Tag: Stanley

Mr. Stanley, I Presume The Life and Explorations of Henry Morton Stanley

Free Download Alan Gallop, "Mr. Stanley, I Presume?: The Life and Explorations of Henry Morton Stanley"
English | ISBN: 0750930934 | 2004 | 384 pages | EPUB | 799 KB
A portrait of Henry Morton Stanley, famous for having found the great missionary and explorer Dr David Livingstone on the shores of Lake Tanganyika and immortalized as the utterer of perhaps the four most often quoted words of greeting of all time "Dr Livingstone, I presume?".


Capturing Camelot Stanley Tretick’s Iconic Images of the Kennedys

Free Download Capturing Camelot: Stanley Tretick’s Iconic Images of the Kennedys By Kitty Kelley
2012 | 240 Pages | ISBN: 031264342X | EPUB | 11 MB
A bestselling author goes behind the lens of a legendary photographer to capture a magical timeA consummate photojournalist, Stanley Tretick was sent by United Press International to follow the Kennedy campaign of 1960.Thephotographer soon befriended the candidate and took many of JFK’s best pictures during this time.When Kennedy took office, Tretick was given extensive access to the White House, and the picture magazine Look hired him to cover the president and his family.Tretick is best known today for the photographs he took of President Kennedy relaxing with his children. His photographs helped define the American family of the early sixties and lent Kennedy an endearing credibility that greatly contributed to his popularity. Accompanied by an insightful, heartwarming essay from Kitty Kelley-Tretick’s close friend-about the relationship between the photographer and JFK,Capturing Camelotincludes some of the most memorable images of America’s Camelot and brings to life the uniquely hopeful historical era from which it emerged.


Ian Stanley – List Snowball Course + Cart Abandon Sequence Templates (Complete Version) Download

Free Download Ian Stanley – List Snowball Course + Cart Abandon Sequence Templates (Complete Version) Download File Links
I want to show you my unique method of growing email list subscribers day after day. Week after week. Year after year.
My method is to build an email list using paid ads. But make your money back within 7 days on the ads you buy. That way you’re essentially getting paid to build your list. (Or doing it for free, depending on how you wanna look at it.)
I’m calling it the “List Snowball” method because your list builds on itself day after day. And becomes more profitable over time.
It’s the method I use to add 100 to 200 new email subscribers to my list every day.profitably. And I’ve done it for years.
I’m typically break even or sometimes I lose a little money per subscriber on day 0. (The day they opt in.)
But by day 7 I’m profitable. And then I make money from those people damn-near forever.
Then I just keep buying traffic and being profitable by day 7. So my list accumulates new subscribers daily like a constantly growing snowball.
This course will lay out my entire methodology from start to finish.
I’m even gonna have my media buyer (the guy who runs all my ads) show you how to target your audience to find the right people.


Postmodernes Kino Stanley Kubricks Filmästhetik jenseits der Konventionen

Free Download Michael Neuser, "Postmodernes Kino: Stanley Kubricks Filmästhetik jenseits der Konventionen"
Deutsch | 2012 | ISBN: 3842882874 | PDF | pages: 135 | 1.9 mb
Was kennzeichnet einen ‘postmodernen Film’? Gibt es jenseits der postmodernen Beliebigkeit und etablierten Genre-Kategorien handfeste (Alleinstellungs-)Merkmale, die den ‘postmodernen Film’ prägen? Was unterscheidet ihn vom Hollywood-Kino und macht ihn so besonders? Und, allen voran, was ist das eigentlich – ‘die Postmoderne’? Diese Fragen, und noch einige mehr, beschreiben das Erkenntnisinteresse der hier vorliegenden Studie zu einem bis dato eher stiefmütterlich behandelten Thema der Medienwissenschaft und geben Filmfreunden gleichzeitig eine Anleitung zu einer ganz neuen analytischen Perspektive auf das Kino. Der theoriegeleitete erste Teil der Studie widmet sich der ideengeschichtlichen Genese des Phänomens ‘Postmoderne’. Hier werden insbesondere die pluralen Ermöglichungszusammenhänge und Gegenstandsbereiche der Postmoderne vorgestellt. Des Weiteren wird herausgearbeitet, inwieweit die abstrakten und bisweilen kontroversen Theoreme der Postmoderne in einen sinnfälligen Merkmalskatalog künstlerischer Manifeste im Allgemeinen und dem Kino im Besonderen übersetzt werden können. Im Rahmen dieser pointierten Auseinandersetzung werden gesellschaftliche Einflussbereiche der Postmoderne und deren sozialräumliche und ikonographische Repräsentanz beleuchtet und allgemeine ästhetische Überlegungen dargestellt. Im Hauptteil der Arbeit wird anhand der beiden Filme ‘Uhrwerk Orange’ (1971) und ‘2001- Odyssee im Weltraum’ (1968) von Stanley Kubrick analysiert, inwieweit sich diese ‘Paradigmen der Postmoderne’ in der spezifischen Bild- und Formensprache des vieldiskutierten Regisseurs widerspiegeln. In der Studie widmet sich der Autor sowohl dem narrativen Gesamtzusammenhang als auch der Analyse aussagekräftiger Schlüsselszenen sowie der leitmotivischen Verknüpfung (nicht nur) der beiden Filme unter dem Banner der Postmoderne. Das Buch zeigt, dass das Kino Stanley Kubricks symptomatisch für postmoderne Geisteshaltung ist. Seine Filme sind quantitativ und qualitativ sehr stark a


The Stanley Book of Woodwork Tools Techniques Projects (2024)

Free Download Mark Finney, "The Stanley Book of Woodwork: Tools Techniques Projects"
English | 2006 | ISBN: 0713490039 | PDF | pages: 163 | 101.4 mb
This is absolutely the essential hand woodworking book for any beginner-even those who have never before picked up a plane. Published in conjunction with the world’s leading tool manufacturer, it provides comprehensive and expert guidance on equipment and key techniques, as well as projects for six pieces of furniture. A wealth of diagrams and color photos show how to use everything from saws, planes, chisels, and hammers to drills, braces, and vices. In-depth instructions cover measuring, cutting and fitting joints, assembling the pieces, gluing them up, and finishing. Choosing both hard and soft woods, creating a layout, and making a workbench, bookcase, child’s desk, and more: there’s enough here to turn a novice into a skilled craftsperson in no time!
