Tag: Peer

Das Potential von Peer-to-Peer-Netzen und-Systemen Architekturen, Robustheit und rechtliche Verortung

Free Download Jochen Dinger, "Das Potential von Peer-to-Peer-Netzen und-Systemen: Architekturen, Robustheit und rechtliche Verortung"
Deutsch | 2009 | pages: 322 | ISBN: 3866443277 | PDF | 3,3 mb
Um das Potential von P2P-Netzen und-Systemen für die Entwicklung und den Betrieb zukünftiger verteilter Systeme zu analysieren, erfolgt in der Arbeit zunächst eine umfassende Darlegung des aktuellen Entwicklungsstandes. Daraus leiten sich wesentliche Fragestellungen hinsichtlich Architektur, Robustheit und Telekommunikationsrecht ab. In der Folge werden diese untersucht, indem vorhandene Mechanismen bewertet sowie durch neuartige Verfahren ergänzt werden, um bestehende Defizite auszugleichen.


Peer-to-Peer-Applikationen für elektronische Märkte Perspektiven für eine hochgradig dezentralisierte digitale Wirtschaft

Free Download Peer-to-Peer-Applikationen für elektronische Märkte: Perspektiven für eine hochgradig dezentralisierte digitale Wirtschaft By Nick Gehrke (auth.)
2004 | 285 Pages | ISBN: 382442181X | PDF | 14 MB
Peer-to-Peer-Applikationen sind seit einigen Jahren weit verbreitet und insbesondere die Medienindustrie sieht sich durch Filesharing-Systeme bedroht, durch die die Distribution von z.B. Musik und Filmen immer unkontrollierter verläuft. Grund hierfür ist ein hoher Grad an Selbstorganisation durch die Nutzer, während zentrale Einheiten lediglich einfachen Koordinationszwecken dienen oder gar nicht vorhanden sind. Nick Gehrke erarbeitet Konzepte, wie Peer-to-Peer-Technologien nutzbar gemacht werden können, um elektronische Marktplätze hochgradig verteilt aufzubauen, so dass weitgehend auf zentrale Intermediäre verzichtet werden kann. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung stehen die Themenbereiche kommerzielles Filesharing, Peer-to-Peer-Marktplätze und Grid Computing.


Peer-to-Peer, Grid, and Service-Orientation in Digital Library Architectures 6th Thematic Workshop of the EU Network of Excell

Free Download Peer-to-Peer, Grid, and Service-Orientation in Digital Library Architectures: 6th Thematic Workshop of the EU Network of Excellence DELOS, Cagliari, Italy, June 24-25, 2004. Revised Selected Papers By Bob Jones (auth.), Can Türker, Maristella Agosti, Hans-Jörg Schek (eds.)
2005 | 266 Pages | ISBN: 3540287116 | PDF | 4 MB
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 6th Thematic Workshop of the EU Network of Excellence DELOS on Digital Library Architectures, held in Cagliari, Italy, in June 2004.The 15 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed. The subjects covered include: service grids for scientific applications, distributed digital libraries, grid computing, peer-to-peer networks, service oriented architectures for digital libraries, a distributed digital library for support of community radios, multimedia management and search, query trading and processing, metadata management, retrieval functionality, and personalization services.


Friendships, Peer Socialization and Social Identity Among Adolescent Skateboarders and Graffiti Writers

Free Download Myra Taylor, "Friendships, Peer Socialization and Social Identity Among Adolescent Skateboarders and Graffiti Writers"
English | ISBN: 1616687606 | 2010 | 41 pages | PDF | 1361 KB
Peers play a crucial role in the establishment of adolescent friendships. While considerable variation exists in the purpose and nature of these friendships, research clearly demonstrates that the basic style of friendship established during the adolescent years is generally replicated in friendships in later life. Thus, the adolescent selection of peer friendship group is critical. For most adolescents, friendships are based on mutual involvement in socially conforming activities conducted primarily with like-minded peers. For some, however, friendships are based on indulgence in non-conforming and delinquent type activities, which in some cases place young people at risk of adverse outcomes. This book provides a substantive understanding of the socio-psychological and cultural processes at play among various adolescent friendships.


Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing 4th International Workshop, AP2PC 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 25, 2005. Revised Pap

Free Download Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing: 4th International Workshop, AP2PC 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 25, 2005. Revised Papers By Thanasis G. Papaioannou, George D. Stamoulis (auth.), Zoran Despotovic, Sam Joseph, Claudio Sartori (eds.)
2006 | 172 Pages | ISBN: 3540490256 | PDF | 3 MB
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing, AP2PC 2005, held in Utrecht, Netherlands, on July 25th, 2005, in the context of the 4th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, AAMAS 2005.The 13 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 27 submissions; they are fully revised to incorporate reviewers’ comments and discussions at the workshop. The volume is organized in topical sections on trust and reputation, P2P infrastructure, semantic infrastructure, as well as community and mobile applications.


Peers, Pirates, and Persuasion Rhetoric in the Peer-To-Peer Debates

Free Download John Logie, "Peers, Pirates, and Persuasion: Rhetoric in the Peer-To-Peer Debates"
English | 2006 | pages: 173 | ISBN: 1602350051 | PDF | 1,7 mb
PEERS, PIRATES, AND PERSUASION: RHETORIC IN THE PEER-TO-PEER DEBATES investigates the role of rhetoric in shaping public perceptions about a novel technology: peer-to-peer file-sharing networks. While broadband Internet services now allow speedy transfers of complex media files, Americans face real uncertainty about whether peer-to-peer file sharing is or should be legal. John Logie analyzes the public arguments growing out of more than five years of debate sparked by the advent of Napster, the first widely adopted peer-to-peer technology. The debate continues with the second wave of peer-to-peer file transfer utilities like Limewire, KaZaA, and BitTorrent. With PEERS, PIRATES, AND PERSUASION, Logie joins the likes of Lawrence Lessig, Siva Vaidhyanathan, Jessica Litman, and James Boyle in the ongoing effort to challenge and change current copyright law so that it fulfills its purpose of fostering creativity and innovation while protecting the rights of artists in an attention economy. Logie examines metaphoric frames-warfare, theft, piracy, sharing, and hacking, for example-that dominate the peer-to-peer debates and demonstrably shape public policy on the use and exchange of digital media. PEERS, PIRATES, AND PERSUASION identifies the Napster case as a failed opportunity for a productive national discussion on intellectual property rights and responsibilities in digital environments. Logie closes by examining the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in the "Grokster" case, in which leading peer-to-peer companies were found to be actively inducing copyright infringement. The Grokster case, Logie contends, has already produced the chilling effects that will stifle the innovative spirit at the heart of the Internet and networked communities. ABOUT THE AUTHOR John Logie is Associate Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Minnesota.


Benchmarking Peer-to-Peer Systems Understanding Quality of Service in Large-Scale Distributed Systems

Free Download Benchmarking Peer-to-Peer Systems: Understanding Quality of Service in Large-Scale Distributed Systems By Wolfgang Effelsberg, Ralf Steinmetz, Max Lehn (auth.), Wolfgang Effelsberg, Ralf Steinmetz, Thorsten Strufe (eds.)
2013 | 197 Pages | ISBN: 3642386725 | PDF | 6 MB
Peer-to-peer systems are now widely used and have become the focus of attention for many researchers over the past decade. A number of algorithms for decentralized search, content distribution, and media streaming have been developed. This book provides fundamental concepts for the benchmarking of those algorithms in peer-to-peer systems. It also contains a collection of characteristic benchmarking results. The chapters of the book have been organized in three topical sections on: Fundamentals of Benchmarking in P2P Systems; Synthetic Benchmarks for Peer-to-Peer Systems; and Application Benchmarks for Peer-to-Peer Systems. They are preceded by a detailed introduction to the subject.


Promoting Friendships in the Playground A Peer Befriending Programme for Primary Schools

Free Download Brigette Bishop, "Promoting Friendships in the Playground: A Peer Befriending Programme for Primary Schools "
English | ISBN: 1412910781 | 2006 | 136 pages | PDF | 4 MB
This book assists teachers in helping children aged 4-10 in developing peer relationships. Contents include comprehensive facilitator notes on managing a training program for youngsters, including Circle Time activities, pro-social games, and reproducibles for immediate use.
