Tag: Semantic

The Semantic Web Research and Applications Second European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2005, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May

Free Download The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: Second European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2005, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 29-June 1, 2005. Proceedings By Uwe Keller, Rubén Lara, Holger Lausen, Axel Polleres, Dieter Fensel (auth.), Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Jérôme Euzenat (eds.)
2005 | 728 Pages | ISBN: 3540261249 | PDF | 10 MB
This volume contains the papers presented at the 2nd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2005) held in Heraklion, Crete, Greece, from 29th May to 1st June, 2005. The vision of the Semantic Web is to enhance today’s Web via the exploi- tion of machine-processable metadata. The explicit representation of the sem- tics of data, accompanied with domain theories (ontologies), will enable a web that provides a qualitatively new level of service. It will weave together an – crediblylargenetworkofhumanknowledgeandwillcomplementitwithmachine processability. Various automated services will help the user to achieve goals by accessing and providing information in a machine-understandable form. This process may ultimately create extremely knowledgeable systems with various specialized reasoning services systems. Many technologies and methodologies are being developed within arti?cial intelligence, human language technology, machine learning, databases, software engineering and information systems that can contribute to the realization of this vision. The 2nd Annual European Semantic Web Conference presented the latest results in research and applications of Semantic Web technologies. Following the success of the ?rst edition, ESWC showed a signi?cant increase in participation. With148submissions,thenumberofpapersdoubledthatofthepreviousedition. Each submission was evaluated by at least three reviewers. The selection process resulted in the acceptance of 48 papers for publication and presentation at the conference (an acceptance rate of 32%). Papers did not come only from Europe but also from other continents.


The Semantic Web – ASWC 2006 First Asian Semantic Web Conference, Beijing, China, September 3-7, 2006. Proceedings

Free Download The Semantic Web – ASWC 2006: First Asian Semantic Web Conference, Beijing, China, September 3-7, 2006. Proceedings By Jim Hendler (auth.), Riichiro Mizoguchi, Zhongzhi Shi, Fausto Giunchiglia (eds.)
2006 | 780 Pages | ISBN: 3540383298 | PDF | 14 MB
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First Asian Semantic Web Conference, ASWC 2006, held in Beijing, China, in September 2006. The 36 revised full papers and 36 revised short papers presented together with three invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from 208 full paper submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on annotation, ontology alignment, documents and recommendation, social networks and RSS, ontology integration and interoperability, reasoning, applications, information search, databases, semantic Web services, ontologies and tools, ontologies and theory, peer-to-peer, and industrial applications.


Visualizing the Semantic Web XML-Based Internet and Information Visualization

Free Download Visualizing the Semantic Web: XML-Based Internet and Information Visualization By Vladimir Geroimenko DSc, PhD, MSc (auth.), Vladimir Geroimenko DSc, PhD, MSc, Chaomei Chen PhD, MSc, BSc (eds.)
2006 | 248 Pages | ISBN: 1852339764 | PDF | 6 MB
This pioneering book deals specifically with the visualization of the Second-Generation Web. Now in its second edition it has been completely revised and updated, and includes extensive new material. It focuses on key topics including:* Visualization of semantic and structural information and metadata in the context of the emerging Semantic Web* Ontology-based information visualization and the use of graphically represented ontologies* Semantic visualizations using topic maps and graph techniques* Web Services, e-commerce and web search applications* Recommender systems for filtering and recommending on the Semantic Web* SVG and X3D as new XML-based languages for 2D and 3D visualisations* Methods used to construct and visualize high quality metadata and ontologies* Navigating and exploring XML documents using interactive multimedia interfaces* The use of semantic association networks as well as social networks on the Second-Generation Web* Semantically enhanced solutions for the medical community* Semantic-oriented use of existing visualization methodsThe design of visual interfaces for e-commerce and information retrieval is currently a challenging area of practical web development. Most of the techniques and methods discussed can be applied now, making this book essential reading for web developers and end users as well as visualisation researchers.


Enabling Semantic Web Services The Web Service Modeling Ontology

Free Download Enabling Semantic Web Services: The Web Service Modeling Ontology By Dieter Fensel, Holger Lausen, Jos de Bruijn, Michael Stollberg, Dumitru Roman, Axel Polleres, John Domingue (auth.)
2007 | 188 Pages | ISBN: 3540345191 | PDF | 3 MB
Service-oriented computing has become one of the predominant factors in current IT research and development. Web services seem to be the middleware solution of the future for highly interoperable distributed software solutions. In parallel, research on the Semantic Web provides the results required to exploit distributed machine-processable data. To combine these two research lines into industrial-strength applications, a number of research projects have been set up by organizations like W3C and the EU. Dieter Fensel and his coauthors deliver a profound introduction into one of the most promising approaches – the Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO). After a brief presentation of the underlying basic technologies and standards of the World Wide Web, the Semantic Web, and Web Services, they detail all the elements of WSMO from basic concepts to possible applications in e-commerce, e-government and e-banking, and they also describe its relation to other approaches like OWL-S or WSDL-S.While many of the related technologies and standards are still under development, this book already offers both a broad conceptual introduction and lots of pointers to future application scenarios for researchers in academia and industry as well as for developers of distributed Web applications.


