Tag: Random


Free Download BEATSURFING RANDOM Metal v1.0.7 | 173 MB
RANDOM Metal is all about experimentation and sonic exploration. Stop digging through endless samples – find the perfect percussive sound with just a click. Let your creativity run wild, embrace the chaos, and discover new sounds that will set your music apart. RANDOM Metal is made to increase your percussive potential and start creating extraordinary sounds.


Coin-turning, Random Walks And Inhomogeneous Markov Chains

Free Download Coin-turning, Random Walks And Inhomogeneous Markov Chains
English | 2025 | ISBN: 9811293120 | 300 Pages | PDF (True) | 16 MB
This research monograph explores new frontiers in Markov chains. Although time-homogeneous Markov chains are well understood, this is not at all the case with time-inhomogeneous ones. The book, after a review on the classical theory of homogeneous chains, including the electrical network approach, introduces several new models which involve inhomogeneous chains as well as related new types of random walks (for example, ‘coin turning’, ‘conservative’ and ‘Rademacher’ walk). Scaling limits, the breakdown of the classical limit theorems as well as recurrence and transience are investigated. The relationship with urn models is the subject of two chapters, providing additional connections to other parts of probability theory.Random walks on random graphs are discussed as well, as an area where the method of electric networks is especially useful. This is illustrated by presenting random walks in random environments and random labyrinths.The monograph puts emphasis on showing examples and open problems besides providing rigorous analysis of the models.Several figures illustrate the main ideas, and a large number of exercises challenge the interested reader.


Random Vibrations Theory and Applications

Free Download Random Vibrations: Theory and Applications
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1032556390 | 437 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 23 MB
This book is a lucid and well-paced introduction to random vibrations, superbly motivated and illustrated through a wealth of convincing applications in various engineering fields. The strong points of the book are its coverage of weakly stationary and ergodic random processes, spectral analysis of random processes, mode displacement superposition method, equivalent linearization technique for nonlinear random vibrations and an updated definition of rain flow cycle for fatigue analysis. Particularly appealing features of the book are its numerous examples and end-of-chapter exercises. This book offers a clear guide to the formulations and mathematical properties of random vibration analysis techniques, with an emphasis on practical applications rather than mathematical development for its own sake. However, some important mathematical formulas have been explicitly deduced in a detailed manner so that readers can go through the material in this book very smoothly and efficiently.



Free Download BEATSURFING RANDOM Metal v1.0.6 | 173 MB
RANDOM Metal is all about experimentation and sonic exploration. Stop digging through endless samples – find the perfect percussive sound with just a click. Let your creativity run wild, embrace the chaos, and discover new sounds that will set your music apart. RANDOM Metal is made to increase your percussive potential and start creating extraordinary sounds.


Uniform Random Numbers Theory and Practice

Free Download Uniform Random Numbers: Theory and Practice By Shu Tezuka (auth.)
1995 | 209 Pages | ISBN: 1461359805 | PDF | 6 MB
In earlier forewords to the books in this series on Discrete Event Dynamic Systems (DEDS), we have dwelt on the pervasive nature of DEDS in our human-made world. From manufacturing plants to computer/communication networks, from traffic systems to command-and-control, modern civilization cannot function without the smooth operation of such systems. Yet mathemat ical tools for the analysis and synthesis of DEDS are nascent when compared to the well developed machinery of the continuous variable dynamic systems char acterized by differential equations. The performance evaluation tool of choice for DEDS is discrete event simulation both on account of its generality and its explicit incorporation of randomness. As it is well known to students of simulation, the heart of the random event simulation is the uniform random number generator. Not so well known to the practitioners are the philosophical and mathematical bases of generating "random" number sequence from deterministic algorithms. This editor can still recall his own painful introduction to the issues during the early 80’s when he attempted to do the first perturbation analysis (PA) experiments on a per sonal computer which, unbeknownst to him, had a random number generator with a period of only 32,768 numbers. It is no exaggeration to say that the development of PA was derailed for some time due to this ignorance of the fundamentals of random number generation.


Semi-Markov Random Evolutions

Free Download Semi-Markov Random Evolutions By V. Korolyuk, A. Swishchuk (auth.)
1995 | 310 Pages | ISBN: 9401044392 | PDF | 24 MB
The evolution of systems in random media is a broad and fruitful field for the applica tions of different mathematical methods and theories. This evolution can be character ized by a semigroup property. In the abstract form, this property is given by a semigroup of operators in a normed vector (Banach) space. In the practically boundless variety of mathematical models of the evolutionary systems, we have chosen the semi-Markov ran dom evolutions as an object of our consideration. The definition of the evolutions of this type is based on rather simple initial assumptions. The random medium is described by the Markov renewal processes or by the semi Markov processes. The local characteristics of the system depend on the state of the ran dom medium. At the same time, the evolution of the system does not affect the medium. Hence, the semi-Markov random evolutions are described by two processes, namely, by the switching Markov renewal process, which describes the changes of the state of the external random medium, and by the switched process, i.e., by the semigroup of oper ators describing the evolution of the system in the semi-Markov random medium.


Probability Theory, Random Processes and Mathematical Statistics

Free Download Probability Theory, Random Processes and Mathematical Statistics By Yu. A. Rozanov (auth.)
1995 | 259 Pages | ISBN: 9401042012 | PDF | 5 MB
Probability Theory, Theory of Random Processes and Mathematical Statistics are important areas of modern mathematics and its applications. They develop rigorous models for a proper treatment for various ‘random’ phenomena which we encounter in the real world. They provide us with numerous tools for an analysis, prediction and, ultimately, control of random phenomena. Statistics itself helps with choice of a proper mathematical model (e.g., by estimation of unknown parameters) on the basis of statistical data collected by observations. This volume is intended to be a concise textbook for a graduate level course, with carefully selected topics representing the most important areas of modern Probability, Random Processes and Statistics. The first part (Ch. 1-3) can serve as a self-contained, elementary introduction to Probability, Random Processes and Statistics. It contains a number of relatively sim ple and typical examples of random phenomena which allow a natural introduction of general structures and methods. Only knowledge of elements of real/complex analysis, linear algebra and ordinary differential equations is required here. The second part (Ch. 4-6) provides a foundation of Stochastic Analysis, gives information on basic models of random processes and tools to study them. Here a familiarity with elements of functional analysis is necessary. Our intention to make this course fast-moving made it necessary to present important material in a form of examples.


Gaussian Random Functions

Free Download Gaussian Random Functions By M. A. Lifshits (auth.)
1995 | 337 Pages | ISBN: 9048145287 | PDF | 10 MB
It is well known that the normal distribution is the most pleasant, one can even say, an exemplary object in the probability theory. It combines almost all conceivable nice properties that a distribution may ever have: symmetry, stability, indecomposability, a regular tail behavior, etc. Gaussian measures (the distributions of Gaussian random functions), as infinite-dimensional analogues of tht


Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, 1993

Free Download Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications: Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, 1993 By Robert Aebi (auth.), Erwin Bolthausen, Marco Dozzi, Francesco Russo (eds.)
1995 | 394 Pages | ISBN: 3034870280 | PDF | 9 MB
Pure and applied stochastic analysis and random fields form the subject of this book. The collection of articles on these topics represent the state of the art of the research in the field, with particular attention being devoted to stochastic models in finance. Some are review articles, others are original papers; taken together, they will apprise the reader of much of the current activity in the area.
