Tag: Third

Wireless Sensor Networks Third European Workshop, EWSN 2006, Zurich, Switzerland, February 13-15, 2006. Proceedings

Free Download Wireless Sensor Networks: Third European Workshop, EWSN 2006, Zurich, Switzerland, February 13-15, 2006. Proceedings By Samuel Madden (auth.), Kay Römer, Holger Karl, Friedemann Mattern (eds.)
2006 | 348 Pages | ISBN: 3540321586 | PDF | 6 MB
This volume contains the proceedings of EWSN 2006, the third in a series of – ropean workshops on wireless sensor networks. The workshop took place at ETH Zurich from February 13 to 15, 2006. Its objective was to present, discuss, and explore the latest technical developments in the ?eld of wireless sensor networks, as well as potential future directions. Wireless sensor networks provide a bridge between traditional information systems and the physical world, with collections of wirelessly networked s- sor nodes being deployed in our physical environment to cooperatively monitor real-world phenomena, but also to control aspects of the physical world. In c- trast to traditional computing systems which are mostly decoupled from the real world,wirelesssensornetworksareinherentlyandcloselyintegratedwiththereal world, with data about the physical environment being captured and processed automatically, online, and in real time. This paradigmatic change comes with a number of conceptual and technical challenges involving a wide range of dis- plines in computer science and electrical engineering, but also material sciences, MEMS technology, and power engineering, thus making wireless sensornetworks a multidisciplinary area of research. This workshop series aims at providing a high-level scienti?c forum to implement the cross-disciplinary exchange of ideas andresultsthatisessentialforthistypeofresearcharea. WhilebasedinEurope, the workshop serves as a truly international forum with 40% of the submissions originating from Europe, 38% from Asia and Australia, 20% from the Americas, and2%fromAfrica. Wireless sensor networks has become an active and popular research area, which is witnessed by the 133 submissions we received from authors all over the world. TheProgramCommitteechose21papersforinclusionintheworkshop.


Multiagent System Technologies Third German Conference, MATES 2005, Koblenz, Germany, September 11-13, 2005. Proceedings

Free Download Multiagent System Technologies: Third German Conference, MATES 2005, Koblenz, Germany, September 11-13, 2005. Proceedings By Karl Aberer, Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, Zoran Despotovic (auth.), Torsten Eymann, Franziska Klügl, Winfried Lamersdorf, Matthias Klusch, Michael N. Huhns (eds.)
2005 | 248 Pages | ISBN: 354028740X | PDF | 4 MB
After two successful MATES conferences in Erfurt 2003 and 2004, the 3rd G- man conference on Multi-agent System Technologies (MATES 2005) took place in Koblenz, Germany, in September 2005, and was co-located with the 28th German Conference on Arti?cial Intelligence (KI 2005). Building onotheragent-relatedeventsinGermanyinthepast,andorganized by the GI German Special Interest Group on Distributed Arti?cial Intelligence, the MATES conference series aims at promoting the theory and applications of agentsandmultiagentsystems.Incorporatingthe9thInternationalWorkshopon Cooperative Information Agents (CIA 2005), the topics of interest for MATES 2005 also covered the ?elds of intelligent information agents and systems for the Internet and the (Semantic) Web. As in recent years, MATES 2005 provided a distinguished, lively and int- disciplinary forum for researchers, users, and developers of agent technology, to present and discuss the latest advances of research and development in the area of autonomous agents and multiagent systems. Accordingly, the topics of MATES 2005 covered the whole range from the theory to applications of age- and multiagent technology. The technical program included a total of 24 sci- ti?c talks, and demonstrations of selected running agent systems, and both the MATES 2005 Best Paper and the CIA 2005 System Innovation awards.


