Tag: Transactions

Transactions on Rough Sets IV

Free Download Transactions on Rough Sets IV By Zdzisław Pawlak (auth.), James F. Peters, Andrzej Skowron (eds.)
2005 | 378 Pages | ISBN: 3540298304 | PDF | 3 MB
Volume IV of the Transactions on Rough Sets (TRS) introduces a number of new advances in the theory and application of rough sets. Rough sets and – proximationspaceswereintroducedmorethan30yearsagobyZdzis lawPawlak. These advances have profound implications in a number of research areas such as the foundations of rough sets, approximate reasoning, arti?cial intelligence, bioinformatics,computationalintelligence, cognitivescience, intelligentsystems, datamining,machineintelligence,andsecurity. Inaddition,itisevidentfromthe papers included in this volume that the foundations and applications of rough sets is a very active research area worldwide. A total of 16 researchers from 7 countries are represented in this volume, namely, Canada, India, Norway, S- den, Poland, Russia and the United States of America. Evidence of the vigor, breadth and depth of research in the theory and applications of rough sets can be found in the 10 articles in this volume. Prof. Pawlak has contributed a treatise on the philosophical underpinnings of rough sets. In this treatise, observations are made about the Cantor notion of a set, antinomies arising from Cantor sets, the problem of vagueness (es- cially, vague (imprecise) concepts), fuzzy sets, rough sets, fuzzy vs. rough sets as well as logic and rough sets. Among the many vistas and research directions suggested by Prof. Pawlak, one of the most fruitful concerns the model for a rough membership function, which was incarnated in many di?erent forms since its introduction by Pawlakand Skowronin 1994. Recall, here, that Prof.


Transactions on Computational Systems Biology IV

Free Download Transactions on Computational Systems Biology IV By Robin Milner (auth.), Corrado Priami, Luca Cardelli, Stephen Emmott (eds.)
2006 | 141 Pages | ISBN: 3540332456 | PDF | 4 MB
The LNCS journal Transactions on Computational Systems Biology is devoted to inter- and multidisciplinary research in the fields of computer science and life sciences and supports a paradigmatic shift in the techniques from computer and information science to cope with the new challenges arising from the systems oriented point of view of biological phenomena.This, the 4th Transactions on Computational Systems Biology volume, contains carefully selected and enhanced contributions presented at the first Converging Science conference held at the University of Trento, Italy, in December 2004.Dedicated especially to models and metaphors from biology to bioinformatics tools, the 11 papers selected for the special issue cover a wide range of bioinformatics research, such as foundations of global computing, interdisciplinarity in innovation initiatives, convergence of sciences, biodiversity, the concept of e-science, programming languages in systems biology, neuronal cells, bioinspired autonomic computing, digitalization and telecommunications, quantitative modeling of gene networks, and protein/RNA structure prediction.


Transactions on Rough Sets II Rough Sets and Fuzzy Sets

Free Download Transactions on Rough Sets II: Rough Sets and Fuzzy Sets By Aijun An, Yanhui Huang, Xiangji Huang, Nick Cercone (auth.), James F. Peters, Andrzej Skowron, Didier Dubois, Jerzy W. Grzymała-Busse, Masahiro Inuiguchi, Lech Polkowski (eds.)
2005 | 363 Pages | ISBN: 3540239901 | PDF | 3 MB
The LNCS journal Transactions on Rough Sets is devoted to the entire spectrum of rough sets related issues, starting from logical and mathematical foundations, through all aspects of rough set theory and its applications, such as data mining, knowledge discovery, and intelligent information processing, to relations between rough sets and other approaches to uncertainty, vagueness and incompleteness, such as fuzzy sets and theory of evidence.This second volume of the Transactions on Rough Sets presents 17 thoroughly reviewed revised papers devoted to rough set theory, fuzzy set theory; these papers highlight important aspects of these theories, their interrelation and application in various fields.


Transactions on Computational Systems Biology V

Free Download Transactions on Computational Systems Biology V By Zhong Huang, Yun Li, Xiaohua Hu (auth.), Corrado Priami, Xiaohua Hu, Yi Pan, Tsau Young Lin (eds.)
2006 | 129 Pages | ISBN: 3540360484 | PDF | 3 MB
The LNCS journal Transactions on Computational Systems Biology is devoted to inter- and multidisciplinary research in the fields of computer science and life sciences and supports a paradigmatic shift in the techniques from computer and information science to cope with the new challenges arising from the systems oriented point of view of biological phenomena.This, the 5th Transactions on Computational Systems Biology volume, edited by Xiaohua Hu, Yi Pan and Tsau Young Lin, features a number of carefully selected and enhanced contributions initially presented at the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing held in Beijing, China, in July 2005.The 9 papers selected for this special issue are devoted to various aspects of computational methods, algorithms and techniques in bioinformatics such as gene expression analysis, biomedical literature mining and natural language processing, protein structure prediction, biological database management and biomedical information retrieval.


