Tag: Scattering

Elastic and Inelastic Scattering in Electron Diffraction and Imaging

Free Download Elastic and Inelastic Scattering in Electron Diffraction and Imaging By Zhong Lin Wang (auth.)
1995 | 448 Pages | ISBN: 1489915818 | PDF | 16 MB
Elastic and inelastic scattering in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) are important research subjects. For a long time, I have wished to systematically summarize various dynamic theories associated with quantitative electron micros copy and their applications in simulations of electron diffraction patterns and images. This wish now becomes reality. The aim of this book is to explore the physics in electron diffraction and imaging and related applications for materials characterizations. Particular emphasis is placed on diffraction and imaging of inelastically scattered electrons, which, I believe, have not been discussed exten sively in existing books. This book assumes that readers have some preknowledge of electron microscopy, electron diffraction, and quantum mechanics. I anticipate that this book will be a guide to approaching phenomena observed in electron microscopy from the prospects of diffraction physics. The SI units are employed throughout the book except for angstrom (A), which is used occasionally for convenience. To reduce the number of symbols used, the Fourier transform of a real-space function P'(r), for example, is denoted by the same symbol P'(u) in reciprocal space except that r is replaced by u. Upper and lower limits of an integral in the book are (-co, co) unless otherwise specified. The (-co, co) integral limits are usually omitted in a mathematical expression for simplification. I very much appreciate opportunity of working with Drs. J. M. Cowley and J. C. H. Spence (Arizona State University), J.


Light Scattering Reviews 8 Radiative transfer and light scattering

Free Download Light Scattering Reviews 8: Radiative transfer and light scattering By Anthony J. Baran (auth.), Alexander A. Kokhanovsky (eds.)
2013 | 634 Pages | ISBN: 3642321054 | PDF | 18 MB
Light scattering review (vol 8) is aimed at the presentation of recent advances in radiative transfer and light scattering optics. The topics to be covered include: scattering of light by irregularly shaped particles suspended in atmosphere (dust, ice crystals), light scattering by particles much larger as compared the wavelength of incident radiation, atmospheric radiative forcing, astrophysical radiative transfer, radiative transfer and optical imaging in biological media, radiative transfer of polarized light, numerical aspects of radiative transfer.


Chain-Scattering Approach to H∞ Control

Free Download Chain-Scattering Approach to H∞ Control By Hidenori Kimura (auth.)
1996 | 246 Pages | ISBN: 1461286425 | PDF | 8 MB
The advent of H-infinity-control was a truly remarkable innovation in multivariable theory. It eliminated the classical/modern dichotomy that had been a major source of the long-standing skepticism about the applicability of modern control theory, by amalgamating the "philosophy" of classical design with "computation" based on the state-space problem setting. It enhanced the application by deepening the theory mathematically and logically, not by weakening it as was done by the reformers of modern control theory in the early 1970s.However, very few practical design engineers are familiar with the theory, even though several theoretical frameworks have been proposed, namely interpolation theory, matrix dilation, differential games, approximation theory, linear matrix inequalities, etc. But none of these frameworks have proved to be a natural, simple, and comprehensive exposition of H-infinity-control theory that is accessible to practical engineers and demonstrably the most natural control strategy to achieve the control objectives.The purpose of this book is to provide such a natural theoretical framework that is understandable with little mathematical background. The notion of chain-scattering, well known in classical circuit theory, but new to control theorists, plays a fundamental role in this book. It captures an essential feature of the control systems design, reducing it to a J-lossless factorization, which leads us naturally to the idea of H-infinity-control. The J-lossless conjugation, an essentially new notion in linear system theory, then provides a powerful tool for computing this factorization. Thus the chain-scattering representation, the J-lossless factorization, and the J-lossless conjugation are the three key notions that provide the thread of development in this book. The book is conpletely self contained and requires little mathematical background other than some familiarity with linear algebra. It will be useful to praciticing engineers in control system design and as a text for a graduate course in H-infinity-control and its applications.The reader is supposed to be acquainted with linear systems only at an elementary level and, although full proofs are given, the exposition is careful so that it may be accessible to engineers. H. Kimura’s textbook is a useful source of information for everybody who wants to learn this part of the modern control theory in a thorough manner. -Mathematica BohemicaThe book is useful to practicing engineers in control system design and as a textbook for a graduate course in H∞ control and its applications. -Zentralblatt MATH


Scattering Plenty The People Who Made the Modern Countryside

Free Download Scattering Plenty: The People Who Made the Modern Countryside by Jim Dixon
English | 21 Mar. 2024 | ISBN: 1803994096 | True EPUB | 272 pages | 5.3 MB
At the outset of the twentieth century, the management of the British countryside was the preserve of powerful aristocratic estates, the ground worked by labourers toiling in time-honoured tradition.


A Qualitative Approach to Inverse Scattering Theory

Free Download A Qualitative Approach to Inverse Scattering Theory By Fioralba Cakoni, David Colton (auth.)
2014 | 297 Pages | ISBN: 1461488265 | PDF | 3 MB
Inverse scattering theory is an important area of applied mathematics due to its central role in such areas as medical imaging , nondestructive testing and geophysical exploration. Until recently all existing algorithms for solving inverse scattering problems were based on using either a weak scattering assumption or on the use of nonlinear optimization techniques. The limitations of these methods have led in recent years to an alternative approach to the inverse scattering problem which avoids the incorrect model assumptions inherent in the use of weak scattering approximations as well as the strong a priori information needed in order to implement nonlinear optimization techniques. These new methods come under the general title of qualitative methods in inverse scattering theory and seek to determine an approximation to the shape of the scattering object as well as estimates on its material properties without making any weak scattering assumption and using essentially no a priori information on the nature of the scattering object. This book is designed to be an introduction to this new approach in inverse scattering theory focusing on the use of sampling methods and transmission eigenvalues. In order to aid the reader coming from a discipline outside of mathematics we have included background material on functional analysis, Sobolev spaces, the theory of ill posed problems and certain topics in in the theory of entire functions of a complex variable. This book is an updated and expanded version of an earlier book by the authors published by Springer titled Qualitative Methods in Inverse Scattering Theory Review of Qualitative Methods in Inverse Scattering Theory All in all, the authors do exceptionally well in combining such a wide variety of mathematical material and in presenting it in a well-organized and easy-to-follow fashion. This text certainly complements the growing body of work in inverse scattering and should well suit both new researchers to the field as well as those who could benefit from such a nice codified collection of profitable results combined in one bound volume. SIAM Review, 2006
