Tag: Partial

Partial Least Squares Path Modeling Basic Concepts, Methodological Issues and Applications

Free Download Partial Least Squares Path Modeling: Basic Concepts, Methodological Issues and Applications by Hengky Latan, Joseph F. Hair Jr., Richard Noonan
English | November 15, 2023 | ISBN: 3031377710 | 508 pages | MOBI | 23 Mb
Now in its second edition, this edited book presents recent progress and techniques in partial least squares path modeling (PLS-PM), and provides a comprehensive overview of the current state-of-the-art in PLS-PM research. Like the previous edition, the book is divided into three parts: the first part emphasizes the basic concepts and extensions of the PLS-PM method; the second part discusses the methodological issues that have been the focus of recent developments, and the last part deals with real-world applications of the PLS-PM method in various disciplines.


A Short Introduction to Partial Differential Equations

Free Download A Short Introduction to Partial Differential Equations by Arian Novruzi
English | December 31, 2023 | ISBN: 3031395239 | 230 pages | MOBI | 61 Mb
This book provides a short introduction to partial differential equations (PDEs). It is primarily addressed to graduate students and researchers, who are new to PDEs. The book offers a user-friendly approach to the analysis of PDEs, by combining elementary techniques and fundamental modern methods.


Partial Breast Reconstruction (2nd Edition)

Free Download Partial Breast Reconstruction: Techniques in Oncoplastic Surgery
English | 2017 | ISBN: 1626236917 | 1073 Pages | EPUB (True) | 55 MB
This second edition of Partial Breast Reconstruction: Techniques in Oncoplastic Surgery builds on and expands the authoritative procedures presented in the first edition, adding and updating the content with up-to-the-minute concepts, techniques, and innovations in oncoplastic breast surgery, all elucidated with hundreds of color images and illustrations.


Partial Identification in Econometrics and Related Topics

Free Download Partial Identification in Econometrics and Related Topics by Nguyen Ngoc Thach, Nguyen Duc Trung, Doan Thanh Ha, Vladik Kreinovich
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 724 Pages | ISBN : 3031591097 | 73.6 MB
This book covers data processing techniques, with economic and financial application being the unifying theme. To make proper investments in economy, the authors need to have a good understanding of the future trends: how will demand change, how will prices change, etc. In general, in science, the usual way to make predictions is:


Partial Differential Equations V Asymptotic Methods for Partial Differential Equations

Free Download Partial Differential Equations V: Asymptotic Methods for Partial Differential Equations by M. V. Fedoryuk
English | PDF | 1999 | 248 Pages | ISBN : 3540533710 | 22.4 MB
In this paper we shall discuss the construction of formal short-wave asymp totic solutions of problems of mathematical physics. The topic is very broad. It can somewhat conveniently be divided into three parts: 1. Finding the short-wave asymptotics of a rather narrow class of problems, which admit a solution in an explicit form, via formulas that represent this solution. 2. Finding formal asymptotic solutions of equations that describe wave processes by basing them on some ansatz or other. We explain what 2 means. Giving an ansatz is knowing how to give a formula for the desired asymptotic solution in the form of a series or some expression containing a series, where the analytic nature of the terms of these series is indicated up to functions and coefficients that are undetermined at the first stage of consideration. The second stage is to determine these functions and coefficients using a direct substitution of the ansatz in the equation, the boundary conditions and the initial conditions. Sometimes it is necessary to use different ansiitze in different domains, and in the overlapping parts of these domains the formal asymptotic solutions must be asymptotically equivalent (the method of matched asymptotic expansions). The basis for success in the search for formal asymptotic solutions is a suitable choice of ansiitze. The study of the asymptotics of explicit solutions of special model problems allows us to "surmise" what the correct ansiitze are for the general solution.


Partial Differential Equations New Methods for Their Treatment and Solution

Free Download Partial Differential Equations: New Methods for Their Treatment and Solution by Richard Bellman , George Adomian
English | PDF | 1985 | 306 Pages | ISBN : 9027716811 | 17 MB
The purpose of this book is to present some new methods in the treatment of partial differential equations. Some of these methods lead to effective numerical algorithms when combined with the digital computer. Also presented is a useful chapter on Green’s functions which generalizes, after an introduction, to new methods of obtaining Green’s functions for partial differential operators. Finally some very new material is presented on solving partial differential equations by Adomian’s decomposition methodology. This method can yield realistic computable solutions for linear or non linear cases even for strong nonlinearities, and also for deterministic or stochastic cases – again even if strong stochasticity is involved. Some interesting examples are discussed here and are to be followed by a book dealing with frontier applications in physics and engineering. In Chapter I, it is shown that a use of positive operators can lead to monotone convergence for various classes of nonlinear partial differential equations. In Chapter II, the utility of conservation technique is shown. These techniques are suggested by physical principles. In Chapter III, it is shown that dyn~mic programming applied to variational problems leads to interesting classes of nonlinear partial differential equations. In Chapter IV, this is investigated in greater detail. In Chapter V, we show. that the use of a transformation suggested by dynamic programming leads to a new method of successive approximations.


