. And so they were.


Isaac Newton

Free Download Isaac Newton By James Gleick
2004 | 288 Pages | ISBN: 1400032954 | EPUB | 4 MB
Isaac Newton was born in a stone farmhouse in 1642, fatherless and unwanted by his mother. When he died in London in 1727 he was so renowned he was given a state funeral-an unheard-of honor for a subject whose achievements were in the realm of the intellect. During the years he was an irascible presence at Trinity College, Cambridge, Newton imagined properties of nature and gave them names-mass, gravity, velocity-things our science now takes for granted. Inspired by Aristotle, spurred on by Galileo’s discoveries and the philosophy of Descartes, Newton grasped the intangible and dared to take its measure, a leap of the mind unparalleled in his generation.James Gleick, the author of Chaos and Genius, and one of the most acclaimed science writers of his generation, brings the reader into Newton’s reclusive life and provides startlingly clear explanations of the concepts that changed forever our perception of bodies, rest, and motion-ideas so basic to the twenty-first century, it can truly be said: We are all Newtonians.


New Developments of Newton-Type Iterations for Solving Nonlinear Problems

Free Download New Developments of Newton-Type Iterations for Solving Nonlinear Problems by Tugal Zhanlav , Ochbadrakh Chuluunbaatar
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 288 Pages | ISBN : 3031633601 | 33.4 MB
This comprehensive book delves into the intricacies of Newton-type methods for nonlinear equations, offering insights into their convergence, accelerations, and extensions. Divided into three parts, the book explores higher-order iterations for nonlinear equations and their systems, and their applications in linear algebra and some nonlinear problems of theoretical physics. Emphasizing the pivotal role of iteration parameters in shaping convergence and expanding the domain, the authors draw from their extensive collaborative research to systematically compile and elucidate these findings. Catering to readers, graduate students, and researchers in applied mathematics, numerical analysis, and related disciplines, this book serves as a valuable resource, synthesizing decades of research to advance understanding and practical application in the field.


La loi de la gravitation universelle – Newton, Euler et Laplace

Free Download La loi de la gravitation universelle – Newton, Euler et Laplace: Le cheminement d’une révolution scientifique vers une science normale by Prosper Schroeder
Français | PDF | 2007 | 557 Pages | ISBN : 2287720820 | 2.8 MB
La Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica de Newton (1686), marquait-elle le début d’une révolution scientifique, ou était-elle la simple synthèse des idées d’un Kepler, Galilée ou Hooke? Une analyse des idées de Newton écarte cette hypothèse par le simple fait que les Principia cherchaient à démontrer la fausseté des approches antérieures. Pourtant, Newton subit un échec dans l’application de sa théorie de la gravitation à l’explication du mouvement de la Lune, échec qui marqua le développement de la mécanique céleste pendant tout le 18e siècle. Clairaut, d’Alembert et Euler doutaient de la validité de la loi newtonienne presque en même temps et leurs idées firent progresser la mécanique céleste qui atteignit l’état de science normale avec Le traité de mécanique céleste de Laplace, un siècle après Newton.


Judaism in the Theology of Sir Isaac Newton

Free Download Judaism in the Theology of Sir Isaac Newton by Matt Goldish
English | PDF | 1998 | 246 Pages | ISBN : 0792349962 | 29.4 MB
This book is based on my doctoral dissertation from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1996) of the same title. As a master’s student, working on an entirely different project, I was well aware that many of Newton’s theological manuscripts were located in our own Jewish National and University Library, but I was under the mistaken assumption that scores of highly qualified scholars must be assiduously scouring them and publishing their results. It never occurred to me to look at them at all until, having fmished my master’s, I spoke to Professor David Katz at Tel-Aviv University about an idea I had for doctoral research. Professor Katz informed me that the project I had suggested was one which he himself had just fmished, but that I might be interested in working on the famous Newton manuscripts in the context of a project being organized by him, Richard Popkin, James Force, and the late Betty Jo Teeter Dobbs, to study and publish Newton’s theological material. I asked him whether he was not sending me into the shark-infested waters of highly competitive scholarship, and learned that in fact there were only a handful of scholars in the world who actively studied and published on Newton’s theology. At the time the group consisted mainly of Popkin, Force, Dobbs, Frank Manuel, Kenneth Knoespel, and David Castillejo.


Never at Rest A Biography of Isaac Newton

Free Download Never at Rest: A Biography of Isaac Newton by Richard S. Westfall
English | 1981 | ISBN: 0521231434 | 969 Pages | PDF | 27.7 MB
This richly detailed 1981 biography captures both the personal life and the scientific career of Isaac Newton, presenting a fully rounded picture of Newton the man, the scientist, the philosopher, the theologian, and the public figure.
