Free Download John Overdurf – 12 Daze Bundle Download Links 2022

It is the latest product of my 43 years of clinical and teaching experience and then some. : )
Mind Liberating Language combines non-linear inductive language patterns with embodied approaches which operate on more fundamental areas of the brain and nervous system. So it is not just a “head” model, it deeply affects heart and gut.
Each training segment is filled to the brim powerful, new processes and mind expanding information based on the the neuro-scientific work of Donald Hoffman, Lisa Feldman Barrett, the psychedelic research of Robin Carhart- Harris, Quantum Bayesian Theory of Chris Fuchs and the transpersonal work of Carl Jung. All this is integrated with more spiritual traditions like Hawaiian Huna, Buddhism, and other Esoteric Contemplative Traditions.
Below is a sampling of this three program series, which is a combination of 12 hours of live training videos and TelecoachingU audios. Each program includes comprehensive teaching and multiple full-out video demonstrations of the principles and processes.
