Tag: Problems

Truthlikeness for Multidimensional, Quantitative Cognitive Problems

Free Download Truthlikeness for Multidimensional, Quantitative Cognitive Problems By I. A. Kieseppä (auth.)
1996 | 224 Pages | ISBN: 9048146925 | PDF | 16 MB
Philosophers of science have produced a variety of definitions for the notion of one sentence, theory or hypothesis being closer to the truth, more verisimilar, or more truthlike than another one. The definitions put forward by philosophers presuppose at least implicitly that the subject matter with which the compared sentences, theories or hypotheses are concerned has been specified,! and the property of closeness to the truth, verisimilitude or truth likeness appearing in such definitions should be understood as closeness to informative truth about that subject matter. This monograph is concerned with a special case of the problem of defining verisimilitude, a case in which this subject matter is of a rather restricted kind. Below, I shall suppose that there is a finite number of interrelated quantities which are used for characterizing the state of some system. Scientists might arrive at different hypotheses concerning the values of such quantities in a variety of ways. There might be various theories that give different predictions (whose informativeness might differ , too) on which combinations of the values of these quantities are possible. Scientists might also have measured all or some of the quantities in question with some accuracy. Finally, they might also have combined these two methods of forming hypotheses on their values by first measuring some of the quantities and then deducing the values of some others from the combination of a theory and the measurement results.


Quantum Mechanics through Problems

Free Download Quantum Mechanics through Problems: With Complete Solutions
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1009473654 | 785 Pages | PDF | 7 MB
This book contains more than 300 problems in quantum mechanics with accompanying solutions, covering topics that are commonly taught in first-year graduate physics programs. It is well suited for self-study or as a useful supplement to existing upper-level quantum mechanics textbooks, for both students and their instructors.


Mathematics via Problems Part 3 Combinatorics

Free Download Mikhail B. Skopenkov, "Mathematics via Problems: Part 3: Combinatorics"
English | ISBN: 1470460106 | 2023 | 197 pages | PDF | 7 MB
This book is a translation from Russian of Part III of the book Mathematics via Problems: From Olympiads and Math Circles to Profession. Part I, Algebra, and Part II, Geometry, have been published in the same series. The main goal of this book is to develop important parts of mathematics through problems. The authors tried to put together sequences of problems that allow high school students (and some undergraduates) with strong interest in mathematics to discover such topics in combinatorics as counting, graphs, constructions and invariants in combinatorics, games and algorithms, probabilistic aspects of combinatorics, and combinatorial geometry. Definitions and/or references for material that is not standard in the school curriculum are included. To help students that might be unfamiliar with new material, problems are carefully arranged to provide gradual introduction into each subject. Problems are often accompanied by hints and/or complete solutions. The book is based on classes taught by the authors at different times at the Independent University of Moscow, at a number of Moscow schools and math circles, and at various summer schools. It can be used by high school students and undergraduates, their teachers, and organizers of summer camps and math circles. In the interest of fostering a greater awareness and appreciation of mathematics and its connections to other disciplines and everyday life, SLMath (formerly MSRI) and the AMS are publishing books in the Mathematical Circles Library series as a service to young people, their parents and teachers, and the mathematics profession.


Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics

Free Download Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics By Emilio Santos (auth.), Miguel Ferrero, Alwyn van der Merwe (eds.)
1995 | 380 Pages | ISBN: 9048146089 | PDF | 24 MB
For many physicists quantum theory contains strong conceptual difficulties, while for others the apparent conclusions about the reality of our physical world and the ways in which we discover that reality remain philosophically unacceptable. This book focuses on recent theoretical and experimental developments in the foundations of quantum physics, including topics such as the puzzles and paradoxes which appear when general relativity and quantum mechanics are combined; the emergence of classical properties from quantum mechanics; stochastic electrodynamics; EPR experiments and Bell’s Theorem; the consistent histories approach and the problem of datum uniqueness in quantum mechanics; non-local measurements and teleportation of quantum states; quantum non-demolition measurements in optics and matter wave properties observed by neutron, electron and atomic interferometry. Audience: This volume is intended for graduate students of physics and those interested in the foundations of quantum theory.


Few-Body Problems in Physics ’95 In memoriam Professor Paul Urban

Free Download Few-Body Problems in Physics ’95: In memoriam Professor Paul Urban By W. Plessas (auth.), Dr. Rafael Guardiola (eds.)
1996 | 540 Pages | ISBN: 3709194296 | PDF | 9 MB
This book collects invited papers and contributions to the panel sessions, presented at the 15th European Conference on Few-Body Physics held in Peniscola, Spain, June 5-9, 1995. The main topics treated are the theoretical methodology, the experimental measurements and future plans, the exotic atomic systems, the subnuclear degrees of freedom and the role of relativistic effects in few-body systems.


