Tag: Rasch

Rasch Models Foundations, Recent Developments, and Applications

Free Download Rasch Models: Foundations, Recent Developments, and Applications By Ivo W. Molenaar (auth.), Gerhard H. Fischer, Ivo W. Molenaar (eds.)
1995 | 436 Pages | ISBN: 1461287049 | PDF | 14 MB
Thirty-two years after the publication of the legendary ‘Rasch book’ (Rasch, 1960), the rich literature on the Rasch model and its extensions was scattered in journals and many less accessible sources, including ‘grey’ literature. When asked by students or junior researchers for references to the Rasch model, it was a typical reaction on the part of the editors to state that it was difficult to name one, or just a few; actually, only a whole list of references differing in notation and level of formal abstraction seemed to meet the request in most cases. Therefore, in 1992 the editors decided to invite a number of outstanding authors in the field of Rasch modeling to contribute to a book presenting the current state of knowledge about Rasch models. The aim was not just to collect a number of papers on the subject, rather to produce a well-organized monograph. To this end, a workshop was held in Vienna from 25 to 27 February 1993 in which, after a process of mutual reviewing, drafts of all chapters were read and discussed by all authors, leading to a more systematic organization of the topics treated in unified notation and terminology. (The workshop was sponsored by the University of Vienna; here, the editors would like to express their thanks, in the name of all contributors, both for the financial support and for the hospitality granted.


Rasch Meta-Metres of Growth for Some Intelligence and Attainment Tests

Free Download Rasch Meta-Metres of Growth for Some Intelligence and Attainment Tests
English | 2023 | ISBN: 9819946921 | 429 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 26 MB
This book adapts Rasch’s approach for quantifying growth on physiological variables, where growth decelerates, to intellectual variables. To apply this approach, it is necessary to construct measurements in a constant unit over the relevant range of the variable. With such measurements, the book illustrates the approach to quantifying growth on six intellectual variables – two intelligences tests and two each of tests of proficiencies in reading comprehension and mathematics. The book discusses how it is not immediately obvious that deceleration on a quantitative scale should also hold for the growth in intellectual variables. It goes on to show that this is indeed the case with all six tests analysed and considers some implications of this feature for understanding intellectual development, in particular the centrality of the growth trajectory set in early life.


Multivariate and Mixture Distribution Rasch Models Extensions and Applications

Free Download Multivariate and Mixture Distribution Rasch Models: Extensions and Applications by Matthias Davier , Claus H. Carstensen
English | PDF | 2007 | 400 Pages | ISBN : 0387329161 | 3.2 MB
This volume gathers together a set of extensions of the Rasch model, one of the most prominent models for measurement in educational research and – cial science developed by Danish mathematician Georg Rasch. The idea for this volume emerged during a meeting of the Psychometric Society in M- terey, CA. At that meeting, friends and colleagues discussed news about the impending retirement of Dr. Jurgen ¨ Rost, an important innovator and m- tor in this ?eld. To recognize Jurgen’s ¨ contributions, we decided to produce a collection of research on extending the Rasch model as well as embedding the Rasch model in more complex statistical models, an area that is receiving broad interest in many ?elds of social sciences at the current time. This collection contains 22 chapters by recognized international experts in the?eld.Thecontributionscovertopicsrangingfromgeneralmodelextensions to application in ?elds as diverse as cognition, personality, organizational and sports psychology, and health sciences and education. The Rasch model is designed for categorical data, often collected as ex- inees’ responses to multiple tasks such as cognitive items from psychological tests or from educational assessments. The Rasch model’s elegant mathema- cal form is suitable for extensions that allow for greater ?exibility in handling complex samples of examinees and collections of tasks from di?erent domains. In these extensions, the Rasch model is enhanced by additional structural – ements that account either for di?erences between diverse populations or for di?erences among observed variables.


Advances in Applications of Rasch Measurement in Science Education

Free Download Advances in Applications of Rasch Measurement in Science Education by Xiufeng Liu, William J. Boone
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2023 | 531 Pages | ISBN : 3031287754 | 43 MB
This edited volume presents latest development in applications of Rasch measurement in science education. It includes a conceptual introduction chapter and a set of individual chapters. The introductory chapter reviews published studies applying Rasch measurement in the field of science education and identify important principles of Rasch measurement and best practices in applications of Rasch measurement in science education. The individual chapters, contributed by authors from Canada, China, Germany, Philippines and the USA, cover a variety of current topics on measurement concerning science conceptual understanding, scientific argumentation, scientific reasoning, three-dimensional learning, knowledge-in-use and cross-cutting concepts of the Next Generation Science Standards, medical education learning experiences, machine-scoring bias, formative assessment, and teacher knowledge of argument. There are additional chapters on advances in Rasch analysis techniques and technology including R, Bayesian estimation, comparison between joint maximum likelihood (JML) and marginal maximum likelihood (MML) estimations on model-data-fit, and enhancement to Rasch models by Cognitive Diagnostic Models and Latent Class Analysis. The volume provides readers who are new and experienced in applying Rasch measurement with advanced and exemplary applications in the forefront of various areas of science education research.
