Tag: Transporters

ABC Transporters and Multidrug Resistance

Free Download ABC Transporters and Multidrug Resistance by Ahcène Boumendjel, Jean Boutonnat, Jacques Robert
English | PDF | 2009 | 456 Pages | ISBN : 0470227346 | 9.5 MB
A comprehensive review of the most current scientific research on ABC transporters and multidrug resistance


Anion Channels and Transporters

Free Download Anion Channels and Transporters by Christoph Fahlke
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 368 Pages | ISBN : 3031513452 | 43.3 MB
This book provides an overview on recent progress in anion channels and transporters. It covers multiple scales of analysis ranging from studying the molecular basis of function at atomic resolution to cellular consequences to channel/transporter dysfunction and approaches to correct such processes by pharmacological intervention. Similar anion channels and transporters are expressed in multiple tissues – often fulfilling similar cellular tasks, but also clearly distinct functions. The aim is to combine work on multiple cell and organ systems.


Studies of Epithelial Transporters and Ion Channels Ion Channels and Transporters of Epithelia in Health and Disease – Vol. 3

Free Download Studies of Epithelial Transporters and Ion Channels: Ion Channels and Transporters of Epithelia in Health and Disease – Vol. 3, Second Edition by Kirk L. Hamilton
English | EPUB | 2020 | 1267 Pages | ISBN : 3030554538 | 115.4 MB
This book discusses unique ion channels and transporters that are located within epithelial tissues of various organs including the kidney, intestine, pancreas and respiratory tract. The authors will show, that each of these channels and transporters play crucial roles in transepithelial ion and fluid transport across epithelia and their responsibility in maintaining homeostasis. The reader gains an understanding of the fundamentals of epithelial ion transport, in terms of function, modelling, regulation, trafficking, structure and pharmacology. This is the third of three volumes highlighting the importance of epithelial ion channels and transporters in basic physiology and pathophysiology of human diseases.


ABC Transporters – 40 Years on

Free Download ABC Transporters – 40 Years on by Anthony M. George
English | PDF | 2016 | 384 Pages | ISBN : 3319234757 | 8.1 MB
This book provides new structural, biochemical, and clinical information on ABC transporters. The authors explore and describe the state of the art of research, knowledge, and prospects for the future for this important family of proteins. The first ABC transporter was discovered in 1973 and was named P-glycoprotein. It elicits resistance to cytotoxic drugs, chiefly in human tumours, within which chemotherapy failure is observed in about 50% of cases. Together with its complex pharmacology, and even a suspected role in Alzheimer’s disease, this ABC transporter still eludes a clinical solution to its multidrug resistance property. ABC transporters are integral membrane active proteins and they belong to one of the largest protein families across all species. Their myriad roles encompass the import or export of a diverse range of allocrites, including ion, nutrients, peptides, polysaccharides, lipids, and xenobiotics. They are of major medical importance with many members elaborating multidrug resistance in bacteria, fungi, yeast, parasites, and humans. Other ABC transporters are involved in a number of inherited diseases, including cystic fibrosis, macular degeneration, gout, and several other metabolic disorders.