Engineering Self-Organising Systems Third International Workshop, ESOA 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 25, 2005, Revised

Free Download Engineering Self-Organising Systems: Third International Workshop, ESOA 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 25, 2005, Revised Selected Papers By Márk Jelasity, Ozalp Babaoglu (auth.), Sven A. Brueckner, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, David Hales, Franco Zambonelli (eds.)
2006 | 248 Pages | ISBN: 3540333428 | PDF | 5 MB
The idea that self-organisation and emergence can be harnessed for the purpose of solving tricky engineering problems is becoming increasingly accepted. – searchers working in many diverse ?elds (such as networks, distributed systems, operating systems and agent systems) are beginning to apply this new approach. This book contains recent work from a broad range of areas with the common theme of utilising self-organisation productively. As distributed information infrastructures continue to spread (such as the Internet, wireless and mobile systems), new challenges have arisen demanding robust and scalable solutions. In these new challenging environments the – signers and engineers of global applications and services can seldom rely on centralised control or management, high reliability of devices, or secure en- ronments. At the other end of the scale, ad-hoc sensor networks and ubiquitous computing devices are making it possible to embed millions of smart computing agents into the local environment. Here too systems need to adapt to constant failures and replacement of agents and changes in the environment, without human intervention or centralised management.


Advances in Information Systems Third International Conference, ADVIS 2004, Izmir, Turkey, October 20-22, 2004. Proceedings

Free Download Advances in Information Systems: Third International Conference, ADVIS 2004, Izmir, Turkey, October 20-22, 2004. Proceedings By Abdullah Uz Tansel (auth.), Tatyana Yakhno (eds.)
2005 | 626 Pages | ISBN: 3540234780 | PDF | 7 MB
This volume contains the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on AdvancesinInformationSystems(ADVIS)heldinIzmir,Turkey,20-22October, 2004. This was the third conference dedicated to the memory of Prof. Esen Ozkarahan. We are very proud to continue this tradition and keep the memory of this outstanding scientist. The third conference covered many of the topics of the second one: databases and data warehouses, information systems development and management, – formation retrieval, distributed and parallel data processing, and evolutionary algorithms. Besides them some of the hot topics related to information systems were included in the scope of this conference, such as data mining and kno- edge discovery, Web information systems development, information privacy and security, multimedia information systems, and network management. This year we received 203 submissions from which the Program Committee selected 61 papers for presentation at the conference. The success of the conference was dependent upon the hard work of a large number of people. We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the members of the Program Committee who did their best to review all submitted papers. We also thank all the specialists who helped us in reviewing the papers. We appreciated the constant support and help from the Rector of Dokuz Eylul University, Prof. Dr. Emin Alici. I would like to express my personal gratitude to Natalya Cheremnykh and Olga Drobyshevich for their help in producing the camera-ready version of these proceedings.


Trust and Privacy in Digital Business Third International Conference, TrustBus 2006, Kraków, Poland, September 4-8, 2006. Proc

Free Download Trust and Privacy in Digital Business: Third International Conference, TrustBus 2006, Kraków, Poland, September 4-8, 2006. Proceedings By Marco Casassa Mont (auth.), Simone Fischer-Hübner, Stevel Furnell, Costas Lambrinoudakis (eds.)
2006 | 250 Pages | ISBN: 3540377506 | PDF | 5 MB
This book presents the proceedings of the Third International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business (TrustBus 2006), held in Kraków, Poland, September 5-7, 2006. The conference continues from previous events held in Zaragoza (2004) and Copenhagen (2005), and maintains the aim of bringing together academic researchers and industry developers to discuss the state of the art in technology for establishing trust, privacy and security in digital business. We thank the attendees for coming to Kraków to participate and debate the new emerging advances in this area. The conference programme included two keynote presentations, one panel session and eight technical papers sessions. The keynote speeches were delivered by Jeremy Ward from Symantec EMEA on the topic of "Building the Information Assurance Community of Purpose", and by Günter Karjoth from IBM Research – Zurich, with a talk entitled "Privacy Practices and Economics — From Privacy Policies to Privacy SLAs. " The subject of the panel discussion was "Is Security Without Trust Feasible?" chaired by Leszek T. Lilien from Western Michigan University, USA. The reviewed paper sessions covered a broad range of topics, from access control models to security and risk management, and from privacy and identity management to security protocols. The conference attracted 70 submissions, each of which was assigned to four referees for review. The Programme Committee ultimately accepted 24 papers for inclusion, which were revised based upon comments from their reviews.


Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction Third International Workshop, MLMI 2006, Bethesda, MD, USA, May 1-4, 2006, Revised

Free Download Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction: Third International Workshop, MLMI 2006, Bethesda, MD, USA, May 1-4, 2006, Revised Selected Papers By Parisa Eslambolchilar, Roderick Murray-Smith (auth.), Steve Renals, Samy Bengio, Jonathan G. Fiscus (eds.)
2006 | 470 Pages | ISBN: 3540692673 | PDF | 8 MB
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, MLMI 2006, held in Bethesda, MD, USA, in May 2006.The 39 revised full papers presented together with one invited paper were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing and revision. The papers are organized in topical sections on multimodal processing, image and video processing, HCI and applications, discourse and dialogue, speech and audio processing, and NIST meeting recognition evaluation.


Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart Third International Workshop, FIMH 2005, Barcelona, Spain, June 2-4, 2005. Procee

Free Download Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart: Third International Workshop, FIMH 2005, Barcelona, Spain, June 2-4, 2005. Proceedings By Jens von Berg, Cristian Lorenz (auth.), Alejandro F. Frangi, Petia I. Radeva, Andres Santos, Monica Hernandez (eds.)
2005 | 496 Pages | ISBN: 3540261613 | PDF | 22 MB
The1stand2ndInternationalConferencesonFunctionalImagingandModelling of the Heart (FIMH) were held in Helsinki, Finland, in November 2001, and in Lyon, France, in June 2003. These meetings were born through a fruitful sci- ti?c collaboration between France and Finland that outreached to other groups and led to the start of this biennial event. The FIMH conference was the ?rst attempt to agglutinate researchers from several complementary but often i- lated ?elds: cardiac imaging, signal and image processing, applied mathematics and physics, biomedical engineering and computer science, cardiology, radi- ogy, biology, and physiology. In the ?rst two editions, the conference received an enthusiastic acceptance by experts of all these communities. FIMH was ori- nally started as a European event and has increasingly attracted more and more people from the US and Asia. This edition of FIMH received the largest number of submissions so far with a result of 47 papers being accepted as either oral presentations or posters. There were a number of submissions from non-EU institutions which con?rms the growing interest in this series of meetings. All papers were reviewed by up to four reviewers. The accepted contributions were organized into 8 oral sessions and 3 poster sessions complemented by a number of invited talks. This year we tried to allocate as many papers as possible as oral presentations to facilitate more active participation and to stimulate multidisciplinary discussions.


Distributed Computing and Internet Technology Third International Conference, ICDCIT 2006, Bhubaneswar, India, December 20-23,

Free Download Distributed Computing and Internet Technology: Third International Conference, ICDCIT 2006, Bhubaneswar, India, December 20-23, 2006. Proceedings By Mukund Raghavachari, Vivek Sarkar (auth.), Sanjay K. Madria, Kajal T. Claypool, Rajgopal Kannan, Prem Uppuluri, Manoj Madhava Gore (eds.)
2006 | 468 Pages | ISBN: 3540683798 | PDF | 9 MB
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, ICDCIT 2006, held in Bhubaneswar, India in December 2006.The 24 revised full papers and 10 revised short papers presented together with 1 keynote address and 1 invited talk were carefully reviewed and selected from 200 submissions. Covering the main areas distributed computing, internet technology, system security, data mining, and software engineering the papers are subdivided in topical sections on wireless sensor network – routing and power control, localization and coverage, mobile adhoc networks – security and reliability, quality of service, grid and distributed computing, Web services and e-commerce, Web databases, data mining, and spatio-temporal databases.


Information Systems Security Third International Conference, ICISS 2007, Delhi, India, December 16-20, 2007. Proceedings

Free Download Information Systems Security: Third International Conference, ICISS 2007, Delhi, India, December 16-20, 2007. Proceedings By Atul Prakash (auth.), Patrick McDaniel, Shyam K. Gupta (eds.)
2007 | 326 Pages | ISBN: 3540770852 | PDF | 6 MB
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Systems Security, ICISS 2007, held in Delhi, India, in December 2007.The 18 revised full papers and five short papers presented together with four keynote papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 78 submissions. The submitted topics in cryptography, intrusion detection, network security, information flow systems, Web security, and many others offer a detailed view of the state-of-the-art in information security. The papers are organized in topical sections on network security, cryptography, architectures and systems, cryptanalysis, protocols, detection and recognition, as well as short papers.