Boundary Value Problems in the Spaces of Distributions

Free Download Boundary Value Problems in the Spaces of Distributions By Yakov Roitberg (auth.)
1999 | 286 Pages | ISBN: 9048153433 | PDF | 6 MB
This monograph presents elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic boundary value problems for systems of mixed orders (Douglis-Nirenberg systems). For these problems the `theorem on complete collection of isomorphisms’ is proven. Several applications in elasticity and hydrodynamics are treated. The book requires familiarity with the elements of functional analysis, the theory of partial differential equations, and the theory of generalized functions. Audience: This work will be of interest to graduate students and research mathematicians involved in areas such as functional analysis, partial differential equations, operator theory, the mathematics of mechanics, elasticity and viscoelasticity.


The Ball and Some Hilbert Problems

Free Download The Ball and Some Hilbert Problems By Rolf-Peter Holzapfel (auth.)
1995 | 160 Pages | ISBN: 3764328355 | PDF | 5 MB
As an interesting object of arithmetic, algebraic and analytic geometry the complex ball was born in a paper of the French Mathematician E. PICARD in 1883. In recent developments the ball finds great interest again in the framework of SHIMURA varieties but also in the theory of diophantine equations (asymptotic FERMAT Problem, see ch. VI). At first glance the original ideas and the advanced theories seem to be rather disconnected. With these lectures I try to build a bridge from the analytic origins to the actual research on effective problems of arithmetic algebraic geometry. The best motivation is HILBERT’S far-reaching program consisting of 23 prob lems (Paris 1900) " . . . one should succeed in finding and discussing those functions which play the part for any algebraic number field corresponding to that of the exponential function in the field of rational numbers and of the elliptic modular functions in the imaginary quadratic number field". This message can be found in the 12-th problem "Extension of KRONECKER’S Theorem on Abelian Fields to Any Algebraic Realm of Rationality" standing in the middle of HILBERTS’S pro gram. It is dedicated to the construction of number fields by means of special value of transcendental functions of several variables. The close connection with three other HILBERT problems will be explained together with corresponding advanced theories, which are necessary to find special effective solutions, namely: 7. Irrationality and Transcendence of Certain Numbers; 21.


Schur Parameters, Factorization and Dilation Problems

Free Download Schur Parameters, Factorization and Dilation Problems By Tiberiu Constantinescu (auth.)
1995 | 254 Pages | ISBN: 3034899106 | PDF | 8 MB
This book is devoted to the ubiquity of the Schur parameters. A dilation theoretic view leads to a unified perspective on several topics where Schur parameters appear as basic cells. Together with the transmission line, their physical counter- part, they appear in scattering theory, in modeling, prediction and filtering of nonstationary processes, in signal processing, geophysics and system theory. Modeling problems are considered for certain classes of operators, interpolation problems, determinental formulae, as well as connections with certain classes of graphs where, again, the Schur parameters could play a role. Some general algorithms that explore the transmission line are also presented in this book. As a whole, the text is self-contained and it is addressed to people interested in the previously mentioned topics or connections between them.


Problems and Solutions in Mathematical Olympiad Secondary 1

Free Download Problems and Solutions in Mathematical Olympiad: Secondary 1
English | 2024 | ISBN: 9811287201 | 365 Pages | PDF (True) | 5.5 MB
The series is edited by the head coaches of China’s IMO National Team. Each volume, catering to different grades, is contributed by the senior coaches of the IMO National Team. The Chinese edition has won the award of Top 50 Most Influential Educational Brands in China.


Operator Theory and Boundary Eigenvalue Problems International Workshop in Vienna, July 27-30, 1993

Free Download Operator Theory and Boundary Eigenvalue Problems: International Workshop in Vienna, July 27-30, 1993 By Daniel Alpay, Marek Rakowski (auth.), I. Gohberg, H. Langer (eds.)
1995 | 316 Pages | ISBN: 3034899092 | PDF | 8 MB
The Workshop on Operator Theory and Boundary Eigenvalue Problems was held at the Technical University, Vienna, Austria, July 27 to 30, 1993. It was the seventh workshop in the series of IWOTA (International Workshops on Operator Theory and Applications). The main topics at the workshop were interpolation problems and analytic matrix functions, operator theory in spaces with indefinite scalar products, boundary value problems for differential and functional-differential equations and systems theory and control. The workshop covered different aspects, starting with abstract operator theory up to contrete applications. The papers in these proceedings provide an accurate cross section of the lectures presented at the workshop. This book will be of interest to a wide group of pure and applied mathematicians.