Transactions on Rough Sets VII Commemorating the Life and Work of Zdzisław Pawlak, Part II

Free Download Transactions on Rough Sets VII: Commemorating the Life and Work of Zdzisław Pawlak, Part II By Andrzej Czyzewski (auth.), James F. Peters, Andrzej Skowron, Victor W. Marek, Ewa Orłowska, Roman Słowiński, Wojciech Ziarko (eds.)
2007 | 382 Pages | ISBN: 3540716629 | PDF | 7 MB
Together with volume VI of the Transactions on Rough Sets (TRS) series, this book commemorates the life and work of Zdzislaw Pawlak (1926-2006). Professor Pawlak’s legacy is rich and varied. His research contributions have had far-reaching implications inasmuch as his works have been fundamental in establishing new perspectives for scientific research in a wide spectrum of fields.This volume presents papers that reflect the profound influence of a number of research initiatives by Professor Pawlak. In particular, it introduces a number of advances in the foundations and applications of artificial intelligence, engineering, logic, mathematics, and science, which have had significant implications in a number of research areas, including bioinformatics, computational intelligence, data mining, information systems, intelligent systems, machine intelligence, and security.The LNCS journal Transactions on Rough Sets is devoted to the entire spectrum of rough sets related issues, from logical and mathematical foundations, through all aspects of rough set theory and its applications, to relations between rough sets and other approaches to uncertainty, vagueness, and inc


Transactions on Rough Sets VI Commemorating the Life and Work of Zdzisław Pawlak, Part I

Free Download Transactions on Rough Sets VI: Commemorating the Life and Work of Zdzisław Pawlak, Part I By Mohua Banerjee, Md. Aquil Khan (auth.), James F. Peters, Andrzej Skowron, Ivo Düntsch, Jerzy Grzymała-Busse, Ewa Orłowska, Lech Polkowski (eds.)
2007 | 500 Pages | ISBN: 3540711988 | PDF | 7 MB
From the reviews:"It consists of 21 contributed papers, and a 90-plus-page monograph, ‘Lattice Theory for Rough Sets’. … would primarily be of interest to researchers and graduate students who are, or would like to be, in the area of rough sets." (Shrisha Rao, Computing Reviews, Vol. 50 (1), January, 2009)


Transactions on Computational Systems Biology VI

Free Download Transactions on Computational Systems Biology VI By Pierre-Yves Bourguignon, Vincent Danos (auth.), Corrado Priami, Gordon Descriptionkin (eds.)
2006 | 247 Pages | ISBN: 3540457798 | PDF | 4 MB
The LNCS journal Transactions on Computational Systems Biology is devoted to inter- and multidisciplinary research in the fields of computer science and life sciences and supports a paradigmatic shift in the techniques from computer and information science to cope with the new challenges arising from the systems oriented point of view of biological phenomena.This, the 5th Transactions on Computational Systems Biology volume, edited by Gordon Descriptionkin, features some carefully selected and enhanced contributions initially presented at the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing held in Beijing, China, in July 2005.The 9 papers selected for this special issue are devoted to various aspects of computational methods, algorithm and techniques in bioinformatics such as gene expression analysis, biomedical literature mining and natural language processing, protein structure prediction, biological database management and biomedical information retrieval.


Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development III

Free Download Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development III By João Araújo, Elisa Baniassad (auth.), Awais Rashid, Mehmet Aksit (eds.)
2007 | 206 Pages | ISBN: 3540751610 | PDF | 7 MB
The LNCS Journal "Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Developmen"t is devoted to all facets of aspect-oriented software development (AOSD) techniques in the context of all phases of the software life cycle, from requirements and design to implementation, maintenance and evolution. The focus of the journal is on approaches for systematic identification, modularization, representation and composition of crosscutting concerns, i.e., the aspects and evaluation of such approaches and their impact on improving quality attributes of software systems.This volume, the third in the Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development series, presents 6 revised papers together with a guest editors’ introduction. The papers, which focus on analysis, visualization, conflict identification and composition of early aspects, have passed through a careful peer reviewing process, carried out by the journal’s Editorial Board and expert referees.


Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming III

Free Download Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming III By Andreas Rüping (auth.), James Noble, Ralph Johnson, Uwe Zdun, Eugene Wallingford (eds.)
2013 | 195 Pages | ISBN: 364238675X | PDF | 4 MB
The Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming subline aims to publish papers on patterns and pattern languages as applied to software design, development, and use, throughout all phases of the software life cycle, from requirements and design to implementation, maintenance and evolution. The primary focus of this LNCS Transactions subline is on patterns, pattern collections, and pattern languages themselves. The journal also includes reviews, survey articles, criticisms of patterns and pattern languages, as well as other research on patterns and pattern languages. This book, the third volume in the Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming series, presents five papers that have been through a careful peer review process involving both pattern experts and domain experts. The papers present various pattern languages and a study of applying patterns and represent some of the best work that has been carried out in design patterns and pattern languages of programming over the last few years.


Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems VIII Special Issue on Advances in Data Warehousing and Knowle

Free Download Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems VIII: Special Issue on Advances in Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery By Xiufeng Liu, Christian Thomsen (auth.), Abdelkader Hameurlain, Josef Küng, Roland Wagner, Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Umeshwar Dayal (eds.)
2013 | 197 Pages | ISBN: 3642375731 | PDF | 6 MB
The LNCS journal Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems focuses on data management, knowledge discovery, and knowledge processing, which are core and hot topics in computer science. Since the 1990s, the Internet has become the main driving force behind application development in all domains. An increase in the demand for resource sharing across different sites connected through networks has led to an evolution of data- and knowledge-management systems from centralized systems to decentralized systems enabling large-scale distributed applications providing high scalability. Current decentralized systems still focus on data and knowledge as their main resource. Feasibility of these systems relies basically on P2P (peer-to-peer) techniques and the support of agent systems with scaling and decentralized control. Synergy between grids, P2P systems, and agent technologies is the key to data- and knowledge-centered systems in large-scale environments. This, the eighth issue of Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems, contains eight revised selected regular papers focusing on the following topics: scalable data warehousing via MapReduce, extended OLAP multidimensional models, naive OLAP engines and their optimization, advanced data stream processing and mining, semi-supervised learning of data streams, incremental pattern mining over data streams, association rule mining over data streams, frequent pattern discovery over data streams.
