Tag: Noncommutative

Noncommutative Geometry and Particle Physics (2nd Edition)

Free Download Noncommutative Geometry and Particle Physics
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031591194 | 328 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 29 MB
This book provides an introduction to noncommutative geometry and presents a number of its recent applications to particle physics. In the first part, we introduce the main concepts and techniques by studying finite noncommutative spaces, providing a "light" approach to noncommutative geometry. We then proceed with the general framework by defining and analyzing noncommutative spin manifolds and deriving some main results on them, such as the local index formula. In the second part, we show how noncommutative spin manifolds naturally give rise to gauge theories, applying this principle to specific examples. We subsequently geometrically derive abelian and non-abelian Yang-Mills gauge theories, and eventually the full Standard Model of particle physics, and conclude by explaining how noncommutative geometry might indicate how to proceed beyond the Standard Model.


Representation Theory and Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis II Homogeneous Spaces, Representations and Special Functions

Free Download Representation Theory and Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis II: Homogeneous Spaces, Representations and Special Functions By V. F. Molchanov (auth.), A. A. Kirillov (eds.)
1995 | 270 Pages | ISBN: 3642081266 | PDF | 7 MB
This EMS volume contains two contributions: the first one, "Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces", is written by V.F.Molchanov, the second one, "Representations of Lie Groups and Special Functions", by N.Ya.Vilenkin and A.U.Klimyk. Molchanov focuses on harmonic analysis on semi-simple spaces, whereas Vilenkin and Klimyk treat group theoretical methods also with respect to integral transforms. Both contributions are surveys introducing readers to the above topics and preparing them for the study of more specialised literature. This book will be very useful to mathematicians, theoretical physicists and also to chemists dealing with quantum systems.


Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and Representations of Quantized Algebras

Free Download Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and Representations of Quantized Algebras By Alexander L. Rosenberg (auth.)
1995 | 322 Pages | ISBN: 9048145775 | PDF | 7 MB
This book is based on lectures delivered at Harvard in the Spring of 1991 and at the University of Utah during the academic year 1992-93. Formally, the book assumes only general algebraic knowledge (rings, modules, groups, Lie algebras, functors etc.). It is helpful, however, to know some basics of algebraic geometry and representation theory. Each chapter begins with its own introduction, and most sections even have a short overview. The purpose of what follows is to explain the spirit of the book and how different parts are linked together without entering into details. The point of departure is the notion of the left spectrum of an associative ring, and the first natural steps of general theory of noncommutative affine, quasi-affine, and projective schemes. This material is presented in Chapter I. Further developments originated from the requirements of several important examples I tried to understand, to begin with the first Weyl algebra and the quantum plane. The book reflects these developments as I worked them out in reallife and in my lectures. In Chapter 11, we study the left spectrum and irreducible representations of a whole lot of rings which are of interest for modern mathematical physics. The dasses of rings we consider indude as special cases: quantum plane, algebra of q-differential operators, (quantum) Heisenberg and Weyl algebras, (quantum) enveloping algebra ofthe Lie algebra sl(2) , coordinate algebra of the quantum group SL(2), the twisted SL(2) of Woronowicz, so called dispin algebra and many others.


Topics in Noncommutative Algebra The Theorem of Campbell, Baker, Hausdorff and Dynkin

