Tag: Practical

Practical Mono

Free Download Practical Mono By Mark Mamone (auth.)
2006 | 424 Pages | ISBN: 1590595483 | PDF | 6 MB
Practical Mono offers a detailed portrait of Mono and its many facets. You’ll learn about building GUI-based applications with Gtk#, database interaction with ADO.NET, and powerful applications with XML and web services.By embracing this implementation, you can take advantage of the powerful development paradigm, building Internet-enabled cross-platform applications based on open source technologies. This book includes a primer on C#, so even if you’re a novice .NET programmer, you will still gain plenty from this practical guide.


Practical Hardware Pentesting Learn attack and defense techniques for embedded systems in IoT and other devices

Free Download Practical Hardware Pentesting: Learn attack and defense techniques for embedded systems in IoT and other devices, 2nd Edition by Jean-Georges Valle
English | June 10, 2025 | ISBN: 1803249323 | 398 pages | PDF | 5.09 Mb
Get up to speed with the latest attack techniques and patterns to pentest and secure all your devices


Policy Analysis A Practical Introduction (Springer Texts in Political Science and International Relations)

Free Download Policy Analysis: A Practical Introduction (Springer Texts in Political Science and International Relations) by David Bromell
English | April 9, 2024 | ISBN: 3031553632 | 255 pages | MOBI | 2.31 Mb
This text for students of politics and public policy, and for learning on the job by new policy analysts, provides a practical introduction grounded in the author’s experience of working in public policy.


Pathophysiology A Practical Approach

Free Download Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach by Lachel Story
English | April 22, 2024 | ISBN: 1284288099 | 600 pages | MOBI | 118 Mb
Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach, Fifth Edition provides an innovative, practice-ready, approach to foundational pathophysiology for pre-licensure nursing students. Dr. Story takes a student-focused approach to the challenging subject formatted with vibrant graphics and easy-to-read practice tools. Her text is organized by body system, and she has organized the content into topical chapters that walk students through their base knowledge of A&P, what can go wrong with the human body, how to identify the problem, and what actions they need to take. This student-friendly approach empowers readers to take a more active role in learning pathophysiology.The Fifth Edition is unique in its application to practice. Key features walk the reader through challenging topics and latest insights in pathophysiology, leveraging recent ground-breaking studies discussed in the updated and expanded Emerging Research sections, and offering new Application to Practice callouts that deepen the connection between classroom and clinical setting. Students and faculty praise Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach for its innovative presentation, helpful Next Generation NCLEX-style questions, approachable reading style, dynamic images, and coverage of current research.
