Tag: Offers

How I Create Messenger-Ready Offers That Convert Big Deals In Chat

Free Download How I Create Messenger-Ready Offers That Convert Big Deals In Chat
Inside The Messenger-Ready Offer You Get

  • Step-by-step training of the 3 core elements every sell-by-chat framework must have to convert
  • How to craft a messenger-ready offer message that cuts through the noise in the inbox
  • The Get vs Do equation that makes or breaks your message (and sales)
  • My MRO tool that prints Profit-Producing Messenger-Ready Offers for any industry, and every target market, in seconds
  • How to get people to buy premium, high-end consulting without a sales call
  • A peak behind the scenes into the message I send right now to wake up to an inbox with 3 new sales leads who want to buy from me, every single day
  • How to automate Messenger-Ready Offers so you get sales every day without cranking the handle yourself
  • A breakdown of an offer that converted $800,000 in sales without a call
  • How to generate millions from a simple Facebook message
  • Walkthrough of proven offers that you can swipe today


Sean Anthony – Hybrid Install Offers Download 2024

Free Download Sean Anthony – Hybrid Install Offers Download File Links

Hybrid Install Offers are when you work 1-on-1 with a client to install some kind of Protocol or strategy into their business.
It´s a combination of DFY and DWY
It´s a solid multiple 6-figure a year profit stream, And it´s how I come up with many of the ideas for my other offers, like my Email Rainmaker Mastermind and these monthly trainings.
What We´ll Cover:

  • The Offer Buffet
  • What you need to sell HIOs
  • Creating the offer
  • Reviewing Offer Docs
  • Getting a HIO client
  • Delivering a result


Ken Yarmosh – Scalable Service Offers Download 2024

Free Download Ken Yarmosh – Scalable Service Offers Download File Links

  • Introduction to Ken Yarmosh’s Expertise:

    • Ken Yarmosh, a seasoned entrepreneur and business strategist, introduces a groundbreaking course on Scalable Service Offers
    • Leveraging years of experience and industry insights, Yarmosh unveils strategies to drive sustainable business growth through scalable service offerings
  • Understanding Scalable Service Offers:

    • Scalable Service Offers (SSOs) are tailored solutions designed to meet the evolving needs of clients while maximizing operational efficiency and profitability
    • Yarmosh’s course delves into the intricacies of crafting and implementing SSOs to unlock new revenue streams and expand market reach
  • (more…)

    James Lawrence – Finding A+ Offers (High Ticket Sales) Download 2024

    Free Download James Lawrence – Finding A+ Offers (High Ticket Sales) Download File Links

    Finding A+ Offers

    We came into this industry to live life on our terms, it’s time to make it happen.
    What you’ll be able to do upon completing this course:

    • Find more sales opportunities than you can handle.
    • Consistently level up to bigger and better offers.
    • Engage with A+ companies as an equal, not an employee.

    No more anxiously waiting on job boards and wondering where the next commission will come from.