Free Download Topics in Noncommutative Algebra: The Theorem of Campbell, Baker, Hausdorff and Dynkin By Andrea Bonfiglioli, Roberta Fulci (auth.)
2012 | 539 Pages | ISBN: 3642225969 | PDF | 5 MB
Motivated by the importance of the Campbell, Baker, Hausdorff, Dynkin Theorem in many different branches of Mathematics and Physics (Lie group-Lie algebra theory, linear PDEs, Quantum and Statistical Mechanics, Numerical Analysis, Theoretical Physics, Control Theory, sub-Riemannian Geometry), this monograph is intended to: fully enable readers (graduates or specialists, mathematicians, physicists or applied scientists, acquainted with Algebra or not) to understand and apply the statements and numerous corollaries of the main result, provide a wide spectrum of proofs from the modern literature, comparing different techniques and furnishing a unifying point of view and notation, provide a thorough historical background of the results, together with unknown facts about the effective early contributions by Schur, Poincaré, Pascal, Campbell, Baker, Hausdorff and Dynkin, give an outlook on the applications, especially in Differential Geometry (Lie group theory) and Analysis (PDEs of subelliptic type) and quickly enable the reader, through a description of the state-of-art and open problems, to understand the modern literature concerning a theorem which, though having its roots in the beginning of the 20th century, has not ceased to provide new problems and applications.The book assumes some undergraduate-level knowledge of algebra and analysis, but apart from that is self-contained. Part II of the monograph is devoted to the proofs of the algebraic background. The monograph may therefore provide a tool for beginners in Algebra.


Noncommutative Integration and Operator Theory (Progress in Mathematics, 349)

Free Download Noncommutative Integration and Operator Theory (Progress in Mathematics, 349) by Peter G. Dodds, Ben de Pagter, Fedor A. Sukochev
English | January 20, 2024 | ISBN: 3031496531 | 588 pages | MOBI | 154 Mb
The purpose of this monograph is to provide a systematic account of the theory of noncommutative integration in semi-finite von Neumann algebras. It is designed to serve as an introductory graduate level text as well as a basic reference for more established mathematicians with interests in the continually expanding areas of noncommutative analysis and probability. Its origins lie in two apparently distinct areas of mathematical analysis: the theory of operator ideals going back to von Neumann and Schatten and the general theory of rearrangement invariant Banach lattices of measurable functions which has its roots in many areas of classical analysis related to the well-known Lp-spaces. A principal aim, therefore, is to present a general theory which contains each of these motivating areas as special cases.


Noncommutative Integration and Operator Theory

Free Download Noncommutative Integration and Operator Theory
English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031496531 | 583 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 66 MB
The purpose of this monograph is to provide a systematic account of the theory of noncommutative integration in semi-finite von Neumann algebras. It is designed to serve as an introductory graduate level text as well as a basic reference for more established mathematicians with interests in the continually expanding areas of noncommutative analysis and probability. Its origins lie in two apparently distinct areas of mathematical analysis: the theory of operator ideals going back to von Neumann and Schatten and the general theory of rearrangement invariant Banach lattices of measurable functions which has its roots in many areas of classical analysis related to the well-known Lp-spaces. A principal aim, therefore, is to present a general theory which contains each of these motivating areas as special cases.


Prime Divisors and Noncommutative Valuation Theory

Free Download Prime Divisors and Noncommutative Valuation Theory by Hidetoshi Marubayashi , Fred Van Oystaeyen
English | PDF | 2012 | 225 Pages | ISBN : 3642311512 | 2.1 MB
Classical valuation theory has applications in number theory and class field theory as well as in algebraic geometry, e.g. in a divisor theory for curves. But the noncommutative equivalent is mainly applied to finite dimensional skewfields. Recently however, new types of algebras have become popular in modern algebra; Weyl algebras, deformed and quantized algebras, quantum groups and Hopf algebras, etc. The advantage of valuation theory in the commutative case is that it allows effective calculations, bringing the arithmetical properties of the ground field into the picture. This arithmetical nature is also present in the theory of maximal orders in central simple algebras. Firstly, we aim at uniting maximal orders, valuation rings, Dubrovin valuations, etc. in a common theory, the theory of primes of algebras. Secondly, we establish possible applications of the noncommutative arithmetics to interesting classes of algebras, including the extension of central valuations to nice classes of quantized algebras, the development of a theory of Hopf valuations on Hopf algebras and quantum groups, noncommutative valuations on the Weyl field and interesting rings of invariants and valuations of Gauss extensions.
