Tag: Semiconductors

Heavily Doped Semiconductors

Free Download Heavily Doped Semiconductors By Victor I. Fistul’ (auth.)
1995 | 418 Pages | ISBN: 1468488236 | PDF | 15 MB
Recently, there has been a considerable upsurge of interest in heavily doped semiconductors. This interest is due primarily to the expanding range of applications of such. materials. Moreover, the heavy doping of semiconductors produces new effects (the forma tion of impurity aggregates, the appearance of allowed states in the forbidden band, etc J, which are of great interest in solid-state physics. The rapid growth in the number of papers on heavily doped semiconductors makes it difficult to review the results obtained so far. Therefore, many investigations carried out in 1966-7, par ticularly those on AIIIBV semiconductors, are not discussed in the present monograph, which represents the state of the knowledge in 1965. Nevertheless, the author hopes that, in spite of this, the book will be useful. An attempt is made, first, to review investigations of heavily doped semiconductors from a certain viewpoint and, sec ondly, to suggest some ideas (Chap. 5) which may be controversial but which are intended to stimulate further studies of heavily doped semiconductors which can be regarded as a special case of dis ordered systems. The work of American scientists investigating heavily doped semiconductors, in particular the efforts of E. O. Kane, J. 1. Pan kove, R. N. Hall, R. A. Logan, W. G. Spitzer, F. A. Trumbore, and many others, is well known to Soviet investigators. It gives me pleasure to learn that Western readers will now have an – v vi PREFACE portunity to become acquainted with the work done in the USSR.


Ternary Diamond-Like Semiconductors Troinye Almazopodobnye Poluprovodniki Тройные Алмазоподобные Полупроволники

Free Download Ternary Diamond-Like Semiconductors / Troinye Almazopodobnye Poluprovodniki / Тройные Алмазоподобные Полупроволники By Lev I. Berger, Vitalii D. Prochukhan (auth.)
1995 | 114 Pages | ISBN: 1475700423 | PDF | 5 MB
The science of semiconducting materials is still very young. Less than twenty years ago, the school of A. F. loffe demonstrated that the properties of semiconductors are governed primarily by their chemical nature and can be predicted on this basis. These ideas are still be ing developed and used to establish a new materials science: the chemistry of semiconductors. The solution of problems in the chemistry of semiconductors should make it possible to find new applications for solids. We are already witnessing the process in which the practical importance of such new materials as diamond-like AlIIB V compounds is accelerating the de velopment of the chemistry and phYSics of semiconductors and some allied sciences. Diamond-like semiconductors are promising materials for modern electronics. They be long to an extensive class of valence compounds which seem to be an inexhaustible source of new semiconducting materials. Among these new, particularly promising materials, are ternary diamond-like semicon ductors, which are the subject of the present monograph. The appearance of this book, which is the first on this subject not only in the Soviet Union but also outside it, is the proof of the im portance attached to promising semiconductors in the USSR. The authors describe the methods for the preparation of compounds and the growth of single crystals. They analyze in detail the phYSicochemical and phYSical properties of ternary compounds and the relationships between these properties, and consider the possible applica tions of these substances and suggest further investigations.


Optical Properties of III-V Semiconductors The Influence of Multi-Valley Band Structures

Free Download Optical Properties of III-V Semiconductors: The Influence of Multi-Valley Band Structures By Professor Dr. Heinz Kalt (auth.)
1996 | 199 Pages | ISBN: 364263527X | PDF | 9 MB
Optical and electronic properties of semiconductors are strongly influenced by the different possibilities of carriers to be distributed among the various extrema of the band structure or the transfer between them. The monograph Optical Properties of III-V Semiconductors is concerned with the III-V bulk and low-dimensional semiconductors with the emphasis on performance features in opto-electronic devices. The optical response of such materials with multi-valley band structures is determined by many-body effects like screening, gap narrowing, Fermi-edge singularity, electron-hole droplet formation, etc. The discussion is self-consistent with the dynamics of excitons and carriers from intervalley compiling.


