Tag: Regenerative

Regenerative Energietechnik

Free Download Regenerative Energietechnik By Viktor Wesselak, Thomas Schabbach, Thomas Link, Joachim Fischer (auth.)
2013 | 862 Pages | ISBN: 3642241646 | PDF | 14 MB
Die Autoren beschreiben praxisnah die wichtigsten Formen der technischen Nutzung regenerativer Energieträger. Sie stellen deren Potentiale unter Berücksichtigung der globalen Energieprobleme und der thermodynamischen Grenzen von Energiewandlungsprozessen dar und diskutieren ihren Beitrag zu einem nachhaltigen Energiesystem. Das Buch behandelt Photovoltaik, Solar- und Geothermie, Biomasse, Wind- und Wasserkraft und berücksichtigt damit sowohl Systeme zur Elektrizitäts- als auch zur Wärmebereitstellung. In den einzelnen Kapiteln wird – ausgehend von den natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen – die Funktionsweise der zentralen Komponenten sowie deren Verknüpfung zu Systemen dargestellt. Konkrete Planungs- und Auslegungsbeispiele verbinden die theoretischen Grundlagen mit einer handlungsorientierten Lehre. Der Integration regenerativer Energieanlagen in die bereits vorhandenen Systeme für Elektrizität, Wärme und Transport ist jeweils ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet.In der zweiten Auflage ist ein ein Kapitel über Energiespeicher, sowohl für thermische als auch elektrische Energie neu hinzugekommen. Vollständig überarbeitet wurden die Kapitel zur Energieeffizienz und zur Windkraft.


Regenerative Medicine A Complete Guide for Musculoskeletal and Spine Disorders (2024)

Free Download Corey W Hunter, Timothy T. Davis, Michael J. DePalma, "Regenerative Medicine: A Complete Guide for Musculoskeletal and Spine Disorders"
English | 2022 | ISBN: 3030755169 | EPUB | pages: 296 | 86.5 mb
This book explores the rapidly growing subspecialty of regenerative medicine in pain management. It provides concise guidelines and instruction for healthcare providers interested in implementing this novel therapy.


Regenerative Politics

Free Download Emma Planinc, "Regenerative Politics "
English | ISBN: 0231215835 | 2024 | 264 pages | PDF | 3 MB
Critics of liberal democracy from both the left and right view rights not as protectors of freedom but as impediments to self-determination and call for radically regenerative political alternatives. Liberals respond to these challenges by reasserting that universal rights are self-evident, intentionally foreclosing the possibility of remaking the political order. Regenerative Politics makes a bold intervention into this fraught landscape, arguing that the survival of rights depends on abandoning their claims to self-evidence.


Platelet-Rich Plasma Regenerative Medicine Sports Medicine, Orthopedic, and Recovery of Musculoskeletal Injuries

Free Download Platelet-Rich Plasma: Regenerative Medicine: Sports Medicine, Orthopedic, and Recovery of Musculoskeletal Injuries By José F. Lana, Adam Weglein, Eduardo Vicente, Amanda G. M. Perez (auth.), José Fábio Santos Duarte Lana, Maria Helena Andrade Santana, William Dias Belangero, Angela Cristina Malheiros Luzo (eds.)
2014 | 360 Pages | ISBN: 3642401163 | PDF | 6 MB
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) has gained tremendous popularity in recent years as a treatment option for specialties including Orthopedics, Dentistry, Sports Medicine, Otorhinolaryngology, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Urology, Vascular, Cardiothoracic and Maxillofacial Surgery, and Veterinarian Medicine. Nowadays, PRP and Stem Cell Science have added an exciting dimension to tissue repair. This book begins by giving the reader a broad overview of current progress as well as a discussion of the technical aspects of preparation and therapeutic use of autologous PRP. It is followed by a review of platelet structure, function and major growth factors in PRP (PDGF and TGFβ).The third chapter outlines the basic principles of biochemical cellular metabolism that increases the efficacy of PRP. Analogous to the preparation of soil for a garden, restoring cellular health should be the first consideration in Regenerative Medicine. Standardization of PRP preparation to clinical use still remains a challenging prospect. In this sense, a feasible strategy for studying PRP preparation is illustrated, which also allows to modulate and tailor the quality of PRP for further clinical applications. The science behind PRP and stem cells, on tissue regeneration, cell proliferation and mesenchyme stem-cells are emphasized and reviewed. Various specific uses of PRP are described with detailed illustrations of various personal experiences mainly in orthopedic injuries, ligament and tendon repair, degenerative diseases, sports medicine, chronic wound healing as well as rehabilitation aspects in tendinopathy. Expertly written by leading scientists in the field, this book provides for beginners and experienced readers scientific fundamentals, the state of art of PRP, specific uses and personal experiences with a practical approach and reference for current trends in use. Finally, this book paves the way for future developments.


