Tag: Radical

Strategy of Deception (Radical Thinkers)

Free Download Strategy of Deception (Radical Thinkers) By Paul Virilio
2007 | 96 Pages | ISBN: 1844675785 | EPUB | 1 MB
A trenchant critique of new techniques of waging war, and its reduction to images on a screen Written with his characteristic flair, Virilio’s latest book is a trenchant denunciation of the Kosovo warv in which he successfully unites theory with a riveting study of the conflict. Tearing aside the veil of hypocrisy in which the USA and its allies wrapped the war, Virilio demonstrates that the nature of the bombing was set by strategic rather than ethical considerations.Beneath the humanitarian rhetoric, Virilio sees a sinister innovation in the methods of waging war: territorial space is being replaced by orbital space in which a system of global telesurveillance is linked to the destructive power of bombers and missiles. Governments, the military and the media are becoming part of a seamless and self-justifying process linked by new information and arms technologies.Passionate and political, Strategy of Deception is a vital examination not only of the war in Yugoslavia but also what Virilio calls our "fin-de-siĆ©cle infantilization" in which the reality of battle is reduced to flickering images on a screen.


Passwords (Radical Thinkers)

Free Download Passwords (Radical Thinkers) By Jean Baudrillard
2011 | 112 Pages | ISBN: 1844676765 | EPUB | 1 MB
In his analysis of the deep social trends rooted in production, consumption, and the symbolic, Jean Baudrillard touches the very heart of the concerns of the generation currently rebelling against the framework of the consumer society. With the ever-greater mediatization of society, Baudrillard argues that we are witnessing the virtualization of our world, a disappearance of reality itself, and perhaps the impossibility of any exchange at all. This disenchanted perspective has become the rallying point for all those who reject the traditional sociological and philosophical paradigms of our age. Passwords offers us twelve accessible and enjoyable entry points into Baudrillard’s thought by way of the concepts he uses throughout his work: the object, seduction, value, impossible exchange, the obscene, the virtual, symbolic exchange, the transparency of evil, the perfect crime, destiny, duality, and thought.


Comments on the Society of the Spectacle (Radical Thinkers)

Free Download Comments on the Society of the Spectacle (Radical Thinkers) By Guy Debord
2011 | 104 Pages | ISBN: 1844676722 | EPUB | 1 MB
First published in 1967, Guy Debord’s stinging revolutionary critique ofcontemporary society, The Society of the Spectacle has since acquired acult status. Credited by many as being the inspiration for the ideasgenerated by the events of May 1968 in France, Debord’s pitiless attackon commodity fetishism and its incrustation in the practices of everydaylife continues to burn brightly in today’s age of satellite televisionand the soundbite. In Comments on the Society of the Spectacle, publishedtwenty years later, Debord returned to the themes of his previousanalysis and demonstrated how they were all the more relevant in aperiod when the "integrated spectacle" was dominant. Resolutely refusingto be reconciled to the system, Debord trenchantly slices through thedoxa and mystification offered tip by journalists and pundits to showhow aspects of reality as diverse as terrorism and the environment, theMafia and the media, were caught up in the logic of the spectacularsociety. Pointing the finger clearly at those who benefit from the logicof domination, Debord’s Comments convey the revolutionary impulse atthe heart of situationism.


A Study on Authority (Radical Thinkers)

Free Download A Study on Authority (Radical Thinkers) By Herbert Marcuse
2008 | 112 Pages | ISBN: 1844672093 | EPUB | 1 MB
This is the first paperback edition of what is now recognized as Marcuse’s most important collection of writings on philosophy. He analyzes and attacks some of the main intellectual currents of European thoughts from the Reformation to the Cold War. In a survey that includes Luther, Calvin, Kant, Burke, Hegel and Bergson, he shows how certain concepts of authority and liberty are constant elements in their very different systems. The book also contains Marcuse’s famous response to Karl Popper’s Poverty of Historicism, and his critique of Sartre.


The Party of Eros Radical Social Thought and the Realm of Freedom

Free Download Richard King, "The Party of Eros: Radical Social Thought and the Realm of Freedom"
English | 1972 | ISBN: 0807897019 | EPUB | pages: 248 | 0.2 mb
In this provocative study, the author treats Goodman, Marcuse, and Brown as the three most important radical social theorists in America since the end of World War II. His reasoned conclusions will attract anyone interested in the nonpolitical background of today’s radical social thought.


Obama’s Radical Transformation of America Year One The Survival of Socialism in a Post-Soviet Era

Free Download Joshua Muravchik, "Obama’s Radical Transformation of America: Year One: The Survival of Socialism in a Post-Soviet Era"
English | 2010 | ISBN: 1594034753 | EPUB | pages: 48 | 0.2 mb
In only one year, Obama has saddled Americans with a skyrocketing deficit that will leave future generations deeply in debt; a health-care plan that prescribes a cure worse than the illness; catastrophically expensive environmental schemes; and a foreign policy that appeases enemies and punishes friends.


Anti-Systemic Movements (Radical Thinkers)

Free Download Anti-Systemic Movements (Radical Thinkers) by Giovanni Arrighi, Immanuel Wallerstein, Terence K. Hopkins
English | January 16, 2012 | ISBN: 1844677869 | True EPUB | 136 pages | 0.1 MB
Building on an analysis of the dissenting movements to have emerged since the rise of modern capitalism, Anti-Systemic Movements uncovers an international groundswell of resistance still vitally active at the end of the twentieth century. The authors suggest that the new assertiveness of the South, the development of class struggle in the East and the emergence of rainbow coalitions in various regions hold fresh promise for emancipatory politics. Taking the year 1968 as a symbolic turning point, the authors argue that new anti-systemic movements have arisen which challenge the logic of the capitalist world-system.


Wordsworth and Coleridge The Radical Years

Free Download Wordsworth and Coleridge: The Radical Years by Nicholas Roe
English | January 29, 2019 | ISBN: 0198818114 | 346 pages | PDF | 30 Mb
This volume offers a reappraisal of Wordsworth’s and Coleridge’s radical careers before their emergence as major poets. Updated, revised, and with new manuscript material, this expanded new edition responds to the most significant critical work on Wordsworth’s and Coleridge’s radical careers in the three decades since the book first appeared. Fresh material is drawn from newspapers and printed sources; the poetry of 1798 is given more detailed attention, and the critical debate surrounding new historicism is freshly appraised. A new introduction reflects on how the book was originally researched, offers new insights into the notorious Leonard Bourdon killings of 1793, and revisits John Thelwall’s predicament in 1798.


Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic by the Radical Right Scapegoating, Conspiracy Theories, and New Narratives

Free Download Tamir Bar-On, "Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic by the Radical Right: Scapegoating, Conspiracy Theories, and New Narratives"
English | ISBN: 3838214889 | 2021 | 206 pages | PDF | 2 MB
Numerous political commentators have noted the rise of the radical right worldwide. How has the radical right responded to the COVID-19 pandemic? Has the radical right been legitimized in a world of closed borders and greater securitization? Have radical right regimes in power cracked under the strains of the crisis and thus undermined their own political fortunes? Have radical right-wing responses to COVID-19 been uniform or diversified? These are some of the questions tackled in Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic by the Radical Right.