Nonlinear Dynamics and Pattern Formation in Semiconductors and Devices Proceedings of a Symposium Organized Along with the Int

Free Download Nonlinear Dynamics and Pattern Formation in Semiconductors and Devices: Proceedings of a Symposium Organized Along with the International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics and Pattern Formation in the Natural Environment Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlan By L. L. Bonilla (auth.), Dr. Franz-Josef Niedernostheide (eds.)
1995 | 265 Pages | ISBN: 3642795080 | PDF | 21 MB
Nonlinear Dynamics and Pattern Formation in Semiconductors and Devices is concerned with fundamental processes of self-organization and electrical instabilities to show the correlations between them. Leading experts give a survey of recent experimental observations concerning the spatiotemporal behaviour of dissipative structures in various semiconductor and present theoretical approches to problems of self-organization and the basic concepts of dynamical structures. To connect the field of semiconductor physics with the theory of nonequilibrium dissipative systems, the emphasis lies on the study of localized structures, their stability and bifurcation behaviour. A point of special interest is the evolution of dynamic structures and the investigation of more complex structures arising from interactions between these structures. Beyond that, possible applications of nonlinear effects and self-organization phenomena with respect to signal processing, sensors, and neural networks are discussed.


Liquid Crystalline Semiconductors Materials, properties and applications

Free Download Liquid Crystalline Semiconductors: Materials, properties and applications By John E. Lydon (auth.), Richard J. Bushby, Stephen M. Kelly, Mary O’Neill (eds.)
2013 | 274 Pages | ISBN: 9048128722 | PDF | 8 MB
This is an exciting stage in the development of organic electronics. It is no longer an area of purely academic interest as increasingly real applications are being developed, some of which are beginning to come on-stream. Areas that have already been commercially developed or which are under intensive development include organic light emitting diodes (for flat panel displays and solid state lighting), organic photovoltaic cells, organic thin film transistors (for smart tags and flat panel displays) and sensors.Within the family of organic electronic materials, liquid crystals are relative newcomers. The first electronically conducting liquid crystals were reported in 1988 but already a substantial literature has developed. The advantage of liquid crystalline semiconductors is that they have the easy processability of amorphous and polymeric semiconductors but they usually have higher charge carrier mobilities. Their mobilities do not reach the levels seen in crystalline organics but they circumvent all of the difficult issues of controlling crystal growth and morphology. Liquid crystals self-organise, they can be aligned by fields and surface forces and, because of their fluid nature, defects in liquid crystal structures readily self-heal.With these matters in mind this is an opportune moment to bring together a volume on the subject of ‘Liquid Crystalline Semiconductors’. The field is already too large to cover in a comprehensive manner so the aim has been to bring together contributions from leading researchers which cover the main areas of the chemistry (synthesis and structure/function relationships), physics (charge transport mechanisms and optical properties) and potential applications in photovoltaics, organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) and organic field-effect transistors (OFETs).This book will provide a useful introduction to the field for those in both industry and academia and it is hoped that it will help to stimulate future developments.


Mechanical Properties of Semiconductors Exploring Elemental, Binary, and Ternary Systems

Free Download Mechanical Properties of Semiconductors: Exploring Elemental, Binary, and Ternary Systems by Joshua Pelleg
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 342 Pages | ISBN : 303121658X | 133.1 MB
This book is a comprehensive guide to understanding the mechanical behavior of specific semiconductors: Elemental Semiconductors: Si, Ge; Binary Semiconductors: SiC, GaAs, GaP, InP; Ternary Semiconductors: AlGaAs, GaAsP, ZnCdTe . The chapters are arranged in a logical sequence, starting with the basics of semiconductors in Chapter 1 and gradually progressing to more complex topics. Chapter 2 delves into the elastic properties and yielding concept, while Chapter 3 discusses plastic deformation and its relation to semiconductor stability. The important role of defects in semiconductors is explored in Chapter 4, with a focus on point defects and dislocations.


Defects in Organic Semiconductors and Devices

Free Download Defects in Organic Semiconductors and Devices by Thien-Phap Nguyen
English | August 22, 2023 | ISBN: 1786309262 | 288 pages | MOBI | 3.56 Mb
Defects play a key role in the physical properties of semiconductors and devices, and their identification is essential in assessing the reliability of electronic devices.