Regenerative Zukünfte und künstliche Intelligenz Band 1 PLANET

Free Download Regenerative Zukünfte und künstliche Intelligenz: Band 1: PLANET
Deutsch | 2024 | ISBN: 3658435852 | 400 Pages | PDF (True) | 16 MB
Dieses Buchprojekt erscheint in drei Teilen mit jeweils einem inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt – PLANET, PEOPLE, PROFIT – und beschäftigt sich übergreifend mit den Nachhaltigkeitszielen der Vereinten Nationen (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs). Dieser erste Band behandelt die ökologische Dimension der Nachhaltigkeit und umfasst Beiträge, die explizit oder implizit SDGs mit Umweltbezug thematisieren. Die Beiträge und Grußworte international renommierter Expert:innen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis werden durch Begleittexte der Herausgebenden ergänzt.


Regenerative Ecosystems in the Anthropocene A Transdisciplinary Ecosystemic Framework for Regenerativeness

Free Download Regenerative Ecosystems in the Anthropocene: A Transdisciplinary Ecosystemic Framework for Regenerativeness by Amar K. J. R. Nayak
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 496 Pages | ISBN : 303153297X | 46.9 MB
The book offers a transdisciplinary eco-systemic framework for analysis of ecosystems. It uses eight dimensions (economic-social-political-environmen-tal) and 40 factors to diagnose degenerating ecosystems and to synthesize regenerative ecosystems amid growing uncertainty, and inequality in the Anthropocene.


Regenerative Strategies

Free Download Regenerative Strategies: Exploring New Sustainable Business Models to Face the Climate Emergency
English | 2024 | ISBN: 1009261932 | 261 Pages | PDF | 4 MB
In the current climate emergency, it is no longer enough for businesses to simply employ environmental strategy typologies focused on ‘greening the business’ and maintaining the ‘business-as-usual’ logic. Gregorio Martín-de Castro and Javier Amores-Salvadó argue that disruptive business models and solutions are now required, and they propose a new regenerative strategy linking climate science to management studies. The main features of this strategy are:cutting-edge climate science solutions (capturing and utilizing atmospheric carbon dioxide to produce net-zero or net-negative emissions and positive environmental externalities) and a redefined firm purpose under an ecological, ethical and moral paradigm (integrating ecoemotional wealth, environmental performance, systemic socioecological resilience, wider stakeholder management and a very long-term perspective). They demonstrate that, by applying this strategy, companies can not only reduce their negative environmental externalities and create positive environmental externalities, but also reverse current environmental degradation through a new sustainable capitalism.


Regenerative Agriculture Translating Science to Action

Free Download Regenerative Agriculture: Translating Science to Action
English | 2024 | ISBN: 1032314052 | 301 Pages | PDF (True) | 29 MB
This book aims to focus on the current state of knowledge and scientific advances about the complex and intertwined issues of regenerative farming as a transformative solution for offsetting the disastrous climate effects of burning fossil fuels and impairments of natural resource bases. Regenerative agriculture advocates no-till practices, planting cover crops, integrating livestock and crop production, improving animal welfare practices, improving the social and economic well-being of communities, sequestering carbon, improving soil health, and increasing yields and profit with a positive impact on food access or food safety regardless of farm size.