Partial Derivatives

Free Download Partial Derivatives by P. J. Hilton
English | PDF | 1960 | 64 Pages | ISBN : 0710043473 | 4 MB
THIS book, like its predecessors in the same series, is in tended primarily to serve the needs of the university student in the physical sciences. However, it begins where a really elementary treatment of the differential calculus (e. g. , Dif ferential Calculus,t in this series) leaves off. The study of physical phenomena inevitably leads to the consideration of functions of more than one variable and their rates of change; the same is also true of the study of statistics, economics, and sociology. The mathematical ideas involved are des cribed in this book, and only the student familiar with the corresponding ideas for functions of a single variable should attempt to understand the extension of the method of the differential calculus to several variables. The reader should also be warned that, with the deeper penetration into the subject which is required in studying functions of more than one variable, the mathematical argu ments involved also take on a more sophisticated aspect. It should be emphasized that the basic ideas do not differ at all from those described in DC, but they are manipulated with greater dexterity in situations in which they are, perhaps, intuitively not so obvious. This remark may not console the reader bogged down in a difficult proof; but it may well happen (as so often in studying mathematics) that the reader will be given insight into the structure of a proof by follow ing the examples provided and attempting the exercises.


Numerical Partial Differential Equations for Environmental Scientists and Engineers A First Practical Course

Free Download Numerical Partial Differential Equations for Environmental Scientists and Engineers: A First Practical Course by Daniel R. Lynch
English | PDF | 2005 | 390 Pages | ISBN : 0387236198 | 15.9 MB
This book concerns the practical solution of Partial Differential Equations. We assume the reader knows what a PDE is – that he or she has derived some, and solved them with the limited but powerful arsenal of analytic techniques. We also assume that (s)he has gained some intuitive knowledge of their solution properties, either in the context of specific applications, or in the more abstract context of applied mathematics. We assume the reader now wants to solve PDE’s for real, in the context of practical problems with all of their warts – awkward geometry, driven by real data, variable coefficients, nonlinearities – as they arise in real situations. The applications we envision span classical mathematical physics and the "engineering sciences" : fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, electricity and magnetism, heat and mass transfer, wave propagation. Of course, these all share a joyous interdisciplinary unity in PDE’s. The material arises from lectures at Dartmouth College for first-year graduate students in science and engineering. That audience has shared the above motivations, and a mathematical background including: ordinary and partial differential equations; a first course in numerical an- ysis; linear algebra; complex numbers at least at the level of Fourier analysis; and an ability to program modern computers. Some working exposure to applications of PDE’s in their research or practice has also been a common denominator. This classical undergraduate preparation sets the stage for our "First Practical Course". Naturally, the "practical" aspect of the course involves computation.


Analytic Methods for Partial Differential Equations

Free Download Analytic Methods for Partial Differential Equations by Gwynne A. Evans , Jonathan M. Blackledge , Peter D. Yardley
English | PDF | 1999 | 308 Pages | ISBN : 3540761241 | 15.3 MB
The subject of partial differential equations holds an exciting and special position in mathematics. Partial differential equations were not consciously created as a subject but emerged in the 18th century as ordinary differential equations failed to describe the physical principles being studied. The subject was originally developed by the major names of mathematics, in particular, Leonard Euler and Joseph-Louis Lagrange who studied waves on strings; Daniel Bernoulli and Euler who considered potential theory, with later developments by Adrien-Marie Legendre and Pierre-Simon Laplace; and Joseph Fourier’s famous work on series expansions for the heat equation. Many of the greatest advances in modern science have been based on discovering the underlying partial differential equation for the process in question. J ames Clerk Maxwell, for example, put electricity and magnetism into a unified theory by estab lishing Maxwell’s equations for electromagnetic theory, which gave solutions for problems in radio wave propagation, the diffraction of light and X-ray developments. Schrodinger’s equation for quantum mechankal processes at the atomic level leads to experimentally verifiable results which have changed the face of atomic physics and chemistry in the 20th century. In fluid mechanics, the Navier-Stokes’ equations form a basis for huge number-crunching activities associated with such widely disparate topics as weather forcasting and the design of supersonic aircraft. Inevitably the study of partial differential equations is a large undertaking, and falls into several areas of mathematics.
