Tag: Odin

Von Christus zu Odin Ein Karolinger bekehrt sich

Free Download Von Christus zu Odin: Ein Karolinger bekehrt sich By Achim Thomas Hack
2014 | 76 Pages | ISBN: 3515106618 | PDF | 1 MB
Das Jahr 864 war ein besonderes Jahr in der europäischen Religionsgeschichte. Ein König aus der Dynastie der Karolinger verließ seinen christlichen Glauben und trat der Religion Odins bei. Was veranlasste ihn zu diesem Schritt? War sein Verhalten tatsächlich derart ungewöhnlich, wie es auf den ersten Blick vielleicht scheinen mag?Ausgehend von diesem höchst interessanten Fall beleuchtet Achim Thomas Hack die Frage des Religionswechsels in gegenläufiger Richtung, das heißt: weg vom Christentum. Der kirchliche Ausdruck für den schwer verpönten Vorgang lautet "Apostasie", wobei allerdings mehrere Arten von Apostasie zu unterscheiden sind. Der Autor nimmt sowohl die Ekel erregenden biblischen Bilder als auch die politischen Rahmenbedingungen für den "Glaubensabfall" und vieles mehr in den Blick.


Odin’s Gateways A Practical Guide to the Wisdom of the Runes Through Galdr, Sigils and Casting

Free Download Katie Gerrard, "Odin’s Gateways: A Practical Guide to the Wisdom of the Runes Through Galdr, Sigils and Casting"
English | 2009 | ISBN: 1905297319 | PDF | pages: 120 | 1.5 mb
"The runes you must find … Which the mighty sage stained and the powerful gods made and the runemaster of the gods carved out." (The Poetic Edda, translated by C. Larrington)


The Words of Odin A New Rendering of Havamal for the Present Age

Free Download Robin Artisson, "The Words of Odin: A New Rendering of Havamal for the Present Age"
English | ISBN: 1541141512 | 2016 | 168 pages | EPUB | 795 KB
What is best for human beings in this human life? What does it mean to be a friend, and how are friendships best made and maintained? What are the best things humans can treasure, and how can they most easily secure them? In a strange world full of dangers, what strategies are best for getting through safely, and how was the greatest wisdom in the world won? "The Words of Odin" is a modern rendition of the ancient book Havamal- the words of advice given to human beings from the God of Wisdom himself, long ago. Filled with the ancient wisdom-sayings, proverbs, and stories of the Old Norse people, Havamal is a tried-and-true manual of wise living and cunning strategy for navigating the subtle complexities of human interaction and avoiding dangers of all sorts. Travelers, wanderers, guests, friends, and seekers of the ultimate wisdom within human life can benefit from Odin’s perennial cleverness and timeless advice. This annotated edition contains a clear and nuanced rendering of Havamal into English, preserving its original poetic richness, and is followed by many detailed and informative notes regarding the cultural, mythological, and historical background from which the verses of wisdom arise, all to help readers from any background to understand the beauty and depth of the text. It also contains the text of Havamal in Old Norse.