Semantic Technology Second Joint International Conference, JIST 2012, Nara, Japan, December 2-4, 2012. Proceedings

Free Download Semantic Technology: Second Joint International Conference, JIST 2012, Nara, Japan, December 2-4, 2012. Proceedings By Cong Wang, Pascal Hitzler (auth.), Hideaki Takeda, Yuzhong Qu, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Yoshinobu Kitamura (eds.)
2013 | 390 Pages | ISBN: 3642379958 | PDF | 21 MB
This book constitutes the proceedings of the Second Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, JIST 2012, held in Nara, Japan, in December 2012. The 20 full papers and 13 short papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 90 submissions. The regular papers deal with ontology and description logics; RDF and SPARQL; learning and discovery; semantic search; knowledge building; semantic Web application. The in-use track papers cover topics on social semantic Web and semantic search; and the special track papers have linked data in practice and database integration as a topic.


Semantic Analysis and Understanding of Human Behavior in Video Streaming

Free Download Semantic Analysis and Understanding of Human Behavior in Video Streaming By Alberto Amato, Vincenzo Di Lecce, Vincenzo Piuri (auth.)
2013 | 108 Pages | ISBN: 1461454859 | PDF | 4 MB
Semantic Analysis and Understanding of Human Behaviour in Video Streaming investigates the semantic analysis of the human behaviour captured by video streaming, and introduces both theoretical and technological points of view. Video analysis based on the semantic content is in fact still an open issue for the computer vision research community, especially when real-time analysis of complex scenes is concerned.This book explores an innovative, original approach to human behaviour analysis and understanding by using the syntactical symbolic analysis of images and video streaming described by means of strings of symbols. A symbol is associated to each area of the analyzed scene. When a moving object enters an area, the corresponding symbol is appended to the string describing the motion. This approach allows for characterizing the motion of a moving object with a word composed by symbols. By studying and classifying these words we can categorize and understand the various behaviours. The main advantage of this approach lies in the simplicity of the scene and motion descriptions so that the behaviour analysis will have limited computational complexity due to the intrinsic nature both of the representations and the related operations used to manipulate them. Besides, the structure of the representations is well suited for possible parallel processing, thus allowing for speeding up the analysis when appropriate hardware architectures are used. A new methodology for design systems for hierarchical high semantic level analysis of video streaming in narrow domains is also proposed. Guidelines to design your own system are provided in this book.Designed for practitioners, computer scientists and engineers working within the fields of human computer interaction, surveillance, image processing and computer vision, this book can also be used as secondary text book for advanced-level students in computer science and engineering.


Data Science with Semantic Technologies Theory, Practice and Application

Free Download Data Science with Semantic Technologies: Theory, Practice and Application (Advances in Intelligent and Scientific Computing) edited by Archana Patel, Narayan C. Debnath, Bharat Bhusan
English | September 14, 2022 | ISBN: 1119864984 | True EPUB | 464 pages | 8.4 MB
This book will serve as an important guide toward applications of data science with semantic technologies for the upcoming generation and thus becomes a unique resource for scholars, researchers, professionals, and practitioners in this field.


A Semantic Approach to English Grammar

Free Download R. M. W. Dixon, "A Semantic Approach to English Grammar"
English | 2005 | pages: 562 | ISBN: 0199247404, 0199283079 | PDF | 4,2 mb
This book shows how grammar helps people communicate and looks at the ways grammar and meaning interrelate. The author starts from the notion that a speaker codes a meaning into grammatical forms which the listener is then able to recover: each word, he shows, has its own meaning and each bit of grammar its own function, their combinations creating and limiting the possibilities for different words. He uncovers a rationale for the varying grammatical properties of different words and in the process explains many facts about English – such as why we can say I wish to go, I wish that he would go, and I want to go but not I want that he would go.


Semantic Web Rules

Free Download Mike Dean, John Hall, Antonino Rotolo, "Semantic Web Rules"
English | 2010 | pages: 317 | ISBN: 3642162886 | PDF | 5,6 mb
The 4th International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML 2010), co-located in Alexandria, Virginia, USA (near Washington, DC) with the 13th International BusinessRules Forum Conference2010,wasorganizedto meet colleaguesand to exchange ideas from all subareas of Web rule technology. The aims of RuleML 2010 were both to present new and interesting research results and to show s- cessfullydeployedrule-basedapplications. Thisannualsymposiumisthe?agship event of the Rule Markup Language (RuleML) Initiative. The RuleML Initiative (www. ruleml. org) is a non-pro?t umbrella organi- tion of several technical groups organized by representatives from academia, industry and public sectors working on rule technologies and applications. Its aim is to promote the study, research and application of rules in heterogeneous distributedenvironmentssuchastheWeb. RuleMLmaintainse?ectivelinkswith other major international societies and acts as an intermediary between various "specialized" rule vendor, application, industrial and academic research groups, as well as standardization e?orts including W3C, OMG and OASIS. After a series of successful international RuleML workshops and conferences, the RuleML symposia, held since 2007, constitute a new kind of event where the Web rules and logic community joins the established, practically oriented business rules community (www. businessrulesforum. com). The symposium s- ports the idea that there is a successful path from high-quality research results to deployed applications.
